+ margin-top:0;
+#facebox .content > p:last-child{
+ margin-bottom:0;
+#facebox .close{
+ position:absolute;
+ top:5px;
+ right:5px;
+ padding:2px;
+ background:#fff;
+#facebox .close img{
+ opacity:0.3;
+#facebox .close:hover img{
+ opacity:1.0;
+#facebox .loading {
+ text-align: center;
+#facebox .image {
+ text-align: center;
+#facebox img {
+ border: 0;
+ margin: 0;
+#facebox_overlay {
+ position: fixed;
+ top: 0px;
+ left: 0px;
+ height:100%;
+ width:100%;
+.facebox_hide {
+ z-index:-100;
+.facebox_overlayBG {
+ background-color: #000;
+ z-index: 99;
+ margin-top:40px;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TryRuby/public/stylesheets/reset.css b/TryRuby/public/stylesheets/reset.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d709810
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TryRuby/public/stylesheets/reset.css
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe,
+h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre,
+a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code,
+del, dfn, em, font, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp,
+small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var,
+dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li,
+fieldset, form, label, legend,
+table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td {
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ border: 0;
+ outline: 0;
+ font-weight: inherit;
+ font-style: inherit;
+ font-size: 100%;
+ font-family: inherit;
+ vertical-align: baseline;
+/* remember to define focus styles! */
+:focus {
+ outline: 0;
+body {
+ line-height: 1;
+ color: black;
+ background: white;
+ol, ul {
+ list-style: none;
+/* tables still need 'cellspacing="0"' in the markup */
+table {
+ border-collapse: separate;
+ border-spacing: 0;
+caption, th, td {
+ text-align: left;
+ font-weight: normal;
+blockquote:before, blockquote:after,
+q:before, q:after {
+ content: "";
+blockquote, q {
+ quotes: "" "";
diff --git a/TryRuby/public/stylesheets/scaffold.css b/TryRuby/public/stylesheets/scaffold.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ae7000
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TryRuby/public/stylesheets/scaffold.css
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+body { background-color: #fff; color: #333; }
+body, p, ol, ul, td {
+ font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
+ font-size: 13px;
+ line-height: 18px;
+pre {
+ background-color: #eee;
+ padding: 10px;
+ font-size: 11px;
+a { color: #000; }
+a:visited { color: #666; }
+a:hover { color: #fff; background-color:#000; }
+div.field, div.actions {
+ margin-bottom: 10px;
+#notice {
+ color: green;
+.field_with_errors {
+ padding: 2px;
+ background-color: red;
+ display: table;
+#error_explanation {
+ width: 450px;
+ border: 2px solid red;
+ padding: 7px;
+ padding-bottom: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 20px;
+ background-color: #f0f0f0;
+#error_explanation h2 {
+ text-align: left;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ padding: 5px 5px 5px 15px;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ margin: -7px;
+ margin-bottom: 0px;
+ background-color: #c00;
+ color: #fff;
+#error_explanation ul li {
+ font-size: 12px;
+ list-style: square;
diff --git a/TryRuby/public/tutorials/es_intro.html b/TryRuby/public/tutorials/es_intro.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..256de2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TryRuby/public/tutorials/es_intro.html
@@ -0,0 +1,666 @@
Usando El Prompt
La ventana azul de arriba es el prompt de Ruby. ¡Escribe una línea de código Ruby, aprieta Enter
+ y velo correr!
Por ejemplo, trata de escribir algo matemático. Como: 2 + 6
Números & Matemática
¡Bien! Hiciste algo de matemática. ¿Ves como la respuesta salta a la vista?
Ruby reconoce números y símbolos matemáticos. Puedes probar otras cosas como:
Seguro, las computadoras son habilidosas y rápidas con las matemáticas. Sigamos... ¿Quieres ver tu nombre al revés?
+ Escribe tu primer nombre entre comillas así: "Jimmy"
Decir Tu Nombre Al Revés
Perfecto, has formado un string de las letras de tu nombre. Un string
+ es un juego de caracteres que la computadora puede procesar.
Imagina que las letras están en una cuerda donde
+ se cuelga la ropa y las comillas son los broches que sostienen los bordes. Las comillas marcan el comienzo y el final.
Para invertir tu nombre, escribe: "Jimmy".reverse
(¡No olvides el punto!)
Contando Las Letras
¡Has usado el método reverse
sobre tu nombre! Poniendo tu nombre entre comillas,
+ hiciste un string. Luego llamaste al método reverse
, que funciona sobre un string cambiando
+ todas las letras de atrás para adelante.
Ahora, vamos a ver cuantas letras tiene tu nombre: "Jimmy".length
Ahora, estoy seguro que te estarás preguntando para que sirve todo esto. Bueno, estoy seguro que habrás estado en alguna
+ pagina web donde te gritaron, ¡Hey, tu password es muy corto! Ves, algunos programas
+ usan este código tan simple.
Mira esto. Vamos a multiplicar tu nombre por 5. "Jimmy" * 5
Hey, Sumario #1 Listo
Vamos a ver que es lo que has aprendido en el primer minuto.
+ - El prompt. Escribiendo código en el prompt verde obtienes
+ una respuesta del prompt rojo. Todo código te da una respuesta.
+ - Números y strings son objetos matemáticos y de texto de Ruby.
+ - Métodos Has usado métodos en Ingles como
+ y métodos simbólicos como *
(el método de multiplicación.) ¡Los métodos son acciones!
Esta es la esencia del aprendizaje. Tomar cosas simples, jugar con ellas
+ y trasformarlas en cosas nuevas. ¿Te sientes cómodo con todo? Te aseguro que lo estas.
Bien, vamos a hacer algo incomodo. Trata de invertir un número: 40.reverse
NoMethodError: undefined method `reverse' for (\d+):Fixnum
¡Basta, Te Volviste Loco!
No puedes invertir el numero cuarenta. Supongo que puedes poner tu monitor en
+ frente de un espejo, pero invertir un numero no tiene sentido. Ruby lanza un
+ mensaje de error. Ruby te dice que no hay un método reverse
para los números.
Tal vez si lo conviertes en un string: 40.to_s.reverse
Los Chicos Son Diferentes De Las Chicas
Y los números son diferentes de los strings. Aunque puedes usar métodos en cualquier objeto
+ en Ruby, algunos métodos solo funcionan en cierto tipo de cosas. Pero siempre puedes
+ convertir entre diferentes tipos usando el método "to" de Ruby.
- to_s convierte cosas a strings.
+ - to_i convierte cosas a integers (números.)
+ - to_a convierte cosas a arrays.
¿Que son los arrays?! Son listas. Escribe entre un par de corchetes: []
Mantenerse en Cola
Genial, eso es una lista vacía. Las listas guardan cosas en orden.
+ Como esperando en la cola para palomitas de maíz. Estas atrás de alguien y jamás
+ pensarías en empujarlo a un costado, ¿no es así? Y con respecto al tipo detrás de ti,
+ mantienes un ojo sobre el, ¿correcto?
Acá hay una lista para ti. Números de la lotería: [12, 47, 35]
\[(\d+(, )?){2,}\]
Uno Levanta La Mano
Una lista de números de la lotería. ¿Cual es el mayor?
Prueba: [12, 47, 35].max
Manteniendo la Lista
Bien, bien. Pero es un fastidio el tener que reescribir esa lista, ¿no es así?
Guardemos nuestros números en un ticket
de esta manera: ticket = [12, 47, 35]
\[(\d+(, )?){2,}\]
Ahora Escribe Ticket
Ahora, escribe: ticket
\[(\d+(, )?){2,}\]
Guardado, Escondido
¡Fantástico! Te has aferrado a tus números de la lotería, escondiéndolos dentro de una
+ variable llamada ticket
Vamos a poner tus números en orden, que te parece? Usa: ticket.sort!
\[(\d+(, )?){2,}\]
Sumario #2 Está Sobre Nosotros
Tenías una lista. Ordenaste la lista. La variable ticket
ahora esta cambiada.
¿Te diste cuenta que el método sort!
tiene un claro y llamativo signo de exclamación al final?
+ Muchas veces los métodos de Ruby gritan así si es que alteran la variable para bien. No es nada
+ especial, solo una marca.
Ahora, mira como te fue en tu segundo minuto:
+ - Errors. Si tratas de invertir un número o hacer algo sospechoso,
+ Ruby salteara el prompt para avisarte.
+ - Arrays son listas para ordenar cosas en orden.
+ - Variables guardan cosas y le dan un nombre. Usaste el
+ signo igual para hacerlo.
Like: ticket = [14, 37, 18]
En total hay ocho lecciones. Estás a dos octavos de camino!
+ Esto es cosa simple, no te parece? Las cosas buenas están mas adelante.
Cambiemos de dirección por un momento. Rellené con un poco de poesía cierta
+ variable para ti. Hecha un vistazo. Escribe print poem
poem = "My toast has flown from my hand\nAnd my toast has gone to the
+moon.\nBut when I saw it on television,\nPlanting our flag on Halley's
+comet,\nMore still did I want to eat it.\n"
My toast (.+)
Desgraciadamente, Tú Odias la poesía de Tostadas
Mira, esta bien. No tiene que gustarte. Hackéalo, yo invito.
En vez de tostada, ve por un melón o algo. Prueba esto: poem['toast'] = 'honeydew'
Y luego escribe print poem
para ver el nuevo poema.
My honey(.+)
Listo, Apuntado
Los corchetes que acabas de usar son muy comunes en Ruby. Recuerda, escribiste: poem['toast'] = 'honeydew'
. Esa casilla con la palabra toast tiene corchetes a ambos lados, ¿ves?
+corchetes son como una mira para alinear un objetivo. Exacto. Estos
+corchetes significan, "Estoy buscando ____." Listo, apuntado. Aquí estas buscando
+una costada e intercambiándola por una fruta.
Aquí hay una pregunta: ¿Que pasa si volteamos el poema entero? poem.reverse
"\\n.ti tae ot (.+)"
Demasiado Invertido
Está bien, seguro. Entonces todo el poema fue puesto al revés. Letra por letra. Sin embargo, yo realmente solo quería
+ invertir las líneas. Mover la última línea a la primera y la primera hacia abajo a la ultima. Al revés, pero no
+ ése revés.
Aquí esta como lograrlo: poem.lines.to_a.reverse
\["More still did I(.+)"\]
Rizos de Metodos Concatenados
Dime, que es lo que ves? Que paso acá? Escribiste poem.lines.to_a.reverse
y ¿que pasó?
Dos cosas pasaron. Convertiste poem
en una lista usando
. lines
decide la forma en que
+el string se divide, luego to_a
+convierte en un Array. (To array.) Diferentes métodos, como
y chars
pueden ser usadas en lugar de
. Usando lines, Ruby retornará cada línea de poem.
Luego, tu revertiste, reverse
d, esa lista. Tenías cada línea. Las revertiste. Eso es todo.
Vamos a hilar un método más al final de todo esto: print poem.lines.to_a.reverse.join
More still did I(.+)
De Todos los Sumarios, el #3 esta aquí
Buen espectáculo, mi amigo! El método join
toma la lista de líneas revertidas y las pone juntas en un string.
+ (Seguro, también podrías haber usado to_s
Tiempo de Revisión.
+ - Exclamaciones. Métodos pueden tener signos de exclamación (y también de interrogación) en
+ sus nombres. No es la gran cosa. Prueba:
poem.include? "my hand"
+ - Corchetes. Establece objetivos y busca cosas. Busca y reemplaza.
+ - Concatenar métodos te permite hacer mas cosas juntas. Partir poem, revertirlo,
+ reensamblarlo:
En este punto, querras manosear un poco más el poema. Una lista completa de métodos
+ String
+ acá.
+ No temas y prueba algunos (como poem.downcase
o poem.delete
Cuando estés listo para seguir adelante, escribe: books = {}
Un Pequeñín Libro en Blanco
Has hecho un hash vacío. (también conocido como: un diccionario vacío.)
Vamos a rellenar con un libro de críticas en miniatura. Acá esta nuestro sistema de calificación:
+ :splendid
→ una obra maestra.
+ :quite_good
→ disfrutable, por supuesto que sí.
