This module contains system level software such as code to check hardware status and monitor system health.
Hardware related monitoring, e.g. CAN card / GPS status health check. Check results are reported back to HMI.
It checks if a process is running or not. Config it with apollo::monitor::ProcessConf proto, which works similar to
ps aux | grep <keyword1> | grep <keyword2> | ...
It checks if a given topic is updated normally. Config it with apollo::monitor::TopicConf proto.
It summarizes all other specific monitor's results to a simple conclusion such as OK, WARN, ERROR or FATAL.
It publishes the static information (apollo::data::StaticInfo) in very low frequency, so you can get things like vehicle metadata or user information from "rostopic echo" or a recorded rosbag.
It reports critical vehicle state (apollo::common::VehicleState) to a remote endpoint, so you can monitor your running vehicles from the server. Note that it's an advanced feature and disabled by default.