A Global-Scale, Network Telemetry Ecosystem
Panoptes is a Python based network telemetry ecosystem that implements discovery, enrichment and polling. Key features include:
- A modular design with well defined separation of concerns,
- Plugin architecture that enables the implementation of any telemetry collection, enrichment, or transformation,
- Horizontally scalable: supports clustering to add more capacity, and
- Network telemetry specific constructs like SNMP abstractions, built in counter to gauge conversion.
Panoptes has been extensively tested on Redhat Linux, though it should run on any distribution that's compatible with LSB.
Panoptes currently supports Python 2.7 only. You can download the latest stable version of Python 2.7 from here
Before downloading and installing Panoptes, you would need the following services installed and configured
Panoptes has been tested with Redis 3.0.7, which can be downloaded from here
Panoptes has been tested with Zookeeper version 3.4.5 - download it from here
Panoptes has been tested with Kafka version - get it here
Install by running the following commands:
useradd panoptes
sudo -u panoptes
mkdir /home/panoptes/log
git clone https://github.com/yahoo/panoptes
virtualenv -p2.7 panoptes_virt
source ~/panoptes_virt/bin/activate
cd ~/panoptes_virt
pip install -e.[deploy]
Panoptes is configured with ini style configuration files
is the main configuration file; you can find an example of this at examples/panoptes.ini
After adjusting the config files to your environment, start the following services. Note that these services run in the foreground and should be run under a job control system like supervisord or daemontools for production usage.
The services should be started in the order list below.
mkdir -p /home/panoptes/log/discovery/scheduler
cd ~/panoptes
celery beat -A yahoo_panoptes.discovery.discovery_plugin_scheduler -l info -S yahoo_panoptes.framework.celery_manager.PanoptesCeleryPluginScheduler
mkdir -p /home/panoptes/log/discovery/agent
cd ~/panoptes
celery worker -A yahoo_panoptes.discovery.discovery_plugin_agent -l info -f /home/panoptes/log/discovery/agent/discovery_plugin_agent_celery_worker.log -Q discovery_plugin_agent -n discovery_plugin_agent.%h
mkdir -p /home/panoptes/log/resources/
cd ~/panoptes
python -m yahoo_panoptes.resources.manager
mkdir -p /home/panoptes/log/enrichment/scheduler
cd ~/panoptes
celery beat -A yahoo_panoptes.enrichment.enrichment_plugin_scheduler -l info -S yahoo_panoptes.framework.celery_manager.PanoptesCeleryPluginScheduler --pidfile eps.pid
mkdir -p /home/panoptes/log/enrichment/agent
cd ~/panoptes
celery worker -A yahoo_panoptes.enrichment.enrichment_plugin_agent -l info -f /home/panoptes/log/enrichment/agent/enrichment_plugin_agent_celery_worker.log -Q enrichment_plugin_agent -n enrichment_plugin_agent.%h
mkdir -p /home/panoptes/log/polling/scheduler
cd ~/panoptes
celery beat -A yahoo_panoptes.polling.polling_plugin_scheduler -l info -S yahoo_panoptes.framework.celery_manager.PanoptesCeleryPluginScheduler --pidfile pps.pid
mkdir -p /home/panoptes/log/polling/agent
echo 'SET panoptes:secrets:snmp_community_string:<site> <snmp community string>' | redis-cli
celery worker -A yahoo_panoptes.polling.polling_plugin_agent -l info -f /home/panoptes/log/polling/agent/polling_plugin_agent_celery_worker_001.log -Q polling_plugin_agent -n polling_plugin_agent_001.%h -Ofair --max-tasks-per-child 10
We welcome issues, questions, and pull requests.
- Varun Varma: [email protected]
- Vivekanand AM: [email protected]
- Ian Holmes: [email protected]
- James Diss: [email protected]
This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 open source license. Please refer to LICENSE for the full terms.