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NOTE: Installing a day-0 network driver using this method will not be supported using iPXE since networking is required for pulling the iPXE artifacts.

The CoreOS-assembler (cosa) is encapsulated in a container but runs as a privileged container that will create disk images on the host, therefore, all the work is going to be done a VM.

See coreos-assembler prerequisites

We will also use skopeo and umoci to in order to extract the last layer of a container image. In this demo, we will use skopeo 1.12.0 and umoci 0.4.7

Set env

FIXME: can we build with FCOS? Is the registration of the OS a necessary step?

Download the RHCOS ISO for the build env

We will download the ISO

curl -L -o rhel-9.2-x86_64-dvd.iso

Install the virtual machine

Each image will be approximately 10GB so using a smaller VM will require pruning the previous build regularly. Using a big disk will make things easier.

Create a VM using virt-manager with

  • 4 CPUs
  • 4GB of RAM
  • 200GB of disk

We will use kcli to boot the machine. Make sure to update the disk reference in rhel-iso.yaml

kcli create plan -f rhel-iso.yaml

SSH to the machine

kcli ssh -u ybettan rhel-iso

We can also use virsh net-dhcp-leases default in order to get the VM IP and then we can SSH to it.

ssh <username>@<ip>

NOTE: Make sure to SSH as a user, otherwise, we won't be able to cosa fetch

Registring the machine to Red Hat to get RPM access

To get dnf working, you'll need to register with your RH account during kickstart or after deployment with subscription-manager register. This can also be done via the setting in the VM GUI (in the About section).

Login has the form of [email protected] and the password is the Red Hat password (not Kerberos).

We can also do it from the terminal using

subscription-manager register
subscription-manager list

NOTE: If the connection is hanging, try connecting to SSO before running the command again.

Create the working directory

podman pull

The coreos-assembler needs a working directory (same as git does).

mkdir rhcos
cd rhcos

Defining the cosa alias

Add the following as an alias (don't forget to source ~/.aliases):

cosa() {
   env | grep COREOS_ASSEMBLER
   if [[ -z ${COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONTAINER} ]] && $(podman image exists ${COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONTAINER_LATEST}); then
       local -r cosa_build_date_str="$(podman inspect -f "{{.Created}}" ${COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONTAINER_LATEST} | awk '{print $1}')"
       local -r cosa_build_date="$(date -d ${cosa_build_date_str} +%s)"
       if [[ $(date +%s) -ge $((cosa_build_date + 60*60*24*7)) ]] ; then
         echo -e "\e[0;33m----" >&2
         echo "The COSA container image is more that a week old and likely outdated." >&2
         echo "You should pull the latest version with:" >&2
         echo "podman pull ${COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONTAINER_LATEST}" >&2
         echo -e "----\e[0m" >&2
         sleep 10
   set -x
   podman run --rm -ti --security-opt label=disable --privileged                                    \
              --uidmap=1000:0:1 --uidmap=0:1:1000 --uidmap 1001:1001:64536                          \
              -v ${PWD}:/srv/ --device /dev/kvm --device /dev/fuse                                  \
              --tmpfs /tmp -v /var/tmp:/var/tmp --name cosa                                         \
              ${COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONFIG_GIT:+-v $COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONFIG_GIT:/srv/src/config/:ro}   \
              ${COREOS_ASSEMBLER_GIT:+-v $COREOS_ASSEMBLER_GIT/src/:/usr/lib/coreos-assembler/:ro}  \
              ${COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ARGS}                                            \
   rc=$?; set +x; return $rc

This is a bit more complicated than a simple alias, but it allows for hacking on the assembler or the configs and prints out the environment and the command that ultimately gets run. Let's step through each part:

podman run --rm -ti: standard container invocation

  • --privileged: Note we're running as non root, so this is still safe (from the host's perspective)
  • --security-opt label:disable: Disable SELinux isolation so we don't need to relabel the build directory
  • --uidmap=1000:0:1 --uidmap=0:1:1000 --uidmap 1001:1001:64536: map the builder user to root in the user namespace where root in the user namespace is mapped to the calling user from the host. See this well formatted explanation of the complexities of user namespaces in rootless podman.
  • --device /dev/kvm --device /dev/fuse: Bind in necessary devices
  • --tmpfs: We want /tmp to go away when the container restarts; it's part of the "ABI" of /tmp
  • -v /var/tmp:/var/tmp: Some cosa commands may allocate larger temporary files (e.g. supermin; forward this to the host)
  • -v ${PWD}:/srv/: mount local working dir under /srv/ in container
  • --name cosa: just a name, feel free to change it

The environment variables are special purpose:

  • COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONFIG_GIT: Allows you to specify a local directory that contains the configs for the ostree you are trying to compose.
  • COREOS_ASSEMBLER_GIT: Allows you to specify a local directory that contains the CoreOS Assembler scripts. This allows for quick hacking on the assembler itself.
  • COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ARGS: Allows for adding arbitrary mounts or args to the container runtime.
  • COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONTAINER: Allows for overriding the default assembler container which is currently

Running persistently

At this point, try cosa shell to start a shell inside the container. From here, you can run cosa ... to invoke build commands.