+ :mediocre
→ partes iguales de bueno y malo.
+ :quite_not_good
→ notablemente malo.
+ :abyssmal
→ una perdida de tiempo.
Para calificar un libro, pon el título entre corchetes y la calificación luego del signo igual.
Por ejemplo: books["Gravity's Rainbow"] = :splendid
Mas Críticas Tamaño Bocadillo
Tú sigue, agrega mas críticas. Y, si quieres ver toda la lista,
+ implemente escribe: books
De nuevo, las calificaciones son: :splendid
, :quite_good
, :mediocre
+ :quite_not_good
, and :abyssmal
Estas calificaciones no son strings. Cuando colocas dos puntos frente a una palabra simple, obtienes un
+ symbol. Los símbolos son más baratos que los strings (en términos de memoria de la computadora.) Si usas
+ una palabra una y otra vez en un programa, usa un símbolo. En vez de tener miles de
+ copias de una palabra en memoria, la computadora guardara el símbolo solamente una vez.
Una vez que tengas tres o cuatro libros allí
+ dentro, escribe: books.length
Espera, ¿Me gustó Gravity's Rainbow?
Ves, el método length
funciona sobre strings, list y hashes. Una gran cosa acerca de
+ Ruby es que los nombres usualmente se reutilizan, lo que significa menos nombres para recordar.
Si quisieras ver una de tus críticas hechas, vuelve a poner el título entre corchetes. Pero deja de lado el
+ signo igual.
Al igual que aquí: books["Gravity's Rainbow"]
Hashes como Pares
Ten en mente que los hashes no mantienen las cosas en orden. Ese no es su trabajo. Solo emparejará dos
+ cosas: una key (llave) y un valor. En tus críticas, la key es el
+ titulo del libro y el valor es la calificación.
Si simplemente quieres ver los títulos de los libros que calificaste: books.keys
¿Eres Duro?
¿Estás dando duras injustas críticas? Sigamos puntuando con rigurosidad:
ratings = Hash.new {0}
Entonces, bien, ahora vamos a contar tus críticas. Trata de seguirme. Escribe:
+ books.values.each { |rate| ratings[rate] += 1 }
(La línea vertical es el signo de tubería, probablemente lo logres con AltGr+1 con tu teclado.)
Un Recuento
Genial, wow! Has hecho un recuento de tus calificaciones. Escribe ratings
para ver las cuenta. Este nuevo
+ hash muestra las calificaciones y luego el numero de veces que has dado esa calificación.
Una de las asombrosas cosas nuevas que acabamos de usar es un bloque, block. Vamos a explorar
+ explore these more in the next summary. más esto en el próximo sumario. Pero, básicamente, un bloque es un pedazo de código Ruby
+ rodeado por llaves.
Probemos otro bloque: 5.times { print "Odelay!" }
Ahora Arribamos al Sumario #4
Los bloques están siempre apegados a métodos. Como el método times
, que toma el bloque y lo corre
+ repetidas veces. (En este caso: cinco veces.)
Esta última lección fue algo mas larga. Probablemente usaste unos tres minutos aprendiendo sobre:
+ - Hashes. El pequeño diccionario con páginas arrugadas:
+ - Symbols. Pequeñas, eficientes palabras con dos puntos:
+ - Blocks. Pedazos de código que pueden ser clavados a muchos métodos de Ruby. Aquí
+ esta el código que usaste para crear el recuento:
books.values.each { |rate| ratings[rate] += 1 }
En tu computadora, probablemente tienes muchos archivos diferentes. Archivos con fotos en ellos,
+ archivos con programas dentro. Y los archivos usualmente se organizan en carpetas, también llamadas:
+ directorios.
He preparado algunos directorios para ti. Echa un vistazo:
+ Dir.entries "/"
\["\.", .+\]
La Privada Colección de Dr. Dir
Acabas de listar todo lo existente en el directorio superior. El directorio raíz, indicado
+ por la barra en diagonal. Conteniendo algunos programas y otros tutoriales y semejantes.
Entonces, ¿que es el método Dir.entries
? Bueno, es solo un método ¿si?,
+ entries
es el método llamado sobre la variable Dir
+ Y Dir
tiene una colección de métodos para chequear los archivos de los directorios.
Otra pequeña cosa de la que no hemos hablado abiertamente. Argumentos de los métodos, resaltados en verde.
+ Dir.entries "/"
: Cualquier cosa listada luego de un método
+ es considerado acoplamiento.
+ print poem
: Ves, print
es un método ordinario.
+ Y el poema esta acoplado. Para ser impreso.
+ print "pre", "event", "ual", "ism"
posee varios argumentos,
+ con comas entre ellos.
Para listar solamente archivos de texto en el directorio: Dir["/*.txt"]
Ven, Lee Historietas Conmigo
El método Dir[]
hace como entries
pero tu buscas por archivos
+ archivos con carácteres de comodín. ¡Aquí, vemos esos corchetes otra vez! Te das
+ cuenta como todavía significan, "Estoy buscando _____.".
Mas específicamente: "Estoy buscando archivos que terminen con .txt
Abramos este archivo con historietas de una vez. Aquí esta la manera:
+ print File.read("/comics.txt")
Mi Comicas, Tu Comicas
¡De acuerdo! Podemos comenzar a usar archivos para guardar cosas. Esto es excelente
+ porque normalmente cuando salimos de Ruby, todas nuestras variables desaparecerán.
+ Ruby, por si mismo, olvida estas cosas. Pero si salvamos cosas en archivos,
+ podemos leer esos archivos en futuras escapadas a Ruby.
Hey, y ¿adivina que? ¡El directorio /Home
es tuyo! ¡Te lo entrego a ti! ¡Soy generoso! Hagamos una copia del archivo de la historieta.
Querrás hacer lo siguiente: FileUtils.copy('/comics.txt', '/Home/comics.txt')
Si ya has creado el archivo, usa File.delete('/Home/comics.txt') para arrojarlo a la basura.
Tu Propio Territorio
Ok, tienes una copia. Chequéala: Dir["/Home/*.txt"]
Para agregar tu propia historieta a la lista, abramos el archivo en modo append.
Empieza asi: File.open("/Home/comics.txt", "a") do |f|
Y Ahora, para la Sorprendente Conclusión
Asi que tu prompt ha cambiado. ¿Lo notas? Tu prompt es doble punto ahora.
En este tutorial, este prompt significa que Ruby espera que escribas más. A
+ medida que vayas completando con líneas de código, los doble puntos se mantendrán
+ hasta que hallas finalizado.
Hot tip: si quieres parar de trabajar en el código y salirte de los doble puntos, usa el comando reset
+ Si quieres volver a la pagina previa del tutorial, usa el comando back
Aquí esta tu código. Ya has escrito la primera línea, asi que simplemente ingresa la segunda. (El \n
+ es el carácter de Enter.
File.open("/Home/comics.txt", "a") do |f|
+ f << "Cat and Girl: http://catandgirl.com/\n"
+ end
Y, como te has vuelto avanzado y capaz aquí, otro tip: puedes usar las flechas hacia
+ arriba y hacia abajo para editar tus viejos comandos o correrlos otra vez.
Ruby se Sienta y Espera
Esa ultima línea agrega la historieta Cat and Girl a la lista, pero Ruby seguirá esperando
+ hasta que hallas terminado por completo para tomar acción.
Ahora, para finalizar el código que has empezado. Empezaste un nuevo bloque cuando escribiste do
+ Hasta ahora los bloques que hemos visto usaban llaves. Esta vez usaremos do
y end
en lugar
+ de las llaves. Muchos Rubyistas usan do...end
cuando el bloque ocupa varias líneas.
Terminemos ese bloque ahora mismo, con: end
File.open("/Home/comics.txt", "a") do |f|
+ f << "Cat and Girl: http://catandgirl.com/\n"
+ end
#.File:/Home/comics\.txt \(closed\).
El Reloj Clavado en el Archivo
¡Bien, bien! Has añadido esa historieta al archivo. Puedes verlo por ti mismo: print File.read("/Home/comics.txt")
¿Qué hora era cuando cambiaste el archivo? Veamos. Escribe: File.mtime("/Home/comics.txt")
\w+ \w+ \d+ \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} [+-]\d{4} \d{4}
Sólo la Manecilla de la Hora
Estupendo, allí esta la hora. La hora exacta en la que agregaste la historieta al archivo. El mtime
te devuelve un objeto Time de Ruby.
Si sólo quieres ver la hora que era, aprieta la flecha para arriba y cambia la línea a: File.mtime("/Home/comics.txt").hour
Hola, ¿Quién Anda Ahí? Y el Sumario #5 Agita su Sombrero!
Bien hecho, bien hecho, bien hecho, ¡bien hecho! Realmente, realmente, realmente, realmente, ¡reaaaaaaaaalllmente!
Aquí esta tu último minuto de tu vida en retrospectiva:
+ - Archivos. ¿Que más se puede decir? Muchos métodos para editar archivos y revisar directorios.
+ - Argumentos. Los argumentos son listas de cosas mandadas en un método. Separadas con comas.
+ - También hablamos sobre do y end que es otra manera de hacer un bloque.
Ahora ya sabes como usar Ruby por completo. Me refiero a que tienes lo esencial. Solo necesitas seguir
+ aprendiendo métodos y probar bloques más complejos.
Pero existe un lado de Ruby que no hemos hablado. Hacer tus propios métodos y clases.
Ahem! Acabemos con ello de una vez.
Empieza con: def load_comics( path )
En Ruby, Def Leppard Significa ¡Define Leppard (un Método)!
Hey, bueno, lo hiciste. Estas haciendo tu propio método. Comenzaste con def
, seguido por el nombre del método.
+ Y una lista de argumentos que va a necesitar el método. ¡Esto no da tanto miedo ni es peligroso!
Todo lo que debemos hacer es rellenar con Ruby y terminarlo con end
Aquí esta el código:
def load_comics( path )
+ comics = {}
+ File.foreach(path) do |line|
+ url, name = line.split(': ')
+ comics[url] = name.strip
+ end
+ comics
+ end
No necesitas indentar, si no quieres. Lo hice solo para que sea más legible.
La Madura Fruta de tu Propia Creación
Un nuevo método ha nacido. Vamos a usarlo: comics = load_comics('/comics.txt')
Si tienes un problema, puedes haberlo escrito mal. Usa el comando back
y prueba otra vez.
Hey, Cool, Una Cosa de Historietas
En tu ventana de Ruby arriba, mira el código que has escrito para el método load_comics
. ¿Qué esta pasando? Tu estas
+ pasando en la variable path
y estas recibiendo la variable comics
. Ruby permite filtrar el hash comics
+ que es devuelto al final del método.
Una cantidad de métodos se usaron para realizar el trabajo. Fíjate si puedes hallarlos.
- File.foreach es el método que abre un archivo y manda cada línea al bloque. La variable
+ dentro del bloque do...end
va turnando con cada línea del archivo.
+ - split es un método para strings, que rompe los string en colocándolo en un array. Un hacha es arrojada sobre las comas
+ y las líneas se cortan en dos, dándonos la
y el nombre, name
, de las historietas.
+ - strip remueve los espacios extra alrededor de name. Por si acaso.
Justo allí. Bravo. Tienes las historietas en un hash de Ruby. ¿Pero ahora qué? ¿Qué tan bueno es en verdad?
Hagamos una página de links. ¿Qué te parece? Vamos a necesitar una pequeña librería que hice para ti.
Escribe: require 'popup'
El Navegador de Títere
Excelente, has cargado la librería popup. Está guardada en un archivo en el directorio Libraries. Mira: Dir["/Libraries/*"]
La librería popup contiene un puñado de métodos que he escrito y te dejaran controlar ventanas emergentes aquí en Try Ruby.
Mira, prueba esto: Popup.goto "http://google.com/"
Haciendo Links e Hilando Redes
Nuestro propio adorable, pequeño popup para manipular. también puedes rellenarlo con tus cositas. Empecemos por algo pequeño:
Popup.make {
+ h1 "My Links"
+ link "Go to Google", "http://google.com/"
+ }
El termino h1
(h-uno) significa encabezado de nivel uno. En HTML, es el encabezado más grande.
