Zabbix Template and Script: Executes the following checks on a list of domains in JSON file, add check results to JSON and sends the result of each check to Zabbix, updating status of items.
- DNS Checks
- SPF Record present
- DMARC Record present
- DNSSEC enabled
- SSL Checks
- Trusted certificate
- Days before cert expire
- Certificate Issuer
Check results can be sent to Zabbix server updating items.
ℹ️ Script can also run without Zabbix. Only JSON output is generated in log file then.
"domains": [
"domain": "",
"description": "sample subdomain to check for certs",
"cert_checks": true,
"dns_checks": false
"domains": [
"domain": "",
"description": "sample subdomain to check for certs",
"cert_checks": true,
"dns_checks": false,
"check_results": {
"cert_expire_days": 107,
"cert_issuer": "Apple Public EV Server RSA CA 2 G1",
"cert_trusted": "True"
No | Description |
1 | JSON file with domains on webserver. File can also exist on github in a public / private repository for supporting devops workflows. For each domain, check types can be enabled individually. dns_checks: true , cert_checks: true . See example domains. |
2 | Zabbix Server downloads and parses domain file regulary using "low level discovery (LLD)" script function of Zabbix template. |
3 | LLD creates (trapper) items for each check / domain, waiting to be populated by script. |
4 | Zabbix triggers script on Zabbix agent regualary using userparameter of agent. |
5 | Python Script executes checks. |
6 | Script downloads same JSON domain file |
7 | Script starts checking domains |
8 | Script outputs JSON enriched with check results and sends result (unencrypted or PSK-encrypted) of each check to Zabbix Server, populating item. |
- Zabbix Template contains JS script for downloading and parsing domain file. This sources the Low-Level discovery (LLD)
- LLD creates trapper items for each domain check, waiting to be populated by python script from agent
- For triggering script execution, template creates a control item of type Zabbix Agent using userparameter on agent machine
- On agent, python script with venv and dependencies needs to be installed
- .sh wrapper script with Zabbix input parameters is used for executing python script
- Script Parameters can be configured by following Zabbix Macros
Macro | Description |
{$DM_DOMAIN_FILE} | URL where to download domain json file |
{$DM_GIT_TOKEN} | If github private repo is used to maintain json file, a token for authentication can be provided for authorizing download |
{$DM_ZABBIX_SRV} | IP address of Zabbix Server where to send check results to |
{$DM_ZABBIX_HOST} | Display Name of agent on Zabbix server where template is applied to |
{$DM_ZABBIX_PSK} | If communication from agent to server is PSK encrypted, provide PSK here |
{$DM_ZABBIX_PSK_ID} | PSK Identity |
- Agent needs to be able to connect to Internet: DNS
, HTTPStcp/443
- Agent: python > 3.6 installed
Create dirs
sudo mkdir $DMPATH
DMTMP=$(mktemp -d)
Download latest script files from this repository and install it in prepared path. Clean temp afterwards.
curl -LkSs --output-dir $DMTMP -o dm.tgz
sudo tar xvzf $DMTMP/dm.tgz -C $DMPATH --strip-components 1
sudo rm -fR $DMTMP
Install needed dev libraries. Needed to build requirements in next step
# Ubuntu
sudo apt install libssl-dev python3-dev python3-venv gcc
# RedHat
Install python venv and requirements. Prepare log path
sudo python3 -m venv $DMPATH/.dmvenv
sudo $DMPATH/.dmvenv/bin/pip3 install -r $DMPATH/requirements.txt
sudo mkdir $DMPATH/log
Make sure zabbix user can access and execute required scripts
sudo chown zabbix.zabbix -R $DMPATH
sudo chmod 755 $DMPATH/
sudo chmod 755 $DMPATH/
Install Zabbix User Parameter so server is able to execute script with "key". Note:
- Make sure you enabled the Statement
in yourzabbix_agentd.conf
- Adapt path when using agent2 accordingly
sudo cp $DMPATH/zabbix/userparameter_dm.conf /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/
sudo chown zabbix.zabbix /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/userparameter_dm.conf
sudo systemctl restart zabbix-agent
Unfortunately a bug is in sslpsk lib which rises an
AttributeError: _ssl._SSLSocket object has no attribute '_sslobj
. To fix this use the following command. Only needed if you use PSK encrypted communication from agent to server.
