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Interactive roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help developers grow in their careers.
React Native Date Picker is datetime picker for Android and iOS. It includes date, time and datetime picker modes. The datepicker is customizable and is supporting different languages. It's written…
Highly configurable bottom sheet component made with react-native-reanimated and react-native-gesture-handler
A performant interactive bottom sheet with fully configurable options 🚀
Images etc in Full Screen Lightbox Popovers for React Native
Material Design for React Native (Android & iOS)
A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software
Guide to securing and improving privacy on macOS
etcd client that uses a tagged struct to save and load values
smartcrop finds good image crops for arbitrary crop sizes
《The Way to Go》中文译本,中文正式名《Go 入门指南》