\033\[1;JSm.*popup_make\(.*h1.*a href.*\)\033\[m.*
Los Popups son tan fáciles, es una Locura
Se ve bien, lo hiciste perfecto, tal como se te pidió. Hagamos una lista entonces.
Aquí esta como haces una lista con la librería de popup:
Popup.make do
+ h1 "Things To Do"
+ list do
+ p "Try out Ruby"
+ p "Ride a tiger"
+ p "(down River Euphrates)"
+ end
+ end
El método p
es la manera corta para "párrafo".
Expandiendo las Historietas en la Tabla
Bien, esto esta yendo maravilloso. Esto es algo simple, pero mantén en mente que no sabias nada sobre Ruby hace quince minutos atrás!<
Ultimo paso. Vamos a juntar todo, ¿sabes? ¡Juntémoslo como esos juegos de
+ campanillas hermosas que tintinean en los pórticos bajo la hermosa luz del sol
+ en la playa!
Asegúrate de que las historietas están cargadas: comics = load_comics( '/comics.txt' )
Ahora, hagamos una lista de links para cada historieta:
Popup.make do
+ h1 "Comics on the Web"
+ list do
+ comics.each do |name, url|
+ link name, url
+ end
+ end
+ end
Puedes clickear en los links y leer las historietas ¡inclusive en la ventana principal! ¡Bárbaro!
\033\[1;JSm.*popup_make\(.*h1.*ul.*li.*a href.*li.*a href.*\)\033\[m.*
Sumario #6 lo que Significa que has Llegado Muy Lejos
Eres un clérigo nivel 6 de Ruby. Quiero decir que buen trabajo has hecho. Vamos a revisar:
+ - Agregaste tu propio método con def y usaste ese método
varias veces.
+ - Librerias. Tú usaste el método
para cargar la librería popup.
Escribiendo: require 'popup'
+ - Y como si no fuera suficiente, hiciste tu propia página web para listar los archivos de historietas. ¡Hiciste un programa real!
Entonces ¿Qué podrá venir luego? ¿Qué deberías aprender posiblemente ahora?
+ Ja, esta es la mejor parte. Has recorrido un largo camino y ahora descubrirás
+ las clases. En dos lecciones mas y ya estarás hecho.
Tempranamente, creamos un hash como este: Hash.new
No una Clase de Escuela, Una Clase Trabajadora
Ves, las llaves vacías {}
son abreviaciones para Hash.new
. El método new
+ es usado para hacer objetos de cierta clase. (Piensa "clase" como en "clase
+ trabajadora" — un grupo especifico de objetos similares, tienen el
+ mismo trabajo, la misma camisa.)
Pregúntate esto: ¿Cómo haría mi blog en Ruby? ¿Dónde deberías
+ comenzar? Bien, deberías guardar tus entradas del blog en un archivo, ¿cierto?
+ Pero ¿cómo seguirías los títulos de las entradas y el momento en que fue creado?
+ Y cuando cargas el archivo, ¿cómo se vería en Ruby? ¿Sería un Hash? ¿O un Array? ¿O
+ un Array de Arrys? ¿O alguna otra cosa?
Yo realmente creo que querrás usar una clase. Ya estas familiarizado con varias clases: Hash
, Array
, String
Hagamos una clase nueva: class BlogEntry
El Relleno del Blog esta Hecho de
Has abierto una nueva clase BlogEntry
. ¿De que están hechas las entradas de tu blog? Un titulo, seguro. también,
+ la fecha en la que fue creada. El texto entero de la entrada.
Vamos a poner el estado de ánimo, también, tal como LiveJournal.
La internet ha traído de vuelta las personas de palitos y emoticones
+ fuera de la bancarrota.¡Que emoción!
Bueno, ya tienes la primera línea de la clase, aquí esta el resto:/p>
class BlogEntry
+ attr_accessor :title, :time, :fulltext, :mood
+ end
Accessors Son las Extremidades Colgantes
Hey, buena clase, colega. Tienes una nueva clase BlogEntry
. Para comenzar una entrada:
entry = BlogEntry.new
En la definición de la clase, usaste un método llamado attr_accessor
. Existen varios métodos attribute
+ atributo, como este que agregan pequeñas configuraciones a la clase. Estos atributos son simplemente variables adosadas a la clase.
Piénsalo de este modo. Una clase es como una persona. Esa forma de estrella
+ del humano. Y los atributos son las extremidades, las diferentes partes que
+ hacen un cuerpo.
Para crear el titulo de tu entrada: entry.title = "Today Mt. Hood Was Stolen!"
Un Objeto, Ese Estupendo Paquete Pequeño
Sigue adelante y pon la hora: entry.time = Time.now
Y el estado de animo: entry.mood = :sick
Y el anuncio en si: entry.fulltext = "I can't believe Mt. Hood was stolen! I am speechless! It was stolen by a giraffe who drove away
+ in his Cadillac Seville very nonchalant!!"
Para ver toda la configuración, simplemente escribe en el prompt: entry
#.BlogEntry:0x[0-9a-f]+ ((@title|@mood|@time|@fulltext)=.*?, ){3}.*
Genial, tu blog es impresionante. Hey, hagamos las cosas algo mas fácil. No querrás
+ poner la hora asi todas las veces que postees. Solo quieres escribir el titulo,
+ el contenido y el emoticon rápido, ¿verdad?
Vamos a agregar un método initialize
class BlogEntry
+ def initialize( title, mood, fulltext )
+ @time = Time.now
+ @title, @mood, @fulltext = title, mood, fulltext
+ end
+ end
Una vez que lo hallas escrito, prueba hacer una nueva entrada: BlogEntry.new
ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments \(0 for 3\).*
Tu le Has Enseñado al Blog a Rechazar lo Malo
¿Viste como usamos dentro de la clase el símbolo arroba? De este modo: @time = Time.now
Fuera de la clase, usamos accesos (accessors): entry.time = Time.now
Pero dentro variables de instancia: @time = Time.now
+ Son exactamente lo mismo, pero expresado en dos partes diferentes de tu programa.
tu blog ahora necesita un titulo, estado de ánimo y el post para funcionar. Cuando un nuevo BlogEntry
es creado, el método initialize
+ es usado para chequear cualquier argumento para new
. ¡Uh, necesitamos tres argumentos!
Prueba de nuevo con los tres.
+= BlogEntry.new( "I Left my Hoodie on the Mountain!", :confused, "I am
+never going back to that mountain and I hope a giraffe steals it." )
#.BlogEntry:0x[0-9a-f]+ ((@title|@mood|@time|@fulltext)=.*?, ){3}.*
Una Jirafa No Ha Robado el Sumario #7
Aha, estas aquí. Y todo en una pieza. Todavía vamos a hacer tu blog realidad, pero hasta entonces, vamos a revisar, ¿bien?
+ - Clases. Todo en Ruby es algún tipo de objeto. Las clases explican los objetos. Como ciertos objetos
+ trabajan. Por ejemplo, haces algunas entradas de blog y estos objetos están explicados en la clase
+ En otras palabras: los llamas objetos del tipo BlogEntry.
+ - Accessors son variables adosadas a un objeto que pueden ser usadas fuera del objeto. (
entry.time = Time.now
+ - Variables de instancia son las mismas variables para accesos dentro del objeto.
+ Como en la definición de un método. (
@time = Time.now
Bueno, vamos a envolver las cosas, niño. Aquí esta el ultimo capitulo de la FASCINANTE épica
+ historia de Try Ruby! Ahora que ya has probado como todo funciona, ¿cómo vas a
+ usar eso alrededor de la casa y en tu tienda de comestibles? Eres una
+ gran persona (una de mis favoritas), pero necesitas dirección.
Vamos a terminar tu blog. Tienes entradas de blog, pero no un blog.
Pon las entradas en un array: blog = [entry, entry2]
\[#.BlogEntry:0x[0-9a-f]+.*, #.BlogEntry:0x[0-9a-f]+.*\]
Todo Se Trata de Combinar Cosas
Cosas hermosas pueden hacerse de partes simples de Ruby, especialmente
+ cuando las combinas entre ellas para formar algo nuevo. Aquí tenemos un blog
+ hecho de un array de clases. Y, en realidad, Ruby realmente hace buenas cosas
+ con este tipo de criaturas.
Aquí hay un puñado de cosas que puedes hacer con tu blog array:
- Querrás ordenar tus entradas de mas reciente a viejas. Puedes hacerlo con:
+ blog.sort_by { |entry| entry.time }.reverse
Ve sort_by para más explicación.
+ - Si quieres buscar en el blog por cualquier cosa relacionada con "cadillac":
+ blog.find_all { |entry| entry.fulltext.match(/cadillac/i) }
+ Lee mas en find_all
+ y match
+ para descubrir como funciona. También: /giraffe/i
es un objeto Regexp, usado para concordar palabras.
+ - Y agregar nuevas entradas con
blog << new_entry
+ Y aquí la documentación del método <<.
Puedes buscar entre la lista de los métodos con los que viene Ruby en ruby-doc.org's core.
+ Otra buena lista hay en online pickaxe.
Un método realmente útil (probablemente yo uso esto mas que otra cosa) es map
. Escribe: blog.map { |entry| entry.mood }
\[(:\w+, )+:\w+\]
Mira Su Cara — La Transformación Ha Comenzado
El método map
recorre un array y reemplaza cada ítem con algo nuevo. ¿Dices que quieres reemplazar cada entrada de tu blog
+ con el nombre de Bruce Willis?. Hazlo entonces: blog.map { "Bruce Willis" }
Como el bloque siempre devuelve el string "Bruce Willis", eso es lo que obtienes. En el código que acabas de usar, la entrada entry
wfue reemplazada
+ por solo el entry.mood
Ahora, quiero que hagas un popup con las entradas de tu blog. Yo no te voy a
+ dar todo el código. Solo te voy a dar una parte.
blog.each do |entry|
+ h2 entry.title
+ p entry.fulltext
+ end
Ahora, yo espero que pongas el código del popup alrededor y agregues un titulo con el nombre de tu blog usando h1
. Como extra, tienes la hora de cada entrada para mostrar.
Eres Una Especie de Gurú Web, Tengo Estrellas en Mis Ojos
Bien, ¡eso es! Este es exactamente el código que puedes usar para escribir tu
+ propio blog real en Ruby. Si te sientes aventurero, yo chequearía el video de
+ Rails videos donde muestran a un joven compañero creando un blog en 15 minutos. Solo sientete cómodo y mira.
Debo mencionar a Rails. Tú has estado aprendiendo el lenguaje Ruby, como
+ hablarlo. Pero Rails es grupo de librerías (algo asi como la librería de popup
+ que hemos estado usando.) Es un poderoso conjunto de herramientas para crear
+ sitios web. Si estas interesado en aprender sobre Rails, yo miraría head
+ por aquí directamente. ¡Empieza a usar tus habilidades en Ruby apropiadamente!
Algo que tiene Rails son métodos para manejar fechas fácilmente. Como, prueba: Time.now - 2.weeks
class Integer; def weeks; self * 7*24*60*60; end; end
\w+ \w+ \d+ \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} .*
Si Quieres Empezar Poco a Poco
Si quieres comenzar escribiendo pequeños programas en Ruby para practicar, tengo un proyecto llamado MouseHole
+ que es una pequeña caja de herramientas en la web para escribir programas cortos en Ruby. Puedes ver aquí algunos
+ scripts para ver que quiero decir.
MouseHole no es para escribir sitios web en realidad. Es para escribir
+ pequeños programas y correrlos dentro del navegador. Como hay un programa block
+ de notas para MouseHole y un programa que agrega una imagen de un ratón a los
+ links de la web que linkean a programas de MouseHole.
Tengo un script de MouseHole dentro de un archivo aquí mismo:
+ print File.read("/MouseHole/flickrpedia.user.rb")
.*Inserts Wikipedia links for Flickr tags.*
Sumario #8, El Sumario Hey-Relájate-Lo-Hiciste-Bien
Esta ultima sección se tomó un momento para relajarse, para darte algunos consejos de como
+ puedes usar Ruby. Si lo has disfrutado, descarga Ruby e instálalo.