Install the Red Hat CA

We will also need to install the Red Hat CA to the machine.


We need to make sure to point to the RHEL yum repositories and use the CA on the machine

export RHCOS_REPO="<...>"

Initializing will clone the specified configuration repo, and create various directories/state such as the OSTree repository.

Note: We will need to enable VPN.

cosa init --yumrepos "${RHCOS_REPO}" --variant rhel-9.2 --branch release-4.14

The specified git repository will be cloned into $PWD/src/config/. We can see other directories created such as builds, cache, overrides and tmp.

Build a kernel module

First, we need to find what kernel version we are building our ISO with.

cosa fetch
export KERNEL_VERSION=$(sudo grep -rnw cache/pkgcache-repo/ -e CONFIG_BUILD_SALT | cut -d"=" -f2 | cut -d'"' -f2)

The following steps might need to be done on the host or in a dedicated container such as DTK.

We should also install the kernel packages required for this version

sudo dnf install -y \
    kernel-devel-${KERNEL_VERSION} \

If they don't exist on the machine, check the yum repos url and download the RPM manually I have used this command to find the correct repo url

cat src/yumrepos/rhel-9.2.repo

and ./kmod/ to install them.

Now, let us build the kernel module:

cd ../
git clone
cd kernel-module-management/ci/kmm-kmod/
KERNEL_SRC_DIR=/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION}/build make all

Defining OS changes before building an OS image

The 2 main approaches of modifying the OS in this context are to modify the rootFS or the initramFS image.

As part of the boot process, the initramFS is used as a temporary filesystem that loads fundamental drivers such as storage or network drivers before mounting the rootFS, therefore, in some cases we will need to re-build the initramFS image instead of just modifying the rootFS.

Modifying rootFS

Go back to the cosa shell and make sure to copy the relevant files.

Once build, we will add the .ko file to the ISO rootFS

cd ../../../rhcos
mkdir -p overrides/rootfs/usr/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION}
cp ../kernel-module-management/ci/kmm-kmod/kmm_ci_a.ko overrides/rootfs/usr/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION}

Also, we need to add configuration for loading that .ko file at boot time

mkdir -p overrides/rootfs/etc/modules-load.d
echo kmm_ci_a > overrides/rootfs/etc/modules-load.d/kmm_ci_a.conf

We should also run depmod to make sure all necessary files are created correctly.

sudo depmod -b /usr ${KERNEL_VERSION}
[coreos-assembler]$ tree overrides/
├── rootfs
│   ├── etc
│   │   └── modules-load.d
│   │       └── kmm_ci_a.conf
│   └── usr
│       └── lib
│           └── modules
│               └── 5.14.0-284.22.1.el9_2.x86_64
│                   └── kmm_ci_a.ko
└── rpm

9 directories, 2 files

Modifying initramFS

Go back to the cosa shell and make sure to copy the relevant files.

Once build, we will add the .ko file to the ISO

cd ../../../rhcos
mkdir -p overrides/rootfs/usr/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION}
cp ../kernel-module-management/ci/kmm-kmod/kmm_ci_a.ko overrides/rootfs/usr/lib/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION}

Also, we need to add configuration for loading that .ko file at initramFS time

mkdir -p overrides/rootfs/usr/lib/dracut/dracut.conf.d
echo 'force_drivers+=" kmm_ci_a "' > overrides/rootfs/usr/lib/dracut/dracut.conf.d/dracut.conf

We should also run depmod to make sure all necessary files are created correctly.

sudo depmod -b /usr ${KERNEL_VERSION}
[coreos-assembler]$ tree overrides/
├── rootfs
│   └── usr
│       └── lib
│           ├── dracut
│           │   └── dracut.conf.d
│           │       └── dracut.conf
│           └── modules
│               └── 5.14.0-284.22.1.el9_2.x86_64
│                   └── kmm_ci_a.ko
└── rpm

9 directories, 2 files

Building the OS image

There are usually 2 artifacts needed for customizing RHCOS in OCP

  1. The OS image - can be a disk-image or an ISO
  2. A container image - this container image is the container representation of the OS image containing an ostree commit

Building the container image

First, we need to build the .ociarchive file

cosa build container

Now we can build the container image out of it

sudo podman login
mkdir rhcos-image-spec
tar -xvf builds/latest/x86_64/rhcos-<...>-ostree.x86_64.ociarchive -C rhcos-image-spec
sudo skopeo copy oci:rhcos-image-spec docker://<version>

Building a disk-image

coreos-installer expects a raw disk-image to be present during the installation.

