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MaixPy Documentation

What is MaixPy

MaixPy is a Micropython port on 64Bit Dual-Core RISC-V CPU K210,

MicroPython is a lean and efficient implementation of the Python 3 programming language that includes a small subset of the Python standard library and is optimised to run on microcontrollers and in constrained environments.

K210 created for AIOT(AI+IOT) use, It's powerful performance and low cost are very competitive.

Micropython make program on hardware(K210) easier, so we build this and open source on github

For example if we want to find I2C device, we just need code:

from machine import I2C

i2c = I2C(I2C.I2C0, freq=100000, scl=28, sda=29)
devices = i2c.scan()

If we want to make a breathing light by PWM, we just need code:

from machine import Timer,PWM
import time

tim = Timer(Timer.TIMER0, Timer.CHANNEL0, mode=Timer.MODE_PWM)
ch = PWM(tim, freq=500000, duty=50, pin=board_info.LED_G)
dir = True
while True:
    if dir:
        duty += 10
        duty -= 10
    if duty>100:
        duty = 100
        dir = False
    elif duty<0:
        duty = 0
        dir = True

About this documentation

Everything related to Maixpy, mainly about

  • How to get a hardware( board )
  • How to get start with MaixPy even we are not so be expert in program for hardware.
  • Learn Micropython basic knowledge
  • Libriaries(API) reference

Let's get started

To get started, we need one dev board, there's three kind of board as follow:

  • Dan dock with Sipeed M1(Dan) module

Dan dock

  • Sipeed Maix BiT


  • Sipeed Go


To get these board, visit Sipeed official website

More hardware infomation here

Then we can write software, refer to get started

Source code

MaixPy source code on github

Maintained by ©Sipeed Co.,Ltd. More contributor here

Source code of MaixPy documentation

Doumentation will be edit if code api changed,

source of doc on github

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