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Your Cheat Sheet For Android Interview - Android Interview Questions and Answers
React Native指南汇集了各类react-native学习资源、开源App和组件
🔥 A awesome android expert interview questions and answers(continuous updating ...)
📌每工作日更新一道 Android 面试题,小聚成河,大聚成江,共勉之~
A tool for reverse engineering Android apk files
An awesome list that curates the best Flutter libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more.
flutter 开发者帮助 APP,包含 flutter 常用 140+ 组件的demo 演示与中文文档
Android/iOS video player based on FFmpeg n3.4, with MediaCodec, VideoToolbox support.
A powerful and lightweight plugin framework for Android
Square’s meticulous HTTP client for the JVM, Android, and GraalVM.
Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers.
ApiManager 是一款简单易用、安全高效组件间通信框架,支持组件间以暴露接口提供服务的方式进行通信,帮助组件化架构的实现。
Simple and fantastic wheel view in realistic effect for android.
RecyclerView? ListView or ViewGroup? No, it's Canvas! Ultra performance and free customization interface! Vertical and horizontal, Fast rendering and extremely low memory. Android上一个优雅、万能自定义UI、仿iOS…
📱📈An elegant, interactive and flexible charting library for mobile.
A categorized collection of Android Open Source Projects, More powerful web version:
This repository provides state of the art (SoTA) results for all machine learning problems. We do our best to keep this repository up to date. If you do find a problem's SoTA result is out of date …
Deep Learning Book Chinese Translation