Zemberek-NLP provides some of its functions via a remote procedure call framework called gRPC
gRPC is a high performance, open-source universal RPC framework. Once Zemberek-NLP
gRPC server is started, other applications can access remote services natively via automatically
generated client libraries. gRPC supports many languages out of the box such as Java, Python, C++, C#, Node.js etc.
Initially only a limited number of functions are available and only Python client library is provided.
All remote API is subject to change without notice until version 1.0.0.
For starting the gRPC server, use zemberek-full.jar and run:
java -jar zemberek-full.jar StartGrpcServer
By default, it will start serving via port 6789. User can change the port with --port
For some functions like normalization, model files may be necessary. For this, user should provide
data root directory with --dataRoot
parameter. For example, if data folder is
user should run the server with:
java -jar zemberek-full.jar StartGrpcServer --dataRoot /home/aaa/zemberek-data
gRPC remote services are defined in protocol buffers 3 Interface Definition Language (IDL). For example, for language identification (simplified):
message LanguageIdRequest {
string input = 1;
message LanguageIdResponse {
string langId = 1;
service LanguageIdService {
rpc Detect (LanguageIdRequest) returns (LanguageIdResponse);
For accessing remote API from Python, you need to install grpc related libraries.
pip install grpcio-tools
pip install googleapis-common-protos
then, go to distributions page and desired version directory. Download the grpc-python.tar.gz file. Extrac it, copy zemberek-grpc folder to [project]/zemberek-grpc
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import grpc
import zemberek_grpc.language_id_pb2 as z_langid
import zemberek_grpc.language_id_pb2_grpc as z_langid_g
channel = grpc.insecure_channel('localhost:6789')
langid_stub = z_langid_g.LanguageIdServiceStub(channel)
def find_lang_id(i):
response = langid_stub.Detect(language_id_pb2.LangIdRequest(input=i))
return response.langId
def run():
lang_detect_input = 'merhaba dünya'
lang_id = find_lang_id(lang_detect_input)
print("Language of [" + lang_detect_input.decode("utf-8") + "] is: " + lang_id)
if __name__ == '__main__':
For a full example check zemberek_client_text.py file in downloaded content or from here .