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How to

Here are some examples of how to use OZO API.

How To Make A Very Simple Request

E.g. you have very simple table.

CREATE TABLE users_info(
    id          bigint  NOT NULL,
    name        text,
    amount      bigint  NOT NULL

If you want to execute a query with no custom types or other advanced behavior then the simplest way to do this is:

#include <ozo/request.h>
#include <ozo/connection_info.h>
#include <ozo/shortcuts.h>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>

int main() {
    // The boost io_context is the central management object for asyncronous operations.
    boost::asio::io_context io;

    // Container of rows which accepts integer and nullable string columns in the sequence.
    // (This is an alias on std::vector of std::tuple - see the documentation)
    ozo::rows_of<std::int64_t, std::optional<std::string>> rows;

    // Connection info with host and port to connect to
    auto conn_info = ozo::make_connection_info("host=... port=...");

    // For _SQL literal
    using namespace ozo::literals;
    // Our query statement
    const auto query = "SELECT id, name FROM users_info WHERE amount>="_SQL + std::int64_t(25);

    // Request with connection provider, query and callback.
    ozo::request(ozo::make_connector(conn_info, io), query, ozo::into(rows),
            [&](ozo::error_code ec, auto conn) {
        // Here we got an error, so we can get:
        if (ec) {
            // * Print error code's message
            std::cerr << ec.message();
            // * Print error message from underlying libpq
            std::cerr << " | " << ozo::error_message(conn);
            // * Print additional error context from OZO
            if (!ozo::is_null_recursive(conn)) {
                std::cerr << " | " << ozo::get_error_context(conn);

        // Connection should be in good state here,
        // typically you do not need to check it manually

        // We got results, let's do something with them, e.g. print them out
        std::cout << "id" << '\t' << "name" << std::endl;
        for(auto& row: res) {
            std::cout << std::get<0>(row) << '\t' << std::get<1>(row) << std::endl;

Let's look a little bit closer at this basic asynchronous query example.

ozo::rows_of<std::int64_t, std::optional<std::string>> rows;

Here we define a result type. ozo::rows_of is an alias of std::vector<std::tuple<...>>. And ozo::into is an alias of std::back_inserter. So ozo::request() function will fill this vector of tuples by back inserting data from database's response, row by row. Please read the documentation for more details.

It is very important to preserve the same order of fields in the request and the types in the tuple (it is a little bit annoying, but there is a way to avoid it via Boost.Hana or Boost.Fusion structure adaptation).

Notice that the second position of the tuple is std::optional<std::string>.This is because the name field of the table can be NULL. Empty optional represents a NULL value (you can learn more about Nullable concept from the documentation). If if a NULL value is retrieved from the database for a type that is not an std::optional, then a deserialization error will occur.

Note that in the example, the table is defined with the first (id) and third (amount) columns as NOT NULL. This means that for queries retrieving those columns, it's not necessary to use std::optional for those fields. However, the second (name) column is NULL, and therefore must be an std::optional as explained in the paragraph above.

Note that it's acceptable to provide an std::optional for a NOT NULL field, but it is not acceptable to omit the std::optional for a field that is not NOT NULL, unless you can gaurentee the retrieved data will not be NULL. Failure to properly use std::optional will lead to a run-time error in case of a NULL value received from a database.

auto conn_info = ozo::make_connection_info("host=... port=...");

Now we need to create a connection information for database to connect to. This is our connection source which can create a connection for us as it will be needed (you can learn more about ConnectionSource and ConnectionProvider concepts from the documentation). It's also acceptable to provide a connection URI string, instead of the comma seperated version.

const auto query = "SELECT id, name FROM users_info WHERE amount>="_SQL + std::int64_t(25);

Here's our database query. The _SQL suffix is a user defined literal that converts the string that it is attached to into OZO's query data type. The parameter std::int64_t(25) is then added to the query accordingly. Note that the parameter will be passed as a separate binary parameter, but not as part of the query text.

Here is the asynchrounous function call request().

ozo::request(ozo::make_connector(conn_info, io), query, ozo::into(res),
        [&](ozo::error_code ec, auto conn) {

ozo::make_connector(conn_info, io) - the first parameter is a ConnectionProvider or a Connection. ConnectionProvider is an entity from which you can get a new (or already established) connection. Connection is a ConnectionProvider since it can provide itself. So the query request will be performed within connection obtained for the first argument.

query - the next argument is query which we discussed above.

ozo::into(res) - the output parameter. In this case the out parameter is a back insert iterator to the result vector. Note, that the life time of the output parameter should be managed by a user. In this example it correctly placed on stack since its lifetime overlaps call. Another way you can do this is to use std::make_shared, and then store the resulting shared pointer in your callback function. That way the memory that ozo::into is writing into will stay valid until the callback function finishes.

The query output parameter can be an iterator with appropriate value type, or an ozo::result object which provides access to raw binary data. The second variant is not recommended since user would need to implement binary protocol parsing.

