在前边介绍了使用 Mybatis PageHelper 分页插件进行分页,但是在实际测试过程中效果并不是很好,主要是查询时间比较长,即性能较差。于是作者将自己的分页方案与 Mybatis PageHelper 分页插件进行了对比测试。以下为测试结果。
/* DBMS name: MySQL 5.0 */
/* Created on: 2019/11/27 14:32:00 */
drop table if exists article;
drop table if exists article_tag;
drop table if exists article_to_tag;
/* Table: article */
create table article
id bigint unsigned not null auto_increment comment '文章 id,主键',
title varchar(100) not null default '' comment '文章标题',
content varchar(5000) not null default '' comment '文章内容',
primary key (id)
alter table article comment '文章表';
/* Table: article_tag */
create table article_tag
id bigint unsigned not null auto_increment comment '文章标签 id,主键',
tag_name varchar(20) not null default '' comment '标签名称',
primary key (id)
alter table article_tag comment '文章标签表';
/* Table: article_to_tag */
create table article_to_tag
id bigint unsigned not null auto_increment comment '文章-标签关联表 id,主键',
article_id bigint unsigned not null default 0 comment '文章 id',
tag_id bigint unsigned not null default 0 comment '标签 id',
primary key (id)
alter table article_to_tag comment '文章-标签关联表';
参考:Boot 2.X 集成 Mybatis PageHelper 分页插件完美解决一对多分页查询问题 --- 2019-11-27
-- 文章-文章标签添加索引(2019-11-26)
ALTER TABLE `article_to_tag` ADD INDEX article_id_tag_id_article_to_tag(article_id,tag_id);
JDBC 链接工具类
package com.ljq.demo.util;
import java.sql.*;
* @Description: 数据库连接工具
* @Author: junqiang.lu
* @Date: 2019/11/26
public class DataSourceUtil {
* 数据库驱动类
private static final String DRIVER_CLASS = "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver";
* 数据库连接地址
private static final String DB_URL = "jdbc:mysql://" +
"characterEncoding=utf8&useJDBCCompliantTimezoneShift=true&useLegacyDatetimeCode=false&" +
* 数据库连接用户名
private static final String DB_USER_NAME = "root";
* 数据库连接密码
private static final String DB_PASSWORD = "root";
* 数据库连接
private static volatile Connection connection;
private DataSourceUtil(){
* 插入(可批量)
* @param sql
* @return
* @throws SQLException
public static int insert(String sql) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql);
return preparedStatement.executeUpdate();
* 初始化数据库连接
* @return
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
* @throws SQLException
private static Connection init() throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException {
if (connection == null) {
synchronized (DataSourceUtil.class) {
if (connection == null) {
connection = DriverManager.getConnection(DB_URL, DB_USER_NAME, DB_PASSWORD);
return connection;
package com.ljq.demo.util;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomUtils;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.sql.SQLException;
public class DataSourceUtilTest {
* 测试批量插入大量文章
* @throws SQLException
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
public void insertArticle() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
* 计划插入数据条数为 1 000 010 条
* 实际插入条数为 1 000 000 条
* 这一程序主要用于快速插入巨量数据,至于没有精确计算零头,
* 主要是为了方便理解程序
// 需要插入数据的总条数
int countTotal = 1000010;
// 每次插入数据的条数
int countLimit = 5000;
// 插入数据的次数
int countPage = countTotal / countLimit;
String title = "将进酒";
String content = "君不见黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回。" +
"君不见高堂明镜悲白发,朝如青丝暮成雪。" +
"人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月。" +
"天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来。" +
"烹羊宰牛且为乐,会须一饮三百杯。" +
"岑夫子,丹丘生,将进酒,杯莫停。" +
"与君歌一曲,请君为我侧耳听。" +
"钟鼓馔玉不足贵,但愿长醉不复醒。" +
"古来圣贤皆寂寞,惟有饮者留其名。" +
"陈王昔时宴平乐,斗酒十千恣欢谑。" +
"主人何为言少钱,径须沽取对君酌。" +
"五花马,千金裘," +
for (int j = 0; j < countPage; j++) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("INSERT INTO `article`(`title`, `content`) VALUES");
for (int i = 0; i < countLimit - 1; i++) {
builder.append("('" + title + "','" + content + "'),");
builder.append("('" + title + "','" + content + "');");
System.out.println("累计插入条数: " + countLimit * (j + 1));
* 测试批量插入文章-标签关联信息
