Cache (Redis)
# Run app
# build
mvn package
# run
java -jar <built_jar>
# Run Mysql
brew services start mysql
mysql -u root
Redis (Docker)
# Run Redis
# Install Redis (Docker)
docker pull redis
# check pull images
docker images
# run Redis (Docker)
# -d : run in background
# -p : expose docker internal 6379 port to local machine's 6379 port
# --name : name docker instance
# name of iamge we want to run
docker run -d -p 6379:6379 --name myredis redis
docker ps -a
# remove/stop container
docker stop <container_id>
docker rm <container_id>
# basic command
# 1) String
# append to key (msg)
append msg hello
append msg world
# get by key
get msg
# 2) List
# push into list
LPUSH mylist 1 2 3
# pop element from list (from left, right)
LPOP mylist
RPOP mylist
# 3) Set
SADD myset tim jack
# 4) check is elment in a key
SISMEMBER myset lynn
SISMEMBER myset tim
RabbitMQ (Docker)
# Run RabbitMQ
# Install RabbitMQ (Docker)
# management : has UI
docker pull rabbitmq:3.10-management
# check pull images
# account : guest, pwd: guest
docker images
# run Redis (Docker)
# -d : run in background
# -p : expose docker internal 6379 port to local machine's 6379 port
# --name : name docker instance
# name of iamge we want to run
# 5672 : client, RabbitMQ port, 15672: UI port
docker run -d -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 --name myrabbitmq <docker_img_id>
# visit RabbitMQ UI
# http://localhost:15672/
docker ps -a
# remove/stop container
docker stop <container_id>
docker rm <container_id>
API | Type | Purpose | Example cmd | Comment |
Employee | ||||
GET | get employee by id | http://localhost:8888/emp/{id}, http://localhost:8888/emp/1 | id=1 or 2 or 3... |
POST | update employee by id | http://localhost:8888/emp | id=xxx, lastName=yyy ... |
GET | delete employee by id | http://localhost:8888/delemp?id=1 | id=1 or 2 or 3... |
GET | get employee by lastName | http://localhost:8888/lastname/{lastname}, http://localhost:8888/emp/lastname/Jill | lastname=Bob or Lily or Kim... |
GET | get dept by id | http://localhost:8888/dept/{id}, http://localhost:8888/dept/1 | id=1 or 2 or 3... |
POST | add new employee | http://localhost:8888/emp/add?id=4&lastName=kkk&[email protected]&gender=1&dId=100 | |
Test | ||||
GET | test endpoint | http://localhost:8888/test |
- Cache
- since Spring 3.1
- cache implementation, define cache op
- class : RedisCache, EhCacheCache, ConcurrentMapCache..
- cache implementation, define cache op
- cache manager, manage cache components
- if implement on a method, then such method will have cache mechanism
- clean cache
- make sure method is called, put result to cache
- enable cache (based on annotation)
- generate key for cache
- serialization for cache value
- ref
- since Spring 3.1
- Course