[&](ozo::error_code ec, auto conn) - completion function parameter, in this example it is a callback lambda. In other cases it can be boost::asio::use_future, boost::asio::yield_context or any other compatible concept, such as: boost::asio::async_result, Completion Token. The arguments of the call back are an error code ec (which is namely boost::system::error_code for now) and the connection conn with which the query was made.

for(auto& row: res) - This portion of the example executes if there is no error, and stands for the operations that you want your code to do when there is no error, such as printing out the contents of the output container.

How To Handle Error Properly

OZO uses boost::system::error_code to indicate an error and therefore, like std::error_code, it cannot provide any context-dependent information at all. So unfortunately error_code::message() returns only a static textual description of the code. But this is not enough, especially for sql errors. That's why the additional error information is needed and can be obtained via these two functions:

  • ozo::error_message() - provides a std::string_view with native error message from libpq,
  • ozo::get_error_context() - provides an additional error context from OZO.

Please learn more about these function in the documentation.


void print_error (std::ostream& s, ozo::error_code ec) {
    s << "Request failed with error: " << ec.message();
    // Here we should check if the connection is in null state to avoid UB.
    if (!ozo::is_null_recursive(connection)) {
        // Let's check libpq native error message and if so - print it out
        if (auto msg = ozo::error_message(connection); !msg.empty()) {
            s << ", error message: " << msg;
        // Sometimes libpq native error message is not enough, so let's check
        // the additional error context from OZO
        if (auto ctx = ozo::get_error_context(connection); !ctx.empty()) {
            s << ", additional error context: " << ctx;

How To Map Column Names to Column Numbers At Compile Time

In in the first example we saw how to do a simple request, but in that example we needed to map data from the database to our container object strictly based on the column order:

ozo::rows_of<std::int64_t, std::optional<std::string>> rows;


const auto query = "SELECT id, name FROM users_info WHERE amount>="_SQL + std::int64_t(25);

If we interchange id and name in the query text we will get a run-time error. To be more robust to changes in the ordering of columns returned from the database, we can use Boost.Fusion to map column names to positions.

    (std::int64_t, id)
    (std::optional<std::string>, name)

int main() {


    std::vector<my_row> res;


    const auto query = "SELECT id, name FROM users_info WHERE amount>="_SQL + std::int64_t(25);

    ozo::request(ozo::make_connector(io, conn_info), query, ozo::into(res),
            [&](ozo::error_code ec, auto conn) {


In this example, you can change the order of the fields in either my_row or your database query freely, as the fields are identified based on their name, and not based on their index in the tuple.

How To Determine Which Type Do I Need To Use For The PostgreSQL Type

It is a good question! Since we are using binary protocol and have serialization/deserialization system we also have a type system. It is easy and extandable. For build-in types you can look at ozo/pg/types for difinitions like:

#include <ozo/pg/definitions.h>
#include <string>

OZO_PG_BIND_TYPE(std::string, "text")

OZO_PG_BIND_TYPE(CPP_TYPE, PG_TYPE) defines a C++ to built-in PostgreSQL type mapping. It's arguments are:

  • CPP_TYPE - C++ type.
  • PG_TYPE - PostgreSQL type name.

It defines C++ to built-in PostgreSQL type mapping with it's array. The current array represantation in OZO are std::vector, std::array, std::list, so for std::string type it could be std::vector<std::string>, std::array<std::string, N>, std::list<std::string>.

Since the mapping is many C++ types to one PostgreSQL type, you can always map another C++ type as PostgreSQL type.

E.g. we have an in-library text type definition like:

OZO_PG_BIND_TYPE(std::string, "text")

You have your own brilliant string representation Stroka compatible with const char* data(const Stroka&) and const char* size(const Stroka&) functions (it is needed to use default introspection mechanisms). It can be included in type system and used as text representation like this:

OZO_PG_BIND_TYPE(Stroka, "text")

Now you can get text into Stroka type, and put Stroka object like text in queries.

How To Bind One More PostgreSQL Type For C++ Type With Existing Binding

This is very common problem. A lot of PostgreSQL types can be represented via the same C++ types. E.g. text, name, varchar can be easily and convenient represented via std::string. But it can not be done, due to relation "one to many" between PostgreSQL type and C++ types. You can map text to several C++ types but you can not map several PostgreSQL types to a single C++ type. There is a solution for the problem in the library - OZO_STRONG_TYPEDEF. This macro allows you to define an alias on a type with strong type definition guarantee.

E.g. alias and definition for bytea type may looks like this:

OZO_STRONG_TYPEDEF(std::string, bytea)
OZO_PG_BIND_TYPE(bytea, "bytea")

You can access for the underlying type via conversion operator or get() method:

bytea wrapped_value;

auto n = static_cast<const std::string&>(wrapped_value).find(' ');
// or
auto n = wrapped_value.get().find(' ');
// or
bool is_good_string(const std::string& v);
bool flag = is_good_string(wrapped_value);