Una vez que tengas Ruby instalado, puedes usar Ruby Interactivo ejecutando el comando irb
en el prompt de tu sistema. Para mas sobre Irb, esta
+ The Tiger's Vest para ayudarte.
Tú realmente mereces una torta doble-capa con doble-doble azúcar glaseado y
+ un tipo tocando una de esas guitarras que son doble-guitarra. Quiero decir
+ terminaste, ¡lo hiciste! No hay dudas de eso, ¡eres un gran ser certificado!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TryRuby/public/tutorials/intro.html b/TryRuby/public/tutorials/intro.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56c1d1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TryRuby/public/tutorials/intro.html
@@ -0,0 +1,680 @@
Using the Prompt
The blue window above is a Ruby prompt. Type a line of Ruby code, hit Enter
+ and watch it run!
For example, try typing some math. Like: 2 + 6
Numbers & Math
Good! You did a bit of math. See how the answer popped out?
Ruby recognizes numbers and mathematic symbols. You could try some other math like:
Sure, computers are handy and fast for math. Let's move on. Want to see your name reversed?
+ Type your first name in quotes like this: "Jimmy"
Say Your Name Backwards
Perfect, you've formed a string from the letters of your name. A string
+ is a set of characters the computer can process.
Imagine the letters are on a string of
+ laundry line and the quotes are clothespins holding the ends. The quotes mark the beginning and end.
To reverse your name, type: "Jimmy".reverse
(Don't forget the dot!)
Counting the Letters
You have used the reverse
method on your name! By enclosing your name in
+ quotes, you made a string. Then you called the reverse
method, which works on strings to flip
+ all the letters backwards.
Now, let's see how many letters are in your name: "Jimmy".length
On Repeat
Now, I'm sure by now you're wondering what any of this is good for. Well, I'm sure you've been to
+ a website that screamed, Hey, your password is too short! See, some programs
+ use this simple code.
Watch this. Let's multiply your name by 5. "Jimmy" * 5
Hey, Summary #1 Already
Let's look at what you've learned in the first minute.
+ - The prompt. Typing code into the green prompt gives you
+ an answer from a red prompt. All code gives an answer.
+ - Numbers and strings are Ruby's math and text objects.
+ - Methods. You've used English-language methods like
+ and symbolic methods like *
(the multiplication method.) Methods are action!
This is the essence of your learning. Taking simple things, toying with
+ them and turning them into new things. Feeling comfortable yet? I promise you are.
Okay, let's do something uncomfortable. Try reversing a number: 40.reverse
NoMethodError: undefined method `reverse' for (\d+):Fixnum
Stop, You're Barking Mad!
You can't reverse the number forty. I guess you can hold your monitor up to the
+ mirror, but reversing a number just doesn't make sense. Ruby has tossed an error
+ message. Ruby is telling you there is no method reverse
for numbers.
Maybe if you turn it into a string: 40.to_s.reverse
Boys are Different From Girls
And numbers are different from strings. While you can use methods on any object
+ in Ruby, some methods only work on certain types of things. But you can always
+ convert between different types using Ruby's "to" methods.
- to_s converts things to strings.
+ - to_i converts things to integers (numbers.)
+ - to_a converts things to arrays.
What are arrays?! They are lists. Type in a pair of brackets: []
Standing in Line
Great, that's an empty list. Lists store things in order.
+ Like standing in line for popcorn. You are behind someone and you wouldn't
+ dream of pushing them aside, right? And the guy behind you, you've got a
+ close eye on him, right?
Here's a list for you. Lottery numbers: [12, 47, 35]
\[(\d+(, )?){2,}\]
One Raises Its Hand
A list of lottery numbers. Which one is the highest?
Try: [12, 47, 35].max
Tucking a List Away
Good, good. But it's annoying to have to retype that list, isn't it?
Let's save our numbers inside a ticket
like so: ticket = [12, 47, 35]
\[(\d+(, )?){2,}\]
Now Type Ticket
Now, type: ticket
\[(\d+(, )?){2,}\]
Saved, Tucked Away
Fantastic! You've hung on to your lotto numbers, tucking them away inside a
+ variable called ticket
Let's put your lotto numbers in order, how about? Use: ticket.sort!
\[(\d+(, )?){2,}\]
Summary #2 is Upon Us
You had a list. You sorted the list. The ticket
variable is now changed.
Did you notice that the sort!
method has a big, bright exclamation at the end?
+ A lot of times Ruby methods shout like that if they alter the variable for good. It's nothin
+ special, just a mark.
Now, look how your second minute went:
+ - Errors. If you try to reverse a number or do anything fishy,
+ Ruby will skip the prompt and tell you so.
+ - Arrays are lists for storing things in order.
+ - Variables save a thing and give it a name. You used the
+ equals sign to do this.
Like: ticket = [14, 37, 18]
In all there are eight lessons. You are two-eighths of the way there!
+ This is simple stuff, don't you think? Good stuff up ahead.
Let's change directions for a moment. I've stuffed a bit of poetry for you in
+ a certain variable. Take a look. Type print poem
poem = "My toast has flown from my hand\nAnd my toast has gone to the
+moon.\nBut when I saw it on television,\nPlanting our flag on Halley's
+comet,\nMore still did I want to eat it.\n"
My toast (.+)
Sadly, You Hate Toast Poetry
Look, it's okay. You don't have to like it. Hack it up, be my guest.
Instead of toast, go for a melon or something. Try this: poem['toast'] = 'honeydew'
And then type print poem
by itself to see the new poem.
My honey(.+)
Ready, Aim
The square brackets you just used are very common in Ruby. Remember, you typed: poem['toast'] = 'honeydew'
. That box with the word toast has a square bracket on each side, see?
+two brackets are like sights used to line up a target. Exactly. These
+brackets mean, "I am looking for ____." Ready, aim. Here you're looking
+for toast and swapping it out with fruit.
Here's a question: what happens when we reverse this whole poem? poem.reverse
"\\n.ti tae ot (.+)"
Too Much Reversal
Okay, sure. So the whole poem's been turned backwards, letter-by-letter. I really want to just
+ reverse the lines, though. Move the last line up to first and the first line down to last. Backwards, but not
+ that backwards.
Here's how: poem.lines.to_a.reverse
\["More still did I(.+)"\]
Ringlets of Chained Methods
So what do you see? What happened there? You typed poem.lines.to_a.reverse
and what happened?
Two things happened. You turned the poem
into a
+list using lines.to_a
. lines
decides the way
+the string is split up, then to_a
converted it into an
+Array. (To array.) Different methods, such
+as bytes
and chars
can be used in place
+of lines
. By using lines, ruby will return each line of the poem.
Then, you reverse
d that list. You had each line. You reversed them. That's it.
Let's tack one more method on the end there: print poem.lines.to_a.reverse.join
More still did I(.+)
Of All the Summaries, #3 is Here Now
Good show, my friend! The join
method took that list of reversed lines and put them
+ together into a string. (Sure, you could have also just used to_s
Review time.
+ - Exclamations. Methods may have exclamations (and also question marks)
+ in their name. No big deal. Try:
poem.include? "my hand"
+ - Square brackets. Target and find things. Search and replace.
+ - Chaining methods lets you get a lot more done. Break up a poem,
+ reverse it, reassemble it:
At this point, you may want to tinker with the poem a bit more. A complete list of all
+ the String
methods is
+ here.
+ Go ahead and try a few (such as poem.downcase
or poem.delete
When you're ready to move on, type: books = {}
A Wee Blank Book
You've made an empty hash. (Also known as: an empty dictionary.)
We're going to stuff some miniature book reviews in this hash. Here's our rating system:
+ :splendid
→ a masterpiece.
+ :quite_good
→ enjoyed, sure, yes.
+ :mediocre
→ equal parts great and terrible.
+ :quite_not_good
→ notably bad.
+ :abyssmal
→ steaming wreck.
To rate a book, put the title in square brackets and put the rating after the equals.
For example: books["Gravity's Rainbow"] = :splendid
More Bite-Size Reviews
Keep going, fill it up with reviews. And, if you want to see the whole list,
+ just type: books
Again, the ratings are: :splendid
, :quite_good
, :mediocre
+ :quite_not_good
, and :abyssmal
These ratings are not strings. When you place a colon in front of a simple word, you get a
+ symbol. Symbols are cheaper than strings (in terms of computer memory.) If
+ you use a word over and over in your program, use a symbol. Rather than having thousands of
+ copies of that word in memory, the computer will store the symbol only once.
Once you've got three or four books in
+ there, type: books.length
Wait, Did I Like Gravity's Rainbow?
See, the length
method works on strings, list and hashes. One great thing about
+ Ruby is that names are often reused, which means fewer names you need to remember.
If you'd like to look up one of your old reviews, again put the title in the square. But leave off
+ the equals.
Just like this: books["Gravity's Rainbow"]
Hashes as Pairs
Keep in mind that hashes won't keep things in order. That's not their job. It'll just pair up two
+ things: a key and a value. In your reviews, the key is the book's
+ title and the value is the rating.
If you want to just see the titles of the books you've reviewed: books.keys
Are You Harsh?
So are you giving out harsh, unfair reviews? Let's keep score with this hash:
ratings = Hash.new {0}
Then, okay, now let's count up your reviews. Just stay with me. Type:
+ books.values.each { |rate| ratings[rate] += 1 }
(The straight line in the code is the pipe character, probably located right above the
+ Enter key on your keyboard.)
A Tally
Great, wow! You've made a scorecard of your ratings. Type ratings
to see the count.
+ This new hash shows a rating and then the number of times you've given that rating.
One of the amazing new things we've just used is a block. We're going to
+ explore these more in the next summary. But, basically, a block is a bit of Ruby code surrounded
+ by curly braces.
Let's try another block: 5.times { print "Odelay!" }
Now Arriving at Summary #4
Blocks are always attached to methods. Like the times
method, which takes the
+ block and runs the code over and over. (In this case: five times.)
This last lesson was a bit longer. You've probably used up three minutes learning about:
+ - Hashes. The little dictionary with the curly pages:
+ - Symbols. Tiny, efficient code words with a colon:
+ - Blocks. Chunks of code which can be tacked on to many of Ruby's methods. Here's the
+ code you used to build a scorecard:
books.values.each { |rate| ratings[rate] += 1 }
On your computer, you probably have a lot of different files. Files with pictures in them,
+ files with programs in them. And files are often organized into folders, also called:
+ directories.
I've prepared a few directories for you. Take a look:
+ Dir.entries "/"
\["\.", .+\]
The Private Collection of Dr. Dir
You've just listed out everything in the top directory. The root directory, indicated
+ by a single slash. Containing some programs and other tutorials and such.
So, what is the Dir.entries
method? Well, it's just a method, right?
+ entries
is a method called on the Dir
+ And Dir
has a collection of methods for checking out file directories.
One other little thing we haven't really talked about openly. Method arguments, highlighted in green.
+ Dir.entries "/"
: Anything listed after a method
+ is considered an attachment.
+ print poem
: See, print
is an ordinary method. And the
+ poem is attached. To be printed.
+ print "pre", "event", "ual", "ism"
has several arguments, with commas
+ between them.
To list just the text files in that directory: Dir["/*.txt"]
Come, Read Comics With Me
The Dir[]
method is like entries
but you search for files
+ with wildcard characters. Here, we see those square brackets again! Notice how
+ they still mean, "I am looking for _____?"
More specifically: "I am looking for files which end with .txt
Let's crack open this comics file, then. Here's the way:
+ print File.read("/comics.txt")
Mi Comicas, Tu Comicas
All right! We can start to use files to store things. This is great because normally when
+ we exit Ruby, all our variables will be gone. Ruby, by itself, forgets these things.
+ But if we save things in files, we can read those files in future Ruby escapades.
Hey, and guess what? The /Home
directory is yours! I gave it to you! I am generous! Let's make a copy of the comics file.
You'll want to: FileUtils.copy('/comics.txt', '/Home/comics.txt')
If you've already created the file, use File.delete('/Home/comics.txt') to trash it.
Your Own Turf
Okay, you've got a copy. Check it: Dir["/Home/*.txt"]
To add your own comic to the list, let's open the file in append mode.
