v4.4.2 (2021-02-10)
Fixed bugs:
- DocumentFormat.input family should be optional. #249
v4.4.1 (2021-02-10)
Fixed bugs:
- LocalOfficeManager#afterStartProcessDelay is not validated properly. #246
Closed issues:
- 2 concurrent calls to LocalConvertor->convert() return the same PDF file. #243
Merged pull requests:
- bugfix filename contains CJK characters cause error, change to UTF-8 encoding #245 (chunlinyao)
v4.4.0 (2021-01-15)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add the ability to wait after an attempt to start an office process before trying to connect. #244
- Issues converting dotx #213
- Attaching OfficeManager to already running Process #203
- JoDConverterBean: How to add filter #201
- Make office process management asynchronous (start, restart, etc). #200
- Remove unnecessary dependencies. #198
- Do conversions on remote host with LibreOffice directly (not with LibreOffice online, not through spring boot) #195
- Use ExternalOfficeManager with a pool of processes #191
- Allow process restart to be asynchronous #171
- Patching library to be able reuse already running libreoffice instances >> killExistingProcess(false) #72
Fixed bugs:
- ExternalOfficeManager :: makeTempDir not called when connectOnStart = false #211
Closed issues:
- ExternalOfficeManager always connects sockets to #241
- DocUpdateMode not working? #227
- Depending on the operating system, /tmp is getting regularly cleaned #220
- Temporary file name added in CSV -> PDF conversion #219
- wiki page for LibreOffice Online example code shoule be RemoteOfficeManager #216
- Wiki page for LibreOffice Online still references "jodconverter-online" #214
- Jodconverter randomly fails. #204
- I have an issue when I try to convert MS 97-2003 .DOC file to PDF #202
- Jod-Converter Reached limit Tasks and Restart #196
Merged pull requests:
- Make in socket connection configurable #242 (nikowitt)
- bugfix ps args truncated at 125 chars #238 (chunlinyao)
v4.3.0 (2020-03-05)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- regression: Upgrade to jodconverter-local 4.2.3 imply to also add a dependency to jodconverter-core #183
- Unthrown MalformedInputException when looking for soffice PID #180
Closed issues:
- Looking for more information #194
- Pdf without bookmarking #185
- SocketException: Connection reset Issue #184
- if inputFile has no content, then it throw exception #179
v4.2.4 (2020-01-16)
v4.2.3 (2020-01-16)
Implemented enhancements:
- sample-webapp throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException #165
- Add support for "XHTML" LibreOffice filters #134
- Add all supported extensions to PDF conversion support. #132
- Java 11 compatibility #127
- Add support for "XHTML" LibreOffice filters #135 (linux-warrior)
Fixed bugs:
- sample-webapp throws org.apache.commons.io.FileExistsException #166
- Errors in tests when building jodconverter 4.2.2 with Java 9+ #159
- Could not establish connection #148
- LibreOffice path on FreeBSD is not autodetected #137
- ExternalOfficeManager creates temporary files in the current directory #130
- class ExternalOfficeManager is not Public #121
- Build fails with JDK10 on macOS #79
Closed issues:
- Task did not complete within timeout #177
- TIFF conversion to PDF #162
- It‘s not working on jre7? #156
- There was an Exception after a while, and it persisted #154
- Add support for vsd and vsdx to PDF #151
- java.lang.VerifyError #149
- org.jodconverter.office.OfficeException: Task did not complete within timeout #146
- How to change the Paper Format before export PDF? #144
- how to set defaultLoadProperties in version 4.2.2? #141
- lost images while converting to pdf #138
- Great, finally... your the official successor #123
- Improve documentation for LibreOffice Portable Support #29
Merged pull requests:
- If parent dir is not exist,Program will throw exception while it crea… #181 (qiangtoudianyan)
- fixes #151 #152 (anghelutar)
- Get Java11 compatible #127 #128 (EugenMayer)
v4.2.2 (2018-11-30)
Implemented enhancements:
- Create a filter to embed linked images into output document. #117
- ExternalOfficeManager can't convert streams #116
- Filter chain should be reusable without reset #112
- static JodConverter.convert methods dont work with ExternalOfficeManagerBuilder() #111
Fixed bugs:
- Fix regression introduced by #99. Use AOO libraries. #113
