- Python 3.6.4
- Pytorch 0.4.0
- Jupyter Notebook 5.4.0
- OpenCV 3.4.0
- Cuda Support
Just finished forward pass. Moving to back-propagation soon.
- Basic Conv Blocks
- Residual Blocks
- Image Loading
- Darknet53
- Upsample
- Add route layer support for Darknet53
- Map2cfg - support indexing scheme from cfg file
- Yolo Detection Layer
- Weight Loading
- Bounding Box Drawing
- Letterbox Transforms
- IOU - Jaccard Overlap
- Non-max suppression (NMS)
- Post-processing from network output
- Dataset to read from folder
To Do:
- Color palette for bounding boxes
- Imaging saving
- Feed Video to detector
- Fix possible CUDA memory leaks
- Fix class and variable names
- Training
- Loss Function
- Parse COCO/VOC dataset
- Add new classes to the detector