Start like this: File.open("/Home/comics.txt", "a") do |f|
And Now For the Startling Conclusion
So your prompt has changed. See that? Your prompt is a double dot now.
In this tutorial, this prompt means that Ruby is expecting you to type more.
+ As you type in the lines of Ruby code, the double dots will continue until you
+ are completely finished.
Hot tip: If you want to stop working on the code and break out of the double dots, use the reset
+ command. If you want to go the previous page of the tutorial, use the back
Here's your code. You've already typed the first line, so just enter the second line. (The \n
+ is an Enter character.
File.open("/Home/comics.txt", "a") do |f|
+ f << "Cat and Girl: http://catandgirl.com/\n"
+ end
And, since you're getting so advanced and capable here, one other tip: you can use the up and down arrow keys to
+ edit your old commands or run them again.
Ruby Sits Still
That last line adds the Cat and Girl comic to the list, but Ruby's going to wait until you're totally finished to
+ take action.
Now, to finish the code you've started. You opened a new block when you typed do
+ So far the blocks we've seen have used curly braces. This time we'll be using do
and end
+ of curly braces. A lot of Rubyists will use do...end
when the block goes on for many lines.
Let's get that block finished now, with: end
File.open("/Home/comics.txt", "a") do |f|
+ f << "Cat and Girl: http://catandgirl.com/\n"
+ end
#.File:/Home/comics\.txt \(closed\).
The Clock Nailed To the File
Good, good! You've added that new comic to the file. You can see for yourself: print File.read("/Home/comics.txt")
What time was it when you changed the file? Let's check. Type: File.mtime("/Home/comics.txt")
\d{4}-\d+-\d+ \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} [+-]\d{4}
Just the Hour Hand
Great, there's the time. The precise time exactly when you added to the file. The mtime
gives you a Ruby Time object.
If you want to check just what hour it was, hit the up arrow key and change the line to: File.mtime("/Home/comics.txt").hour
Hallo, Who's There? And Summary #5 Waves Its Hat!
Well done, well done, well done, well done! Truly, truly, truly, truly, truuuuuuuuly!
Here's the last few minutes of your life in review:
+ - Files. What more can be said? Lots of methods for editing files and lookin around in directories.
+ - Arguments. Arguments are a list of things sent into a method. With commas between.
+ - We also spoke about do and end which are another way to make a block.
You totally know how to use Ruby now. I mean you've got down the essentials. You just need to keep learning more methods and
+ try out more complex blocks.
But there's one side of Ruby we haven't settled. Making your own methods and classes.
Ahem! Let's get it over with then.
Start with: def load_comics( path )
In Ruby, Def Leppard Means Define Leppard (a Method)!
Hey, okay, you done it. You're making your own method. You started with def
, followed by the name of the method.
+ And a list of arguments which the method will need. This isn't too scary and dangerous!
All we have to do is fill it up with Ruby and finish it up with end
Here's the code:
def load_comics( path )
+ comics = {}
+ File.foreach(path) do |line|
+ name, url = line.split(': ')
+ comics[name] = url.strip
+ end
+ comics
+ end
No need to indent, if you don't want. I just do that to make it read easier.
The Ripened Fruit of Your Own Creation
A new method is born. Let us use it: comics = load_comics('/comics.txt')
If you have a problem, you might have mistyped. Use the back
command and try again.
Hey, Cool, a Comics Thing
In your Ruby window above, look at the code you've typed for the load_comics
method. What is happening? You're
+ passing in the path
variable and you're getting back the comics
variable. Ruby lets the comics
+ hash trickle out the end of the method.
A number of methods were used to get the job done. See if you can spot them.
- File.foreach is a method which opens a file and hands each line to the block. The
+ variable inside the do...end
block took turns with each line in the file.
+ - split is a method for strings, which breaks the string up into an array. An axe is laid on the colon
+ and the line is chopped in half, giving us the
and name
for each comic.
+ - strip removes extra spaces around the name. Just in case.
Right on. Bravo. You've got the comics in a Ruby hash. But what now? What good is this really?
Let's make a page of links. How about that? I went ahead and loaded a little library I've made for you.
Type: next
. This is temporary as I updates new lessons.
Browser Puppetry
Excellent, you've loaded the popup library. It's saved in a file in the Libraries folder. See: Dir["/Libraries/*"]
The popup library contains a bunch of methods I've written which let you control a popup here on the Try Ruby site.
Here, try this: Popup.goto "http://google.com/"
Making Links and Spinning Webs
Our own lovely, little popup to manipulate. You can also fill it with your own goodies. We'll start small:
Popup.make {
+ h1 "My Links"
+ link "Go to Google", "http://google.com/"
+ }
The term h1
(h-one) means a level-one header. In HTML, this is the largest size of header.
\033\[1;JSm.*popup_make\(.*h1.*a href.*\)\033\[m.*
Popups Are So Easy, It's Crazy
Looks good, you did it perfectly, just as you were asked. Let's make a list then.
Here's how you make a list with the popup library:
Popup.make do
+ h1 "Things To Do"
+ list do
+ p "Try out Ruby"
+ p "Ride a tiger"
+ p "(down River Euphrates)"
+ end
+ end
The p
method is short for "paragraph".
Spread the Comics on the Table
Okay, this is coming along wonderfully. This is simple stuff, but keep in mind that you didn't know any Ruby whatsoever just fifteen minutes ago!
+step. Let's tie it all together, you know? Let's make it chime together
+like a very nice set of glistening chimes on the beach in the
+maginificent sunlight!
Make sure the comics are loaded: comics = load_comics( '/comics.txt' )
Now, let's make a list of the links to each comic:
Popup.make do
+ h1 "Comics on the Web"
+ list do
+ comics.each do |name, url|
+ link name, url
+ end
+ end
+ end
You can click on the links and read the comics in the little window even! Smashing!
\033\[1;JSm.*popup_make\(.*h1.*ul.*li.*a href.*li.*a href.*\)\033\[m.*
Summary #6 Which Means You've Come So Far
You're a level six Ruby cleric. I mean what a great job you've done. Let's review:
+ - You added your own method with def and you used that
method several times.
+ - Libraries. You used the
method to load the popup library.
By typing: require 'popup'
+ - And if that wasn't enough, you made your own web page from a list of comics in a file. You made a real program!
+what could possibly be next? What could you possibly have to learn now?
+Ha, this is the best part. You've come such a long way that we're going
+to uncover classes. For two more short lessons and you're done.
Earlier, we created a hash like this: Hash.new
Try it.
Not a School Class, a Working Class
You see, the empty curly braces {}
is a shortcut for Hash.new
. The new
+method is used to make objects of a certain class. (Think "class" as in
+"working class" — a specific group of objects which are similar, have
+the same jobs, the same shirts.)
Ask yourself this: How would I make a blog in Ruby?
+Where would you start? Well, you might store your blog entries in a
+file, right? But how would you keep track of the title of the entry and
+the time it was posted? And when you loaded the file, how would it look
+in Ruby? Would it be a Hash? Or an Array? Or an Array of Arrays? Or
+something else?
I really think you'll want to use a class. You are already familiar with many classes: Hash
, Array
, String
Let's make a new class: class BlogEntry
The Stuff Blogs are Made of
You've opened up a new BlogEntry
class. What is your blog entry made of? A title, sure. Also, a time when the entry was posted. The
+ full text of the entry.
We'll do a mood setting, too, just like LiveJournal.
The Internet has really brought back stick people and smileys
+ out of bankruptcy. Emote!
Okay, so you've got the first line of the class, here's the rest:
class BlogEntry
+ attr_accessor :title, :time, :fulltext, :mood
+ end
Accessors Are the Dangling Limbs
Hey, good class, man. You've got a new BlogEntry
class. To start an entry:
entry = BlogEntry.new
In the class definition, you used a method called attr_accessor
. There are many attribute methods like
+ this which add little settings to classes. These attributes are just variables attached to a class.
+of it this way. A class is like a person. That star-shaped human thing
+out there. And the attributes are the dangling limbs, the different
+parts that make up a body.
To set the title of your entry: entry.title = "Today Mt. Hood Was Stolen!"
An Object, That Neat Little Package
Go ahead and set the post time: entry.time = Time.now
And the mood: entry.mood = :sick
And the post itself: entry.fulltext = "I can't believe Mt. Hood was stolen! I am speechless! It was stolen by a giraffe who drove away
+ in his Cadillac Seville very nonchalant!!"
To see all your settings, just type at the prompt: entry
#.BlogEntry:0x[0-9a-f]+ ((@title|@mood|@time|@fulltext)=.*?, ){3}.*
Quickening it Up
+you're blog is awesome. Hey, let's make things a bit easier on you.
+You're not going to want to set the time like that every time you post.
+You just want to type in the title and the entry and the mood quickly,
Let's add an initialize
class BlogEntry
+ def initialize( title, mood, fulltext )
+ @time = Time.now
+ @title, @mood, @fulltext = title, mood, fulltext
+ end
+ end
Once you've got that typed in, try making a new entry: BlogEntry.new
ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments \(0 for 3\).*
You've Taught Your Blog to Reject Worthless Things
Did you see how inside the class we used the at-symbols? Like this: @time = Time.now
Outside the class, we use accessors: entry.time = Time.now
But inside we use instance variables: @time = Time.now
+ They're the exact same thing, but expressed in two different places of your program.
Your blog now needs a title, a mood and a post in order to work. When a new BlogEntry
is created, the initialize
+ is used to check for any arguments to new
. Uh, we need three arguments!
Try it again with all three.
+= BlogEntry.new( "I Left my Hoodie on the Mountain!", :confused, "I am
+never going back to that mountain and I hope a giraffe steals it." )
#.BlogEntry:0x[0-9a-f]+ ((@title|@mood|@time|@fulltext)=.*?, ){3}.*
A Giraffe Has Not Stolen Summary #7
Aha, you're here. And all in one piece. We're still going to make your blog real, but until then, let's review, okay?
+ - Classes. Everything in Ruby is some kind of object. Classes explain objects. How a certain object works.
+ For example, you made a few blog entry objects and these objects are explained in the
+ In other words: you call them BlogEntry objects.
+ - Accessors are variables attached to an object which can be used outside the object. (
entry.time = Time.now
+ - Instance variables are the same variables you're using for accessors when inside the object.
+ Like in a method definition. (
@time = Time.now
+let's wrap things up, kid. Here's the last chapter of the GRIPPING epic
+story of Try Ruby! Now that you've got a taste of how it all works, how
+are you going to use it around the house and in your grocer's freezer?
+You're a great person (one of my favorites), but you need guidance.
Let's finish your blog. You have blog entries, but no actual blog.
Put the entries into an array: blog = [entry, entry2]
\[#.BlogEntry:0x[0-9a-f]+.*, #.BlogEntry:0x[0-9a-f]+.*\]
It's All About Combining Things
+beautiful things can be done with the simple parts of Ruby, especially
+when you combine them together into new things. Here we've got a blog
+made of an array of classes. And, actually, Ruby really does good with
+this kind of creature.
Here's a few things you can do with your array blog:
- You'll want to sort your entries from newest to oldest. You can do this with:
+ blog.sort_by { |entry| entry.time }.reverse
See the sort_by explanation for more.
+ - If you want to search your blog for anything related to "cadillac":
+ blog.find_all { |entry| entry.fulltext.match(/cadillac/i) }
+ Read all about find_all
+ and match
+ to figure out how that works. Also: the slashy /giraffe/i
is a Regexp object, used for matching words.
+ - Add new entries with
blog << new_entry
+ And check out the << method documentation.
You can browse a list of all Ruby's built-in methods at ruby-doc.org's core list.
+ Another good list is at the online pickaxe.
One really useful method (I probably use this more than anything else) is map
. Type: blog.map { |entry| entry.mood }
\[(:\w+, )+:\w+\]
Look at His Face — The Transformation Has Begun
The map
method cycles through an array and replaces each item with something new. Say you wanted to replace each of your blog entries
+ with the name Bruce Willis. Do it so: blog.map { "Bruce Willis" }
Since the block always returns the string "Bruce Willis", that's what you get. In the code you just used, the entry
was swapped out
+ for only the entry.mood
+I want you to make a popup with your blog entries. I'm not going to
+give you all of the code. I'm just going to give you part of it.
blog.each do |entry|
+ h2 entry.title
+ p entry.fulltext
+ end
Now, I expect you to put the popup code around it and add an h1
title with the name of your blog. For extra haroompf, have the time of each entry display.