When using an ISO for the installation, it's easy because the ISO contains a raw disk image in it but when we build a disk-image, we have to embed a raw disk-image in it manually by:

  1. Build a raw disk image with our changes following Building a raw disk-image
  2. Compress it using gzip <filename>
  3. Add the custom raw disk-image to the overrides as described in Defining OS changes before building an OS image to overrides/rootfs/usr/share/<.raw disk-image>
  4. Build the final raw/qcow2 disk-image following Building a raw disk-image or Building a qcow2 disk-image

If we don't do it then coreos-installer install will install FCOS and not the booted disk-image.

Building a raw disk-image

To get a .raw disk-image, used for bare metal nodes we will run

cosa build metal

This command will also generate the .ociarchive file and use it to generate the .raw disk-image.

Building a qcow2 disk-image

To get a .qcow2 disk-image, used for Qemu nodes we will run

cosa build qemu

This command will also generate the .ociarchive file and use it to generate the .qcow2 disk-image.

Building an ISO

To get an ISO we first need to build the raw disk-images for metal and metal4k nodes It will also generate the .ociarchive file and use it to build the images.

cosa build metal metal4k
cosa buildextend-live
Test the ISO locally
cosa run --qemu-iso builds/latest/x86_64/rhcos-<...>-live.x86_64.iso

This invokes QEMU on the image in builds/latest. It uses -snapshot, so any changes are thrown away after you exit qemu. To exit, type Ctrl-a x. For more options, type Ctrl-a ?.

go to source

Deploy an OCP cluster with custom nodes

Deploy assisted-service

FIXME: should we use aicli create onprem to deploy assisted instead? We will use assisted-test-infra to deploy assisted-service locally using minikube

The default ISO type is minimal-iso and we built a full-iso so we need to change it. We should then deploy the service

export ISO_IMAGE_TYPE=full-iso
export PULL_SECRET=<pull-secret>
make setup
make run

We can validate that assisted-service is deployed correctly using

oc get pods -n assisted-installer

Create the cluster

Now that we have the service running we can use aicli to interact with it.

Configure aicli to point to AI's service IP

export AI_URL=http://<AI IP>:<AI port>

Create a new cluster

aicli create cluster -P sno=true -P openshift_version=4.14 -P pull_secret=/root/go/src/ custom-rhcos-disk-image

During the cluster installation, MCO will override the node OS based on the rhel-coreos container image in the release payload, since we are running a custom disk image, we need to let MCO know what custom image we are using to prevent it from overriding our changes.

This is done by adding a MachineConfig manifest to the cluster installation. Make sure to update the osImageURL in machineconfig.yaml with the custom container image previously built in Building the OS image. Make sure we use the container image representing the .raw disk-image and not the qcow2 disk-image.

Add the MachineConfig manifest to the cluster

aicli add manifest --dir manifests custom-rhcos-disk-image
aicli list manifests custom-rhcos-disk-image

Nodes discovery

Using a custom ISO

assisted-image-service is pulling RHCOS from the official repo, therefore, we need to configure it to pull our custom RHCOS image from an http server that we will deploy to serve our ISO.

First, we will copy the ISO to minikube's VM to be mounted to our http server.

minikube cp rhcos-413.92.202311210854-0-live.x86_64.iso /usr/share/nginx/html/rhcos-413.92.202311210854-0-live.x86_64.iso

Second, we will deploy our HTTP server to serve our ISO

oc apply -f http-iso-server.yaml

and finally, we need to configure assisted-image-service to pick the RHCOS ISO from our HTTP server instead of the one from the OpenShift registry.

oc edit cm/assisted-service-config -n assisted-installer

and modify the data.OS_IMAGES.url in the relevant arch entry to our HTTP server at http://iso-service/rhcos-413.92.202311210854-0-live.x86_64.iso. Make sure to restart the assisted-image-service pod to pick the updates of the ConfigMap.

