####Goal: implement MEMM to predict BOI tags
#####some non-ASCII chars(mainly punctuations) may break the stemmer: replace them with ASCII punc #####It has two programs: MEMM_1.py and MEMM_2.py; 1 python pickle file: my_classifier.pickle; one evaluation program: conlleval.pl; #####one training file: train.np; one development file: dev.np
#####Run MEMM_1.py takes LONG time as it starts with training the model #####Run MEMM_2.py takes SHORTER time as it opens the pickle file and starts with testing.
#####The program will produce a text file called "boi_output.txt" as the program output
#####//(change the input_file name to the test file you wish to be tested upon)
#####Option 1:
$ python MEMM_1.py
#####Option 2:
$ python MEMM_2.py
$ chmod +x conlleval.pl $ perl conlleval.pl < boi_output.txt