You are Some Kind of Web Guru, I Have Stars in My Eyes
+that's it! This is exactly the code you can use to write your own real
+Ruby blog. If you're feeling adventurous, I'd check out the Rails videos which show a swift young fellow creating a blog in 15 minutes. You just sit back and watch.
+should mention Rails. You have been learning the Ruby language, how to
+speak it. But Rails is a bunch of libraries (sort of like the popup
+library we've been using.) It's a very powerful toolkit for building
+websites. If you're interested in learning about Rails, I would head
+ over there right away. Start using your Ruby skills proper!
One thing Rails has is easy methods for dates. Like, try: Time.now - 2.weeks
class Integer; def weeks; self * 7*24*60*60; end; end
\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} [-+]\d{4}
If You Want to Start Small
If you'd like to start writing little Ruby programs just to practice, I have a project called MouseHole
+ which is a little web toolkit for writing short Ruby programs. You can look over a few
+ scripts to see what I mean.
+isn't for writing web sites really. It's just for writing little
+programs you run inside your browser. Like there's a notepad program
+for MouseHole and a program which adds a mouse picture next to links on
+the web which link to MouseHole programs.
I've got a MouseHole script inside a file here:
+ print File.read("/MouseHole/flickrpedia.user.rb")
.*Inserts Wikipedia links for Flickr tags.*
Summary #8, The Hey-Relax-You-Did-Good Summary
This last section took a moment to wind down, to give you some pointers as to how you can use Ruby. If you enjoyed yourself,
+ download Ruby and install it.
Once you have Ruby installed, you can use Interactive Ruby by running irb
on your system's prompt. For more on Irb,
+ there's The Tiger's Vest to help you.
+really deserve a double-layer cake with double-double frosting and a
+guy playing one of those guitars that's a double guitar. I mean you
+finished, you really did! No doubt about it, you're a certified
+red-blooded smartiac!
diff --git a/TryRuby/public/tutorials/intro.html.broken b/TryRuby/public/tutorials/intro.html.broken
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5a6c27c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TryRuby/public/tutorials/intro.html.broken
@@ -0,0 +1,638 @@
Using the Prompt
The blue window above is a Ruby prompt. Type a line of Ruby code, hit Enter
+ and watch it run!
For example, try typing some math. Like: 2 + 6
Numbers & Math
Good! You did a bit of math. See how the answer popped out?
Ruby recognizes numbers and mathematic symbols. You could try some other math like:
Sure, computers are handy and fast for math. Let's move on. Want to see your name reversed?
+ Type your first name in quotes like this: "Jimmy"
Say Your Name Backwards
Perfect, you've formed a string from the letters of your name. A string
+ is a set of characters the computer can process.
Imagine the letters are on a string of
+ laundry line and the quotes are clothespins holding the ends. The quotes mark the beginning and end.
To reverse your name, type: "Jimmy".reverse
(Don't forget the dot!)
Counting the Letters
You have used the reverse
method on your name! By enclosing your name in
+ quotes, you made a string. Then you called the reverse
method, which works on strings to flip
+ all the letters backwards.
Now, let's see how many letters are in your name: "Jimmy".length
On Repeat
Now, I'm sure by now you're wondering what any of this is good for. Well, I'm sure you've been to
+ a website that screamed, Hey, your password is too short! See, some programs
+ use this simple code.
Watch this. Let's multiply your name by 5. "Jimmy" * 5
Hey, Summary #1 Already
Let's look at what you've learned in the first minute.
+ - The prompt. Typing code into the green prompt gives you
+ an answer from a red prompt. All code gives an answer.
+ - Numbers and strings are Ruby's math and text objects.
+ - Methods. You've used English-language methods like
+ and symbolic methods like *
(the multiplication method.) Methods are action!
This is the essence of your learning. Taking simple things, toying with
+ them and turning them into new things. Feeling comfortable yet? I promise you are.
Okay, let's do something uncomfortable. Try reversing a number: 40.reverse
NoMethodError: undefined method `reverse' for (\d+):Fixnum
Stop, You're Barking Mad!
You can't reverse the number forty. I guess you can hold your monitor up to the
+ mirror, but reversing a number just doesn't make sense. Ruby has tossed an error
+ message. Ruby is telling you there is no method reverse
for numbers.
Maybe if you turn it into a string: 40.to_s.reverse
Boys are Different From Girls
And numbers are different from strings. While you can use methods on any object
+ in Ruby, some methods only work on certain types of things. But you can always
+ convert between different types using Ruby's "to" methods.
- to_s converts things to strings.
+ - to_i converts things to integers (numbers.)
+ - to_a converts things to arrays.
What are arrays?! They are lists. Type in a pair of brackets: []
Standing in Line
Great, that's an empty list. Lists store things in order.
+ Like standing in line for popcorn. You are behind someone and you wouldn't
+ dream of pushing them aside, right? And the guy behind you, you've got a
+ close eye on him, right?
Here's a list for you. Lottery numbers: [12, 47, 35]
\[(\d+(, )?){2,}\]
One Raises Its Hand
A list of lottery numbers. Which one is the highest?
Try: [12, 47, 35].max
Tucking a List Away
Good, good. But it's annoying to have to retype that list, isn't it?
Let's save our numbers inside a ticket
like so: ticket = [12, 47, 35]
\[(\d+(, )?){2,}\]
Now Type Ticket
Now, type: ticket
\[(\d+(, )?){2,}\]
Saved, Tucked Away
Fantastic! You've hung on to your lotto numbers, tucking them away inside a
+ variable called ticket
Let's put your lotto numbers in order, how about? Use: ticket.sort!
\[(\d+(, )?){2,}\]
Summary #2 is Upon Us
You had a list. You sorted the list. The ticket
variable is now changed.
Did you notice that the sort!
method has a big, bright exclamation at the end?
+ A lot of times Ruby methods shout like that if they alter the variable for good. It's nothin
+ special, just a mark.
Now, look how your second minute went:
+ - Errors. If you try to reverse a number or do anything fishy,
+ Ruby will skip the prompt and tell you so.
+ - Arrays are lists for storing things in order.
+ - Variables save a thing and give it a name. You used the
+ equals sign to do this.
Like: ticket = [14, 37, 18]
In all there are eight lessons. You are two-eighths of the way there!
+ This is simple stuff, don't you think? Good stuff up ahead.
Let's change directions for a moment. I've stuffed a bit of poetry for you in
+ a certain variable. Take a look. Type print poem
poem = "My toast has flown from my hand\nAnd my toast has gone to the
+moon.\nBut when I saw it on television,\nPlanting our flag on Halley's
+comet,\nMore still did I want to eat it.\n"
My toast (.+)
Sadly, You Hate Toast Poetry
Look, it's okay. You don't have to like it. Hack it up, be my guest.
Instead of toast, go for a melon or something. Try this: poem['toast'] = 'honeydew'
And then type print poem
by itself to see the new poem.
My honey(.+)
Ready, Aim
The square brackets you just used are very common in Ruby. Remember, you typed: poem['toast'] = 'honeydew'
. That box with the word toast has a square bracket on each side, see?
+two brackets are like sights used to line up a target. Exactly. These
+brackets mean, "I am looking for ____." Ready, aim. Here you're looking
+for toast and swapping it out with fruit.
Here's a question: what happens when we reverse this whole poem? poem.reverse
"\\n.ti tae ot (.+)"
Too Much Reversal
Okay, sure. So the whole poem's been turned backwards, letter-by-letter. I really want to just
+ reverse the lines, though. Move the last line up to first and the first line down to last. Backwards, but not
+ that backwards.
Here's how: poem.lines.to_a.reverse
\["More still did I(.+)"\]
Ringlets of Chained Methods
So what do you see? What happened there? You typed poem.lines.to_a.reverse
and what happened?
Two things happened. You turned the poem
into a
+list using lines.to_a
. lines
decides the way
+the string is split up, then to_a
converted it into an
+Array. (To array.) Different methods, such
+as bytes
and chars
can be used in place
+of lines
. By using lines, ruby will return each line of the poem.
Then, you reverse
d that list. You had each line. You reversed them. That's it.
Let's tack one more method on the end there: print poem.lines.to_a.reverse.join
More still did I(.+)
Of All the Summaries, #3 is Here Now
Good show, my friend! The join
method took that list of reversed lines and put them
+ together into a string. (Sure, you could have also just used to_s
Review time.
+ - Exclamations. Methods may have exclamations (and also question marks)
+ in their name. No big deal. Try:
poem.include? "my hand"
+ - Square brackets. Target and find things. Search and replace.
+ - Chaining methods lets you get a lot more done. Break up a poem,
+ reverse it, reassemble it:
At this point, you may want to tinker with the poem a bit more. A complete list of all
+ the String
methods is
+ here.
+ Go ahead and try a few (such as poem.downcase
or poem.delete
When you're ready to move on, type: books = {}
A Wee Blank Book
You've made an empty hash. (Also known as: an empty dictionary.)
We're going to stuff some miniature book reviews in this hash. Here's our rating system:
+ :splendid
→ a masterpiece.
+ :quite_good
→ enjoyed, sure, yes.
+ :mediocre
→ equal parts great and terrible.
+ :quite_not_good
→ notably bad.
+ :abyssmal
→ steaming wreck.
To rate a book, put the title in square brackets and put the rating after the equals.
For example: books["Gravity's Rainbow"] = :splendid
More Bite-Size Reviews
Keep going, fill it up with reviews. And, if you want to see the whole list,
+ just type: books
Again, the ratings are: :splendid
, :quite_good
, :mediocre
+ :quite_not_good
, and :abyssmal
These ratings are not strings. When you place a colon in front of a simple word, you get a
+ symbol. Symbols are cheaper than strings (in terms of computer memory.) If
+ you use a word over and over in your program, use a symbol. Rather than having thousands of
+ copies of that word in memory, the computer will store the symbol only once.
Once you've got three or four books in
+ there, type: books.length
Wait, Did I Like Gravity's Rainbow?
See, the length
method works on strings, list and hashes. One great thing about
+ Ruby is that names are often reused, which means fewer names you need to remember.
If you'd like to look up one of your old reviews, again put the title in the square. But leave off
+ the equals.
Just like this: books["Gravity's Rainbow"]
Hashes as Pairs
Keep in mind that hashes won't keep things in order. That's not their job. It'll just pair up two
+ things: a key and a value. In your reviews, the key is the book's
+ title and the value is the rating.
If you want to just see the titles of the books you've reviewed: books.keys
Are You Harsh?
So are you giving out harsh, unfair reviews? Let's keep score with this hash:
ratings = Hash.new {0}
Then, okay, now let's count up your reviews. Just stay with me. Type:
+ books.values.each { |rate| ratings[rate] += 1 }
(The straight line in the code is the pipe character, probably located right above the
+ Enter key on your keyboard.)
A Tally
Great, wow! You've made a scorecard of your ratings. Type ratings
to see the count.
+ This new hash shows a rating and then the number of times you've given that rating.
One of the amazing new things we've just used is a block. We're going to
+ explore these more in the next summary. But, basically, a block is a bit of Ruby code surrounded
+ by curly braces.
Let's try another block: 5.times { print "Odelay!" }
Now Arriving at Summary #4
Blocks are always attached to methods. Like the times
method, which takes the
+ block and runs the code over and over. (In this case: five times.)
This last lesson was a bit longer. You've probably used up three minutes learning about:
+ - Hashes. The little dictionary with the curly pages:
+ - Symbols. Tiny, efficient code words with a colon:
+ - Blocks. Chunks of code which can be tacked on to many of Ruby's methods. Here's the
+ code you used to build a scorecard:
books.values.each { |rate| ratings[rate] += 1 }
+<<<<<<< HEAD
On your computer, you probably have a lot of different files. Files with pictures in them,
+ files with programs in them. And files are often organized into folders, also called:
+ directories.