v4.2.1 (2018-11-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- Stop using deprecated command lines options using LibreOffice #106
- Redirect office output to jodconverter logs. #105
- Add support for auto detecting OpenOffice4 path for linux DEB-based Installation #101
- Add property for setting ProcessManager explicitly #100
- Use LibreOffice libraries instead of Apache Open-Office ones by default #99
- Add a property to trust all certificate in jodconverter-online module #98
- Add properties to the spring-boot-starter allowing document formats customization. #94
- Add templateProfileDirOrDefault option to the LocalOfficeManager builder. #81
- gradlew is not executable #74
- Check workingDir for writing #67
- no way to specify filter parameters with CLI version #63
- No-args constructor for DocumentFormat does not exist #59
- Added bean and property for ProcessManager for custom implementation. #104 (alexey-atiskov)
- http is deprecated AFAIU #91 (EugenMayer)
- Add Server / Client hint for better understanding #90 (EugenMayer)
- Add BMP support #86 (ggsurrel)
- 🐧 Supporting more platforms #85 (damienvdb06)
- Make
executable (refs #74) #78 (michelole) - remove sourcefile extension check #65 (aruis)
- Update LocalOfficeUtils.java,fix Mac OS find Officehome #64 (aruis)
- Added JPG, TIFF, and GIF support #60 (recurve)
Fixed bugs:
- Incorrect usage of Validate.notNull method #97
Closed issues:
- javadocs? #69
- can't build successfully on OS X #68
- Use TableOfContentUpdaterFilter in Spring Boot #55
v4.2.0 (2018-03-01)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add JodConverter Online to the spring boot starter #56
- Use of Spring 5 with Spring Boot 1.x is unusual #54
Closed issues:
- Wrong scope for
#53 - Consider not adding "default to" in property description #52
- Support for the latest LibreOffice #51
- Don't start or kill libreoffice related processes automatically. #49
- Warning: Office process died with exit code 81; restarting it #48
v4.1.1 (2018-02-17)
Implemented enhancements:
- Changing Margins when converting .rtf to .pdf #50
- Send load and store custom FilterOptions when using jodconverter-online #47
- When using Input/Output streams, temporary file are created with the tmp extension. #46
- Add merging support. #45
- Add support for Flat XML formats #44
- Add SSL support for JODConvetrer Online module #35
- Create a sample application using the jodconverter-spring-boot-starter module. #34
Fixed bugs:
- Online conversion never fill OutputStream nor deletes the temp file when converting to OutputStream #43
Closed issues:
- Merge multiple fodt files and convert to PDF #42
- custome html format #41
- Jodconverter and office in different hosts #40
- How to configure the macOS officeHome? #33
- Updating from 4.0.0-RELEASE to 4.1.0 where are this classes? #32
- Is jodconverter-online published? #31
- Encoding support #30
v4.1.0 (2017-10-23)
Implemented enhancements:
- Create a filter to update the table of content of a text document. #27
- Open Office template types are missing from the documentformat.json #24
- Import documentation from former JODConverter site. #7
- Add release feature #6
- Publish to Maven Central #5
Closed issues:
- LibreOffice Portable support for Windows #28
- Macros not being run during conversion #26
- Several examples in Configuration contain ; instead of . #23
- Advice on how to implement a custom local office task #22
- Is there going to be a new release soon? #21
- Create a logo for the JODConverter project. #18
- How do i convert a partucular word document(docx) page to html? #17
- How to set content encoding of target file? #16
- Not able to start multiple OfficeProcesses #15
- some class can't find from the maven jar #14
- Error trying to build. #11
- Issue with soffice.bin and findPid in MacOS #10
- how to prevent org.jodconverter.sample.web.WebappContextListener being a listener #9
Merged pull requests:
- Add open document templates to document formats. #25 (benelot)
- Using remote LibreOffice Online server on demand #20 (Wastack)
- Add a Gitter chat badge to README.md #19 (gitter-badger)
- Update publish-projects.gradle #13 (michelole)
- Update build.gradle #12 (michelole)
v4.0.0 (2017-04-28)
Closed issues:
- Unable to compile code #4
Merged pull requests:
- Spring 4.X bean. Compatibility with JRE 1.6. #2 (joseluisll)
- Added OpenOffice 4 Default HOME. #1 (joseluisll)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator