This repo contains a series of examples for studying UWB networks and discover the uwb-core APIs. Collectivly uwb-app and uwb-core contain the essential building blocksfor a UWB enabled system. The examples use a device independent APIs and run out-of-the-box an all of Decawave products. The example are also platform independent and run out-of-the-box on a host of hardware platform. See respective example directories for usage.
├── desense // Desense testing app
├── listener // Sniffer app
├── ota_uwb_master // OTA over UWB demonstration
├── ota_uwb_slave // ~
├── rtdoa_node // Reverse Time Differene of Arrival node example
├── rtdoa_tag // ~
├── streaming // Streaming example
├── tdoa_tag // Blink service app intended for TDOA ranging scheme
├── twr_aloha // Two-Way-Ranging without TDMA, Aloha-style
├── twr_nrng_tdma // n ranges with n+2 messages, using with TDMA scheme
├── twr_node_tdma // Two-Way-Ranging example with TDMA scheme
├── twr_tag_tdma // ~
└── // This file