sudo find $DMPATH -name -exec sed -i "s/if sys.version_info >= (3, 5)/if (3, 5) <= sys.version_info <= (3, 7)/g" '{}' \;
sudo chown zabbix.zabbix -R $DMPATH
Do a testrun by executing bash script with at least download URL as the Zabbix user.
zabbix@agent# /opt/ZabbixDomainMonitor/ <URL with domains.json>
If you receive a DM executed successfully
agent is ready 👍
Additionally you can check the log file log/dm.log
- Install Template by downloading and importing the latest template file from this repo to your Zabbix Server.
- Link Template on host you installed the script
- Overwrite the {$DM_*} Macros on this host, reflecting your needs
- Execute "DomainMonitor discovery" manually with "Execute now" to populate the items immediately
- Wait a few seconds. Sometimes I needed to execute it twice. If Zabbix server can download and parse your domain file, trapper items appear for this host
- Trigger the script by selecting the item "Execute DomainMonitor Script" with "Execute now" on the host.
- Watch Latest Data if items are populated
Name | Description | Type | Variables |
DomainMonitor discovery | Downloads and parses domain file. Starting LLD | Script (JS) | DM_DOMAIN_FILE , DM_GIT_TOKEN |
Items collected once
Name | Description |
Percent Certificates Trusted | % of checked Domains with trusted certificate |
Percent Domains with DMARC | % of checked Domains with valid DMARC DNS entry |
Percent Domains with DNSSEC | % of checked Domains where DNSSEC is enabled |
Percent Domains with SPF | % of checked Domains with valid SPF DNS entry |
Items collected per domain (LLD)
Name | Description |
Certificate Expire Days | Days before cert. expires. Can be configured by Macro {$DM_CERT_EXPIRE_WARN_DAYS} |
Certificate Issuer | Name of Issuer in Cert |
Certificate Trust | Status of Trust by common browsers (!= self signed) |
DMARC Status | Status of valid DMARC entry |
DNSSEC Status | Status of DNSSEC of domain |
SPF Status | Status of SPF entry of domain |
Each trigger is created per domain.
Name | Description | Default Severity |
Cert expires < days | Threshold of cert expire. Can be configured by macro {$DM_CERT_EXPIRE_WARN_DAYS} |
Average |
Cert Not Trusted | Cert not trusted by common browsers / self signed cert. detected | Warning |
No DMARC Record | DMARC entry was not detected for domain | Warning |
No SPF Record | No SPF record was detected for domain | Warning |
Cert Issuer Changed | Issuer of Cert differs from last check | Average |
You may run the python script standalone from command line for testing or for just getting JSON output.
# /opt/ZabbixDomainMonitor/ -f
Following parameters can be used
Parameter | Description | Example | Required |
-f | Domain file to download | GitHub Private Repo (Token needed, see "-a") GitHub Public Repo Regular HTTPS Server |
Yes |
-a | Github Token to download from private repo. Will be added as Authorization header when trying to download file | github_pat_xxxxxxxxxxxx |
No |
-s | Zabbix Server IP to send results to | |
No |
-d | Zabbix Hostname which template is linked | myAgent |
No |
--psk | The PSK needed to authenticate the agent against the server | 4DfD7fA90000000000000...00000000000 |
No |
--psk-id | Id of PSK encrypted host. | myAgent |
No |
--log-stdout | Logs not only go into log file log/dm.log but also printed to console while script is executing. Fur debug reaons |
No | |
-v | Verbose. Debug output in log file and stdout | No |
- Ubuntu LTS 22
- Zabbix 6.2 Server
- Zabbix Agent1 / Agent2