TODO merge in notes from CS172
- #P ???
- #P-complete
- counting reductions
- contains some easy P problems
- eg: dnf-sat, 2sat, permanent of a matrix, number of perfect matchings for a bipartite graph
- #P-complete
- #P ???
kolmogorov complexity of a string is min len of computer programming (in some universal lang) to output that string
On Non-Computable Functions (Tibor Rado 1962)
- used TMs
$\Sigma(n)$ : max length of computation by a TM of size$n$ - aka the Busy Beaver function
$S(n)$ : max length of computation by a TM of size$n$ that eventually stops - Busy Beaver game: try to make TMs of a given size that ran for as long as possible (but stopped)
- led to a slew of papers about busy beavers
- favorite pastime: compute
$\Sigma(n), S(n)$ by hand- requires analyzing all TMs of given size to figure out whether it stops
- if so, how long it runs, and what number it prints
- favorite pastime: compute
- article
Computer Studies of Turing Machine Problems (Rado, Shen Lin, 1965)
- computer analyzez easy machines; hard ones by hand
- proved
$\Sigma(1) = 1, S(1) = 1, \Sigma(2) = 4, S(2) = 6$ - Lin's PhD thesis:
$\Sigma(3) = 6, S(3) = 21$ - Allen Brady, 1983:
$\Sigma(4) = 13, S(4) = 107$