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A CLI for developing MetaMask Snaps.


Use Node.js 12.11.0 or later. We recommend nvm for managing Node.js versions.

Install a dev dependency in your snap project or globally using yarn or npm:

  • npm install -g @metamask/snaps-cli
  • yarn global add @metamask/snaps-cli


Usage: mm-snap <command> [options]

  mm-snap build             Build Snap from source                  [aliases: b]
  mm-snap eval              Attempt to evaluate Snap bundle in SES  [aliases: e]
  mm-snap init [directory]  Initialize Snap package                 [aliases: i]
  mm-snap manifest          Validate the snap.manifest.json file    [aliases: m]
  mm-snap serve             Locally serve Snap file(s) for testing  [aliases: s]
  mm-snap watch             Build Snap on change                    [aliases: w]

      --version           Show version number                          [boolean]
      --verboseErrors     Display original errors      [boolean] [default: true]
      --suppressWarnings  Whether to suppress warnings[boolean] [default: false]
  -h, --help              Show help                                    [boolean]

  mm-snap init                              Initialize a snap project in the
                                            current directory
  mm-snap init my-snap                      Initialize a snap project in the
                                            'my-snap' directory
  mm-snap build -s src/index.js -d out      Build 'src/index.js' as
  mm-snap build -s src/index.js -d out -n   Build 'src/index.js' as
  snap.js                                   './out/snap.js'
  mm-snap serve -r out                      Serve files in './out' on port 8080
  mm-snap serve -r out -p 9000              Serve files in './out' on port 9000
  mm-snap watch -s src/index.js -d out      Rebuild './out/bundle.js' on changes
                                            to files in 'src/index.js' parent
                                            and child directories

MetaMask Snaps

MetaMask Snaps enables trustlessly extending the functionality of MetaMask at runtime. A Snap consist of two things: a JSON manifest and a JavaScript bundle. At present, Snaps can be published as npm packages on the public npm registry, or hosted locally during development. In the future, it will be possible to publish snaps on many different platforms, including arbitrary npm registries and IPFS.

We recommend building your Snap using this tool. You can bundle your Snap using your own tools, but it must run in SES and only use the global APIs that MetaMask exposes at runtime. Although Snaps currently execute in the browser, some browser APIs are not available to Snaps, and Snaps do not have DOM access.

The Snap Manifest

Your manifest must be named snap.manifest.json and located in the root directory of your npm package. Here's an example manifest:

  "version": "0.7.0",
  "proposedName": "@metamask/template-snap",
  "description": "A MetaMask Snap template.",
  "repository": {
    "type": "git",
    "url": ""
  "source": {
    "shasum": "w3FltkDjKQZiPwM+AThnmypt0OFF7hj4ycg/kxxv+nU=",
    "location": {
      "npm": {
        "filePath": "dist/bundle.js",
        "iconPath": "images/icon.svg",
        "packageName": "@metamask/template-snap",
        "registry": ""
  "initialPermissions": {
    "snap_confirm": {}
  "manifestVersion": "0.1"

Refer to the Snaps publishing specification and the manifest JSON schema for details.

ATTN: If your Snap is not compatible with the publishing specification, your Snap may not work properly or install at all.

Assumed Project Structure

This tool has default arguments assuming the following project structure:

├─ package.json
├─ src/
│  ├─ index.js
├─ snap.manifest.json
├─ dist/
│  ├─ bundle.js
├─ ... (all other project files and folders)

Source files other than index.js are located through its imports. The defaults can be overwritten using the snap.config.json config file.

Configuration File

snap.config.js should be placed in the project root directory. It can override cli options - the property cliOptions should have string keys matching command arguments. Values become argument defaults, which can still be overridden on the command line.


module.exports = {
  cliOptions: {
    src: 'lib/index.js',
    dist: 'out',
    port: 9000,

If you want to customize the Browserify build process, you can provide bundlerCustomizer property. It's a function that takes one argument - browserify object which we use internally to bundle the snap. You can transform it in any way you want, for example adding plugins.


const brfs = require('brfs');

module.exports = {
  cliOptions: {
    /* ... */
  bundlerCustomizer: (bundler) => {

The configuration file should not be published.


  • Commands
    • watch --src ... --dist ... rebuilds on all changes in the parent directory of src and its children except:
      • node_modules/
      • test/, tests/, **/*.test.js, and **/*.test.ts
      • The specified dist directory
      • Dotfiles
    • serve --root ... --port ... serves the root directory on localhost:port
      • By default, root serves the current working directory: .
  • Arguments
    • src must be a file path when specified
    • dist and root must be directory paths when specified
    • transpilationMode must be at least localOnly for TypeScript Snaps