Now we will download the custom ISO (baked with the discovery ignition) from the service

aicli list clusters
aicli download iso <cluster>

Now we will spawn a VM with the custom ISO to boot

Make sure to update the disk reference in rhcos-iso.yaml

kcli create plan -f rhcos-iso.yaml

We can get the console and SSH to the machine using

kcli console --serial rhcos-iso
kcli ssh rhcos-iso

Now we need to wait for the node to be in the following status

status: known
status_info: Host is ready to be installed

and the cluster to be in the following status

status: ready
status_info: Cluster ready to be installed

To get the statuses we can use

aicli info <cluster|host> <name>
Using a custom disk-image

NOTE: The machine must have a least 2 disks, one for booting and one as a target disk for writing RHCOS.

Download the discovery ignition

aicli list clusters
aicli download discovery-ignition <cluster>

Now we will spawn a VM with a custom disk image to boot

We will use kcli to boot the machine. Make sure to update the disk reference in rhcos-disk-image.yaml

kcli create plan -f rhcos-disk-image.yaml

We can get the console and SSH to the machine using

kcli console --serial rhcos-disk-image
kcli ssh -u core rhcos-disk-image

Now we need to wait for the node to be in the following status

status: known
status_info: Host is ready to be installed

and the cluster to be in the following status

status: ready
status_info: Cluster ready to be installed

To get the statuses we can use

aicli info <cluster|host> <name>

Cluster installation

Prerequisites when installing from a disk-image

In case we are installing from a custom disk-image we need to modify the installer command to point to the .raw disk image inside the disk image

aicli update host rhcos-disk-image -P extra_args="--image-file=/usr/share/rhcos-414.92.202312181928-0-metal.x86_64.raw"

Once the cluster is ready to be installed, we can install it using

aicli start cluster custom-rhcos-disk-image

We can check the installation progresss using

aicli info cluster custom-rhcos-disk-image | yq '.progress'

Cluster validation

Get the kubeconfig

aicli download kubeconfig custom-rhcos-disk-image

Add the cluster domain and VM IP to /etc/hosts

  • cluster domain can be found using cat $KUBECONFIG | grep server
  • VM IP can be found using kcli list vms

We can make sure that the MachineConfig exists in the cluster

root image-composer (devel) $ oc get mc/99-ybettan-external-image
99-ybettan-external-image                                             76m

Also, we can make sure we have the custom OS image

root image-composer (devel) $ oc debug node/rhcos-disk-image

sh-4.4# chroot /host

sh-5.1# rpm-ostree status
State: idle
                   Digest: sha256:21641a7551be7e9635f6809cab2b82b68eef5f1331a34a3171238cf38f36b280
                  Version: 413.92.202311131205-0 (2023-11-13T12:07:51Z)

sh-5.1# lsmod | grep kmm
kmm_ci_a               16384  0

and if the initramFS in the image was rebuilt in the custom image, we can also make sure that the initramFS image indeed include our kernel module - to make sure it was loaded at the initramFS stage of the booting process and not later on

sh-5.1# lsinitrd /usr/lib/modules/5.14.0-284.40.1.el9_2.x86_64/initramfs.img | grep kmm_ci_a
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root        67608 Jan  1  1970 usr/lib/modules/5.14.0-284.40.1.el9_2.x86_64/kmm_ci_a.ko

When upgrading the kmod to a newer version, we can also check the dmesg

sh-5.1# dmesg | grep "Loaded kmm-ci-a"
[    1.621551] Hello, World from V2!. Loaded kmm-ci-a.


Nodes upgrade

In both cases, custom ISOs and custom disk-image the upgrade process is very easy. All we need to do is to build a new container image as described in Building the container image and edit the MachineConfig in the cluster to point to the new container image.

After the reboot, we can validate that everything went well on the node

root image-composer (devel) $ oc debug node/rhcos-disk-image

sh-4.4# chroot /host

sh-5.1# rpm-ostree status
State: idle
                   Digest: sha256:a5e7dc2e5dc65fe5442b8bf351db3d06033cc65a215f4b455059523fdbc18078
                  Version: 413.92.202311151050-0 (2023-11-15T11:08:03Z)

sh-5.1# lsmod | grep kmm
kmm_ci_a               16384  0

sh-5.1# lsinitrd /usr/lib/modules/5.14.0-284.40.1.el9_2.x86_64/initramfs.img | grep kmm_ci_a
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root        67608 Jan  1  1970 usr/lib/modules/5.14.0-284.40.1.el9_2.x86_64/kmm_ci_a.ko

# And indeed the new kmod is loaded
sh-5.1# dmesg | grep kmm | grep "Loaded kmm-ci-a"
[    1.621551] Hello, World from V2!. Loaded kmm-ci-a.

Cluster upgrade

FIXME: add content


  • A POC for modifying OVS and its kernel module with OCP