diff --git a/docs/pattern/advanced-search.en-US.md b/docs/pattern/advanced-search.en-US.md
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+Order: 6
+ En: Advanced Search
+ En-US: Advanced Search
+With Advanced Search, users can narrow down the range of complex lists / tables.
+## Conventions
+### Interaction
+Conventionally used with deep tables, suitable for search conditions as well as searching for a number of unknown values within a range.
+Advanced search is generally used by intermediate / expert users, typically by clicking advanced search. If you are displaying complex data, you can expand advanced search by default.
+When an advanced search - with an entered a value - is hidden, you should display the search criteria and values.
+### Arrangement
+The order of the search criteria should be the same as the order of the titles in the table, and frequently used search conditions can be placed at the top.
+### Specifications
+- Landscape layout
+Try not to place more than three columns of input boxes on one line. All Labels and input boxes should fall on the grid.
+- Vertical layout
+Use `16px` for vertical margins.
+## Field Type
+### Interaction
+Field types usually appear at the bottom of the main search box. This is suitable when search conditions and values are relatively small in the display.