This Repo is the implementation of the following paper
- Mean Teacher Mean teachers are better role models: Weight-averaged consistency targets improve semi-supervised deep learning results
We used the Convlarge architecture to train Mean Teacher
checkpoints are set after each epoch to save models and parameters. Ready for plot.
- Pytorch 1.6.0
- Python 3.7.3
- torchvision 0.7.0
- cudatoolkit 10.2
- TensorboardX
also work: conda install pytorch==1.7.1 torchvision==0.8.2 torchaudio==0.7.2 cudatoolkit=11.0 -c pytorch
we didn't include dataset, but after runing the following shell, three folders under "...\data-local\images\cifar\cifar10\by-image" should be \train, \test, and \val
A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running
Say what the step will be
Mean Teacher
a) Student Model : 79%
b) Teacher Model : 80%
This repo implemented several methods and control them using flags.
Go the and change the following flags as follows:
- supervised_mode = False ( To use only 4000 labels for training)
- lr = 0.2 ( setting the learning rate)
- BN = False or True ( for turning batch Normalization on or off)
- sntg = False ( Do not use any SNTG loss )
- Do not change any other settings and run
To Visualize on Tensorboard, use the following command
tensorboard --logdir=”path to ./ckpt”
Note that all the checkpoints are in the ./ckpt folder so simply start a tensorboard session to visualize it. Also all the saved checkpoints for student models are also saved there.
1. Baseline : 12-03-18:09/convlarge,Adam,200epochs,b256,lr0.15/test
2. Mean teacher without BN :
3. Mean Teacher with BN : 12-05-11:55/convlarge,Adam,200epochs,b256,lr0.2/test
4. Hybrid Net : 12-06-10:58/hybridnet,Adam,200epochs,b256,lr0.2/test
5. SNTG + Meant Teacher: 12-07-00:36/convlarge,Adam,200epochs,b256,lr0.2/test
This implementation has been modified based on the following source.
- Mean Teacher : We have mainly followed this Repo, but did necessary modification to make the code run on Python 3.7.x and the visualize the results graphically.