public void insertArticleToTag() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
* 计划插入数据条数为 1 155 013 条
* 实际插入数据条数为 1 155 013 条
* 该程序为精确插入数据条数,将零头也计算在内
// 数据总条数
int countTotal = 1000008;
// 每次插入条数
int countLimit = 5000;
// 数据插入次数
int countPage = countTotal / countLimit;
for (int i = 0; i < countPage; i++) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("INSERT INTO `article_to_tag`(`article_id`, `tag_id`) VALUES");
for (int j = 0; j < countLimit - 1; j++) {
int articleId = countLimit * i + j + 1;
builder.append("(" + articleId + "," + RandomUtils.nextInt(1,8) + "),");
builder.append("(" + countLimit * (i + 1) + "," + RandomUtils.nextInt(1,8) + ")");
System.out.println("累计插入条数: " + countLimit * (i + 1));
int remainder = countTotal % countLimit;
if (remainder < 1) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("INSERT INTO `article_to_tag`(`article_id`, `tag_id`) VALUES");
for (int i = 0; i < remainder - 1; i++) {
int articleId = countLimit * countPage + i + 1;
builder.append("(" + articleId + "," + RandomUtils.nextInt(1, 8) + "),");
builder.append("(" + countTotal + "," + RandomUtils.nextInt(1, 8) + ");");
System.out.println("累计插入条数: " + countTotal);
* 测试随机数
public void randomTest(){
* RandomUtils.nextInt(1,8) 方法
* 输出的值是 1 <= X < 8
* 注意: 不包括 8
int count = 50;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
java 类代码片段:
* 查询列表
* @param articleListParam
* @return
* @throws Exception
public ApiResult list(ArticleListParam articleListParam) throws Exception {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
QueryUtil queryMap = new QueryUtil(BeanUtil.beanToMap(articleListParam, false, true));
PageInfo<ArticleEntity> pageInfo = PageHelper.startPage(articleListParam.getCurrPage(), articleListParam.getPageLimit())
.setOrderBy(articleListParam.getProperties() + " " + articleListParam.getDirection())
.doSelectPageInfo(() -> articleDao.queryListPage(queryMap));
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
log.info("查询耗时: {}", (end - start));
return ApiResult.success(pageInfo);
Mapper 文件代码片段:
<!-- 文章表结果集resultMap -->
<resultMap type="com.ljq.demo.springboot.entity.ArticleEntity" id="articleMap">
<result property="id" column="id"/>
<result property="title" column="title"/>
<result property="content" column="content"/>
<collection property="tagList" column="id" javaType="java.util.List" ofType="com.ljq.demo.springboot.entity.ArticleTagEntity"
<id property="id" column="id" />
<result property="tagName" column="tag_name" />
<!-- 文章表-基础字段 -->
<sql id="article_base_field">
<!-- 列表查询 -->
<select id="queryListPage" parameterType="java.util.Map" resultMap="articleMap">
<include refid="article_base_field" />
FROM article a
LEFT JOIN `article_to_tag` att ON att.article_id = a.id
LEFT JOIN `article_tag` at ON at.id = att.tag_id
WHERE 1 = 1
<if test="title != null and '' != title">
AND a.title LIKE CONCAT(CONCAT("%", #{title}), "%")
<if test="articleTag != null and '' != articleTag">
AND at.tag_name LIKE CONCAT(CONCAT("%", #{articleTag}), "%")
java 类代码片段:
* 查询列表-对比测试-2
* @param articleListParam
* @return
* @throws Exception
public ApiResult list2(ArticleListParam articleListParam) throws Exception {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
QueryUtil queryMap = new QueryUtil(BeanUtil.beanToMap(articleListParam, false, true));
PageInfo<ArticleEntity> pageInfo = PageHelper.startPage(articleListParam.getCurrPage(), articleListParam.getPageLimit())
.setOrderBy(articleListParam.getProperties() + " " + articleListParam.getDirection())
.doSelectPageInfo(() -> articleDao.queryListPage2(queryMap));
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
log.info("查询耗时: {}", (end - start));
return ApiResult.success(pageInfo);
Mapper 文件代码片段:
<!-- 文章表结果集resultMap -->
<resultMap type="com.ljq.demo.springboot.entity.ArticleEntity" id="articleMap">
<result property="id" column="id"/>
<result property="title" column="title"/>