I've prepared a few directories for you. Take a look:
+ Dir.entries "/"
\["\.", .+\]
The Private Collection of Dr. Dir
You've just listed out everything in the top directory. The root directory, indicated
+ by a single slash. Containing some programs and other tutorials and such.
So, what is the Dir.entries
method? Well, it's just a method, right?
+ entries
is a method called on the Dir
+ And Dir
has a collection of methods for checking out file directories.
One other little thing we haven't really talked about openly. Method arguments, highlighted in green.
+ Dir.entries "/"
: Anything listed after a method
+ is considered an attachment.
+ print poem
: See, print
is an ordinary method. And the
+ poem is attached. To be printed.
+ print "pre", "event", "ual", "ism"
has several arguments, with commas
+ between them.
To list just the text files in that directory: Dir["/*.txt"]
Come, Read Comics With Me
The Dir[]
method is like entries
but you search for files
+ with wildcard characters. Here, we see those square brackets again! Notice how
+ they still mean, "I am looking for _____?"
More specifically: "I am looking for files which end with .txt
Let's crack open this comics file, then. Here's the way:
+ print File.read("/comics.txt")
Mi Comicas, Tu Comicas
All right! We can start to use files to store things. This is great because normally when
+ we exit Ruby, all our variables will be gone. Ruby, by itself, forgets these things.
+ But if we save things in files, we can read those files in future Ruby escapades.
Hey, and guess what? The /Home
directory is yours! I gave it to you! I am generous! Let's make a copy of the comics file.
You'll want to: FileUtils.copy('/comics.txt', '/Home/comics.txt')
If you've already created the file, use File.delete('/Home/comics.txt') to trash it.
Your Own Turf
Okay, you've got a copy. Check it: Dir["/Home/*.txt"]
To add your own comic to the list, let's open the file in append mode.
Start like this: File.open("/Home/comics.txt", "a") do |f|
And Now For the Startling Conclusion
So your prompt has changed. See that? Your prompt is a double dot now.
In this tutorial, this prompt means that Ruby is expecting you to type more.
+ As you type in the lines of Ruby code, the double dots will continue until you
+ are completely finished.
Hot tip: If you want to stop working on the code and break out of the double dots, use the reset
+ command. If you want to go the previous page of the tutorial, use the back
Here's your code. You've already typed the first line, so just enter the second line. (The \n
+ is an Enter character.
File.open("/Home/comics.txt", "a") do |f|
+ f << "Cat and Girl: http://catandgirl.com/\n"
+ end
And, since you're getting so advanced and capable here, one other tip: you can use the up and down arrow keys to
+ edit your old commands or run them again.
Ruby Sits Still
That last line adds the Cat and Girl comic to the list, but Ruby's going to wait until you're totally finished to
+ take action.
Now, to finish the code you've started. You opened a new block when you typed do
+ So far the blocks we've seen have used curly braces. This time we'll be using do
and end
+ of curly braces. A lot of Rubyists will use do...end
when the block goes on for many lines.
Let's get that block finished now, with: end
File.open("/Home/comics.txt", "a") do |f|
+ f << "Cat and Girl: http://catandgirl.com/\n"
+ end
#.File:/Home/comics\.txt \(closed\).
The Clock Nailed To the File
Good, good! You've added that new comic to the file. You can see for yourself: print File.read("/Home/comics.txt")
What time was it when you changed the file? Let's check. Type: File.mtime("/Home/comics.txt")
\d{4}-\d+-\d+ \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} [+-]\d{4}
Just the Hour Hand
Great, there's the time. The precise time exactly when you added to the file. The mtime
gives you a Ruby Time object.
If you want to check just what hour it was, hit the up arrow key and change the line to: File.mtime("/Home/comics.txt").hour
+>>>>>>> nanothief/master
Hallo, Who's There? And Summary #5 Waves Its Hat!
Well done, well done, well done, well done! Truly, truly, truly, truly, truuuuuuuuly!
Here's the last few minutes of your life in review:
+ - Arguments. Arguments are a list of things sent into a method. With commas between.
+ - We also spoke about do and end which are another way to make a block.
You totally know how to use Ruby now. I mean you've got down the essentials. You just need to keep learning more methods and
+ try out more complex blocks.
But there's one side of Ruby we haven't settled. Making your own methods and classes.
Ahem! Let's get it over with then.
In Ruby, Def Leppard Means Define Leppard (a Method)!
Hey, okay, you done it. You're making your own method. You started with def
, followed by the name of the method.
+ And a list of arguments which the method will need. This isn't too scary and dangerous!
All we have to do is fill it up with Ruby and finish it up with end
Hey, Cool, a Popup
Let's make a page of links. How about that? We'll need to load a little library I've made for you.
Type: require 'popup'
Browser Puppetry
Excellent, you've loaded the popup library.
The popup library contains a bunch of methods I've written which let you control a popup here on the Try Ruby site.
Here, try this: Popup.goto "http://google.com/"
Making Links and Spinning Webs
Our own lovely, little popup to manipulate. You can also fill it with your own goodies. We'll start small:
Popup.make {
+ h1 "My Links"
+ link "Go to Google", "http://google.com/"
+ }
The term h1
(h-one) means a level-one header. In HTML, this is the largest size of header.
\033\[1;JSm.*popup_make\(.*h1.*a href.*\)\033\[m.*
Popups Are So Easy, It's Crazy
Looks good, you did it perfectly, just as you were asked. Let's make a list then.
Here's how you make a list with the popup library:
Popup.make do
+ h1 "Things To Do"
+ list do
+ p "Try out Ruby"
+ p "Ride a tiger"
+ p "(down River Euphrates)"
+ end
+ end
The p
method is short for "paragraph".
Spread the Comics on the Table
Okay, this is coming along wonderfully. This is simple stuff, but keep in mind that you didn't know any Ruby whatsoever just fifteen minutes ago!
+step. Let's tie it all together, you know? Let's make it chime together
+like a very nice set of glistening chimes on the beach in the
+maginificent sunlight!
Now, let's make a list of the links to each comic:
Popup.make do
+ h1 "Comics on the Web"
+ list do
+ comics.each do |name, url|
+ link name, url
+ end
+ end
+ end
You can click on the links and read the comics in the little window even! Smashing!
\033\[1;JSm.*popup_make\(.*h1.*ul.*li.*a href.*li.*a href.*\)\033\[m.*
Summary #6 Which Means You've Come So Far
You're a level six Ruby cleric. I mean what a great job you've done. Let's review:
+ - You added your own method with def and you used that [coming soon]
+ - You used the
method to load the popup library.
By typing: require 'popup'
+ - And if that wasn't enough, you made your own web page from a list of
comics in a file no you havent. You made a real program!
+what could possibly be next? What could you possibly have to learn now?
+Ha, this is the best part. You've come such a long way that we're going
+to uncover classes. For two more short lessons and you're done.
Earlier, we created a hash like this: Hash.new
Try it.
Not a School Class, a Working Class
You see, the empty curly braces {}
is a shortcut for Hash.new
. The new
+method is used to make objects of a certain class. (Think "class" as in
+"working class" — a specific group of objects which are similar, have
+the same jobs, the same shirts.)
Ask yourself this: How would I make a blog in Ruby?
+Where would you start? Well, you might store your blog entries in a
+file, right? But how would you keep track of the title of the entry and
+the time it was posted? And when you loaded the file, how would it look
+in Ruby? Would it be a Hash? Or an Array? Or an Array of Arrays? Or
+something else?
I really think you'll want to use a class. You are already familiar with many classes: Hash
, Array
, String
Let's make a new class: class BlogEntry
The Stuff Blogs are Made of
You've opened up a new BlogEntry
class. What is your blog entry made of? A title, sure. Also, a time when the entry was posted. The
+ full text of the entry.
We'll do a mood setting, too, just like LiveJournal.
The Internet has really brought back stick people and smileys
+ out of bankruptcy. Emote!
Okay, so you've got the first line of the class, here's the rest:
class BlogEntry
+ attr_accessor :title, :time, :fulltext, :mood
+ end
Accessors Are the Dangling Limbs
Hey, good class, man. You've got a new BlogEntry
class. To start an entry:
entry = BlogEntry.new
In the class definition, you used a method called attr_accessor
. There are many attribute methods like
+ this which add little settings to classes. These attributes are just variables attached to a class.
+of it this way. A class is like a person. That star-shaped human thing
+out there. And the attributes are the dangling limbs, the different
+parts that make up a body.
To set the title of your entry: entry.title = "Today Mt. Hood Was Stolen!"
An Object, That Neat Little Package
Go ahead and set the post time: entry.time = Time.now
And the mood: entry.mood = :sick
And the post itself: entry.fulltext = "I can't believe Mt. Hood was stolen! I am speechless! It was stolen by a giraffe who drove away
+ in his Cadillac Seville very nonchalant!!"
To see all your settings, just type at the prompt: entry
#.BlogEntry:0x[0-9a-f]+ ((@title|@mood|@time|@fulltext)=.*?, ){3}.*
Quickening it Up
+you're blog is awesome. Hey, let's make things a bit easier on you.
+You're not going to want to set the time like that every time you post.
+You just want to type in the title and the entry and the mood quickly,
Let's add an initialize
class BlogEntry
+ def initialize( title, mood, fulltext )
+ @time = Time.now
+ @title, @mood, @fulltext = title, mood, fulltext
+ end
+ end
Once you've got that typed in, try making a new entry: BlogEntry.new
ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments \(0 for 3\).*
You've Taught Your Blog to Reject Worthless Things
Did you see how inside the class we used the at-symbols? Like this: @time = Time.now
Outside the class, we use accessors: entry.time = Time.now
But inside we use instance variables: @time = Time.now
+ They're the exact same thing, but expressed in two different places of your program.
Your blog now needs a title, a mood and a post in order to work. When a new BlogEntry
is created, the initialize
+ is used to check for any arguments to new
. Uh, we need three arguments!
Try it again with all three.
+= BlogEntry.new( "I Left my Hoodie on the Mountain!", :confused, "I am
+never going back to that mountain and I hope a giraffe steals it." )
#.BlogEntry:0x[0-9a-f]+ ((@title|@mood|@time|@fulltext)=.*?, ){3}.*
A Giraffe Has Not Stolen Summary #7
Aha, you're here. And all in one piece. We're still going to make your blog real, but until then, let's review, okay?
+ - Classes. Everything in Ruby is some kind of object. Classes explain objects. How a certain object works.
+ For example, you made a few blog entry objects and these objects are explained in the
+ In other words: you call them BlogEntry objects.
+ - Accessors are variables attached to an object which can be used outside the object. (
entry.time = Time.now
+ - Instance variables are the same variables you're using for accessors when inside the object.
+ Like in a method definition. (
@time = Time.now
+let's wrap things up, kid. Here's the last chapter of the GRIPPING epic
+story of Try Ruby! Now that you've got a taste of how it all works, how
+are you going to use it around the house and in your grocer's freezer?
+You're a great person (one of my favorites), but you need guidance.
Let's finish your blog. You have blog entries, but no actual blog.
Put the entries into an array: blog = [entry, entry2]
\[#.BlogEntry:0x[0-9a-f]+.*, #.BlogEntry:0x[0-9a-f]+.*\]
It's All About Combining Things
+beautiful things can be done with the simple parts of Ruby, especially
+when you combine them together into new things. Here we've got a blog
+made of an array of classes. And, actually, Ruby really does good with
+this kind of creature.
Here's a few things you can do with your array blog:
- You'll want to sort your entries from newest to oldest. You can do this with:
+ blog.sort_by { |entry| entry.time }.reverse
See the sort_by explanation for more.
+ - If you want to search your blog for anything related to "cadillac":
+ blog.find_all { |entry| entry.fulltext.match(/cadillac/i) }
+ Read all about find_all
+ and match
+ to figure out how that works. Also: the slashy /giraffe/i
is a Regexp object, used for matching words.
+ - Add new entries with
blog << new_entry
+ And check out the << method documentation.
You can browse a list of all Ruby's built-in methods at ruby-doc.org's core list.
+ Another good list is at the online pickaxe.
