Server for yeelight bulb devices control using Pocket sphinx voice recognition.
Yee bulb MAC and IP should be set in config/config.json. Voice commands might be checked under 'voiceControl' key.
npm run run
To set up voice recognition see: Existing vocabulary could be found at config/pocketphinx/commands.txt
You may use docker to set up the environment locally using commands:
make docker-build-dev
to build the image locally on x86 andmake run-dev
to run the container afterwards. -
Or for Raspberry PI use
make docker-build-prod
to build the image for Raspberry PI 3 andmake run
to run the container afterwards. -
To increase recognition accuracy please check the
properties in config to be in compliance with your microphone parameters. -
Recommended rate for included accoustic recognition model is 16000 Hz and 1 channel.