run the ctags command
Use neobundle to install the plugin.
The postscript to ~/.vimrc
the next.
NeoBundle 'soramugi/auto-ctags.vim'
$ mkdir -p ~/.vim/plugin
$ git clone ~/.vim/plugin/auto-ctags.vim.git
Create tags
Create at a Writing the file, default 0
let g:auto_ctags = 1
Create the tags in directory, default .
And stored in a directory that matches the first
let g:auto_ctags_directory_list = ['.git', '.svn']
Create the tags name, default tags
let g:auto_ctags_tags_name = 'tags'
Create the ctags args, default --tag-relative --recurse --sort=yes
let g:auto_ctags_tags_args = '--tag-relative --recurse --sort=yes'
Create the filetype tags --languages=
option mode, default 0
let g:auto_ctags_filetype_mode = 1
- Created in the current directory by default
- Create the version control directory in the configuration
- Can be extended settings in the filetype
- so that it can be used a minimum without any knowledge of tags