One really useful method (I probably use this more than anything else) is map
. Type: blog.map { |entry| entry.mood }
\[(:\w+, )+:\w+\]
Look at His Face — The Transformation Has Begun
The map
method cycles through an array and replaces each item with something new. Say you wanted to replace each of your blog entries
+ with the name Bruce Willis. Do it so: blog.map { "Bruce Willis" }
Since the block always returns the string "Bruce Willis", that's what you get. In the code you just used, the entry
was swapped out
+ for only the entry.mood
+I want you to make a popup with your blog entries. I'm not going to
+give you all of the code. I'm just going to give you part of it.
blog.each do |entry|
+ h2 entry.title
+ p entry.fulltext
+ end
Now, I expect you to put the popup code around it and add an h1
title with the name of your blog. For extra haroompf, have the time of each entry display.
You are Some Kind of Web Guru, I Have Stars in My Eyes
+that's it! This is exactly the code you can use to write your own real
+Ruby blog. If you're feeling adventurous, I'd check out the Rails videos which show a swift young fellow creating a blog in 15 minutes. You just sit back and watch.
+should mention Rails. You have been learning the Ruby language, how to
+speak it. But Rails is a bunch of libraries (sort of like the popup
+library we've been using.) It's a very powerful toolkit for building
+websites. If you're interested in learning about Rails, I would head
+ over there right away. Start using your Ruby skills proper!
One thing Rails has is easy methods for dates. Like, try: Time.now - 2.weeks
class Integer; def weeks; self * 7*24*60*60; end; end
\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} [-+]\d{4}
Summary #8, The Hey-Relax-You-Did-Good Summary
This last section took a moment to wind down, to give you some pointers as to how you can use Ruby. If you enjoyed yourself,
+ download Ruby and install it.
Once you have Ruby installed, you can use Interactive Ruby by running irb
on your system's prompt. For more on Irb,
+ there's The Tiger's Vest to help you.
+really deserve a double-layer cake with double-double frosting and a
+guy playing one of those guitars that's a double guitar. I mean you
+finished, you really did! No doubt about it, you're a certified
+red-blooded smartiac!
diff --git a/TryRuby/public/tutorials/intro_files/sick.gif b/TryRuby/public/tutorials/intro_files/sick.gif
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..217a67cbae60740fdc90b92e06b977cf7fc56699
GIT binary patch
literal 94
zcmZ?wbhEHb|6B "37"
+ assigns(:irb).should be(mock_irb)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "GET new" do
+ it "assigns a new irb as @irb" do
+ Irb.stub(:new) { mock_irb }
+ get :new
+ assigns(:irb).should be(mock_irb)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "GET edit" do
+ it "assigns the requested irb as @irb" do
+ Irb.stub(:find).with("37") { mock_irb }
+ get :edit, :id => "37"
+ assigns(:irb).should be(mock_irb)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "POST create" do
+ describe "with valid params" do
+ it "assigns a newly created irb as @irb" do
+ Irb.stub(:new).with({'these' => 'params'}) { mock_irb(:save => true) }
+ post :create, :irb => {'these' => 'params'}
+ assigns(:irb).should be(mock_irb)
+ end
+ it "redirects to the created irb" do
+ Irb.stub(:new) { mock_irb(:save => true) }
+ post :create, :irb => {}
+ response.should redirect_to(irb_url(mock_irb))
+ end
+ end
+ describe "with invalid params" do
+ it "assigns a newly created but unsaved irb as @irb" do
+ Irb.stub(:new).with({'these' => 'params'}) { mock_irb(:save => false) }
+ post :create, :irb => {'these' => 'params'}
+ assigns(:irb).should be(mock_irb)
+ end
+ it "re-renders the 'new' template" do
+ Irb.stub(:new) { mock_irb(:save => false) }
+ post :create, :irb => {}
+ response.should render_template("new")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "PUT update" do
+ describe "with valid params" do
+ it "updates the requested irb" do
+ Irb.stub(:find).with("37") { mock_irb }
+ mock_irb.should_receive(:update_attributes).with({'these' => 'params'})
+ put :update, :id => "37", :irb => {'these' => 'params'}
+ end
+ it "assigns the requested irb as @irb" do
+ Irb.stub(:find) { mock_irb(:update_attributes => true) }
+ put :update, :id => "1"
+ assigns(:irb).should be(mock_irb)
+ end
+ it "redirects to the irb" do
+ Irb.stub(:find) { mock_irb(:update_attributes => true) }
+ put :update, :id => "1"
+ response.should redirect_to(irb_url(mock_irb))
+ end
+ end
+ describe "with invalid params" do
+ it "assigns the irb as @irb" do
+ Irb.stub(:find) { mock_irb(:update_attributes => false) }
+ put :update, :id => "1"
+ assigns(:irb).should be(mock_irb)
+ end
+ it "re-renders the 'edit' template" do
+ Irb.stub(:find) { mock_irb(:update_attributes => false) }
+ put :update, :id => "1"
+ response.should render_template("edit")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "DELETE destroy" do
+ it "destroys the requested irb" do
+ Irb.stub(:find).with("37") { mock_irb }
+ mock_irb.should_receive(:destroy)
+ delete :destroy, :id => "37"
+ end
+ it "redirects to the irb list" do
+ Irb.stub(:find) { mock_irb }
+ delete :destroy, :id => "1"
+ response.should redirect_to(irb_url)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/TryRuby/spec/controllers/public_controller_spec.rb b/TryRuby/spec/controllers/public_controller_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61a96a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TryRuby/spec/controllers/public_controller_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe PublicController do
diff --git a/TryRuby/spec/helpers/classic_helper_spec.rb b/TryRuby/spec/helpers/classic_helper_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2614b0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TryRuby/spec/helpers/classic_helper_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+# Specs in this file have access to a helper object that includes
+# the ClassicHelper. For example:
+# describe ClassicHelper do
+# describe "string concat" do
+# it "concats two strings with spaces" do
+# helper.concat_strings("this","that").should == "this that"
+# end
+# end
+# end
+describe ClassicHelper do
+ pending "add some examples to (or delete) #{__FILE__}"
diff --git a/TryRuby/spec/helpers/irb_helper_spec.rb b/TryRuby/spec/helpers/irb_helper_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..325a0b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TryRuby/spec/helpers/irb_helper_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+# Specs in this file have access to a helper object that includes
+# the IrbHelper. For example:
+# describe IrbHelper do
+# describe "string concat" do
+# it "concats two strings with spaces" do
+# helper.concat_strings("this","that").should == "this that"
+# end
+# end
+# end
+describe IrbHelper do
+ pending "add some examples to (or delete) #{__FILE__}"
diff --git a/TryRuby/spec/helpers/public_helper_spec.rb b/TryRuby/spec/helpers/public_helper_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..434276a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TryRuby/spec/helpers/public_helper_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+# Specs in this file have access to a helper object that includes
+# the PublicHelper. For example:
+# describe PublicHelper do
+# describe "string concat" do
+# it "concats two strings with spaces" do
+# helper.concat_strings("this","that").should == "this that"
+# end
+# end
+# end
+describe PublicHelper do
+ pending "add some examples to (or delete) #{__FILE__}"
diff --git a/TryRuby/spec/models/irb_spec.rb b/TryRuby/spec/models/irb_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26e0fa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TryRuby/spec/models/irb_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe Irb do
+ pending "add some examples to (or delete) #{__FILE__}"
diff --git a/TryRuby/spec/requests/irb_spec.rb b/TryRuby/spec/requests/irb_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0c7946
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TryRuby/spec/requests/irb_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe "Irb" do
+ describe "GET /irb" do
+ it "works! (now write some real specs)" do
+ # Run the generator again with the --webrat flag if you want to use webrat methods/matchers
+ get irb_path
+ response.status.should be(200)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/TryRuby/spec/routing/irb_routing_spec.rb b/TryRuby/spec/routing/irb_routing_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25ea295
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TryRuby/spec/routing/irb_routing_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+require "spec_helper"
+describe IrbController do
+ describe "routing" do
+ it "recognizes and generates #index" do
+ { :get => "/irb" }.should route_to(:controller => "irb", :action => "index")
+ end
+ it "recognizes and generates #new" do
+ { :get => "/irb/new" }.should route_to(:controller => "irb", :action => "new")
+ end
+ it "recognizes and generates #show" do
+ { :get => "/irb/1" }.should route_to(:controller => "irb", :action => "show", :id => "1")
+ end
+ it "recognizes and generates #edit" do
+ { :get => "/irb/1/edit" }.should route_to(:controller => "irb", :action => "edit", :id => "1")
+ end
+ it "recognizes and generates #create" do
+ { :post => "/irb" }.should route_to(:controller => "irb", :action => "create")
+ end
+ it "recognizes and generates #update" do
+ { :put => "/irb/1" }.should route_to(:controller => "irb", :action => "update", :id => "1")
+ end
+ it "recognizes and generates #destroy" do
+ { :delete => "/irb/1" }.should route_to(:controller => "irb", :action => "destroy", :id => "1")
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/TryRuby/spec/spec_helper.rb b/TryRuby/spec/spec_helper.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b8b02c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TryRuby/spec/spec_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# This file is copied to spec/ when you run 'rails generate rspec:install'
+ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= 'test'
+require File.expand_path("../../config/environment", __FILE__)
+require 'rspec/rails'
+# Requires supporting ruby files with custom matchers and macros, etc,
+# in spec/support/ and its subdirectories.
+Dir[Rails.root.join("spec/support/**/*.rb")].each {|f| require f}
+RSpec.configure do |config|
+ # == Mock Framework
+ #
+ # If you prefer to use mocha, flexmock or RR, uncomment the appropriate line:
+ #
+ # config.mock_with :mocha
+ # config.mock_with :flexmock
+ # config.mock_with :rr
+ config.mock_with :rspec
+ # Remove this line if you're not using ActiveRecord or ActiveRecord fixtures
+ config.fixture_path = "#{::Rails.root}/spec/fixtures"
+ # If you're not using ActiveRecord, or you'd prefer not to run each of your
+ # examples within a transaction, remove the following line or assign false
+ # instead of true.
+ config.use_transactional_fixtures = true
diff --git a/TryRuby/spec/views/irb/edit.html.erb_spec.rb b/TryRuby/spec/views/irb/edit.html.erb_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b63112
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TryRuby/spec/views/irb/edit.html.erb_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe "irb/edit.html.erb" do
+ before(:each) do
+ @irb = assign(:irb, stub_model(Irb))
+ end
+ it "renders the edit irb form" do
+ render
+ # Run the generator again with the --webrat flag if you want to use webrat matchers
+ assert_select "form", :action => irb_path(@irb), :method => "post" do
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/TryRuby/spec/views/irb/index.html.erb_spec.rb b/TryRuby/spec/views/irb/index.html.erb_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..193368a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TryRuby/spec/views/irb/index.html.erb_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe "irb/index.html.erb" do
+ before(:each) do
+ assign(:irb, [
+ stub_model(Irb),
+ stub_model(Irb)
+ ])
+ end
+ it "renders a list of irb" do
+ render
+ end
diff --git a/TryRuby/spec/views/irb/new.html.erb_spec.rb b/TryRuby/spec/views/irb/new.html.erb_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca7c0ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TryRuby/spec/views/irb/new.html.erb_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe "irb/new.html.erb" do
+ before(:each) do
+ assign(:irb, stub_model(Irb).as_new_record)
+ end
+ it "renders new irb form" do
+ render
+ # Run the generator again with the --webrat flag if you want to use webrat matchers
+ assert_select "form", :action => irb_path, :method => "post" do
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/TryRuby/spec/views/irb/show.html.erb_spec.rb b/TryRuby/spec/views/irb/show.html.erb_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a12d28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TryRuby/spec/views/irb/show.html.erb_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe "irb/show.html.erb" do
+ before(:each) do
+ @irb = assign(:irb, stub_model(Irb))
+ end
+ it "renders attributes in " do
+ render
+ end
diff --git a/TryRuby/vendor/plugins/.gitkeep b/TryRuby/vendor/plugins/.gitkeep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/public/images/header.png b/public/images/header.png
index 1a6a3f243063ba8e2a93933357efbd3174f581ae..d6b9aa0f3ce2e738d3d12c68b52c78175322741c 100644
GIT binary patch
literal 51873