A very simple CA manager written in Go. Primarly used for coreos/etcd SSL/TLS testing.
Create a new CA:
$ ./etcd-ca init
Created ca/key
Created ca/crt
Create a new certificate:
$ ./etcd-ca new-cert host1
Created host1/key
Created host1/csr
Sign the new certificate for host1 with the ca:
$ ./etcd-ca sign host1
Created host1/crt from host1/csr signed by ca.key
Export the certificate chain for host1. With no args it exports this CA's certificate.
$ ./etcd-ca chain host1
CA certificate body
host1 certificate body
Package up a certificate and key for export to a server:
$ ./etcd-ca export host1 > host1.tar
Get the status of all certificates:
$ ./etcd-ca status
ca: WARN (60 days until expiration)
host1: OK (120 days until expiration)
host2: Unsigned