<result property="content" column="content"/>
<collection property="tagList" column="id" javaType="java.util.List" ofType="com.ljq.demo.springboot.entity.ArticleTagEntity"
<id property="id" column="id" />
<result property="tagName" column="tag_name" />
<!-- 文章表-基础字段 -->
<sql id="article_base_field">
<!-- 列表查询-2 -->
<select id="queryListPage2" parameterType="java.util.Map" resultMap="articleMap">
<include refid="article_base_field" />
FROM article a
LEFT JOIN `article_to_tag` att ON att.article_id = a.id
WHERE 1 = 1
<if test="title != null and '' != title">
AND a.title LIKE CONCAT(CONCAT("%", #{title}), "%")
java 类代码片段:
* 查询列表-对比测试-3
* @param articleListParam
* @return
* @throws Exception
public ApiResult list3(ArticleListParam articleListParam) throws Exception {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
QueryUtil queryMap = new QueryUtil(BeanUtil.beanToMap(articleListParam, false, true));
int countTotal = articleDao.countComplex(queryMap);
PageUtil pageUtil;
if (countTotal > 0) {
List<ArticleEntity> entityList = articleDao.queryListComplex(queryMap);
pageUtil = new PageUtil(entityList,countTotal, queryMap.getPageLimit(), queryMap.getCurrPage());
} else {
pageUtil = new PageUtil(null, countTotal, queryMap.getPageLimit(), queryMap.getCurrPage());
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
log.info("查询耗时: {}", (end - start));
return ApiResult.success(pageUtil);
Mapper 文件代码片段:
<!-- 文章表结果集resultMap 2-->
<resultMap type="com.ljq.demo.springboot.entity.ArticleEntity" id="articleMap2">
<result property="id" column="id"/>
<result property="title" column="title"/>
<result property="content" column="content"/>
<collection property="tagList" javaType="java.util.List" ofType="com.ljq.demo.springboot.entity.ArticleTagEntity" >
<id property="id" column="at_id" />
<result property="tagName" column="at_tag_name" />
<!-- 文章表-基础字段 -->
<sql id="article_base_field">
<!-- 文章表-列表字段 -->
<sql id="article_list_field">
<include refid="article_base_field" />
at.`id` at_id,
at.`tag_name` at_tag_name
<!-- 列表查询-3 -->
<select id="queryListComplex" parameterType="java.util.Map" resultMap="articleMap2">
<include refid="article_list_field" />
SELECT item_a.*
FROM `article` item_a
LEFT JOIN `article_to_tag` item_att ON item_att.article_id = item_a.id
LEFT JOIN `article_tag` item_at ON item_at.id = item_att.tag_id
<if test="title != null and '' != title">
AND item_a.title LIKE CONCAT(CONCAT("%", #{title}), "%")
<if test="articleTag != null and '' != articleTag">
AND item_at.tag_name LIKE CONCAT(CONCAT("%", #{articleTag}), "%")
GROUP BY item_a.id
<when test="properties != null and direction.trim() != ''">
item_a.${properties} ${direction}
item_a.id DESC
<when test="offset != null and pageLimit != null">
LIMIT #{offset}, #{pageLimit}
LIMIT 0, 5
) a
LEFT JOIN `article_to_tag` att ON att.article_id = a.id
LEFT JOIN `article_tag` at ON at.id = att.tag_id
GROUP BY a.id,at.id
<when test="properties != null and direction.trim() != ''">
a.${properties} ${direction}
a.id DESC
<!-- 统计列表查询数量-3 -->
<select id="countComplex" parameterType="java.util.Map" resultType="int">
FROM article a
LEFT JOIN `article_to_tag` att ON att.article_id = a.id
LEFT JOIN `article_tag` at ON at.id = att.tag_id
WHERE 1 = 1
<if test="title != null and '' != title">
AND a.title LIKE CONCAT(CONCAT("%", #{title}), "%")
<if test="articleTag != null and '' != articleTag">
AND at.tag_name LIKE CONCAT(CONCAT("%", #{articleTag}), "%")
java 类代码片段:
* 查询列表-对比测试-4
* @param articleListParam
* @return
* @throws Exception
public ApiResult list4(ArticleListParam articleListParam) throws Exception {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
QueryUtil queryMap = new QueryUtil(BeanUtil.beanToMap(articleListParam, false, true));
int countTotal = articleDao.countComplex4(queryMap);
PageUtil pageUtil;
if (countTotal > 0) {
List<ArticleEntity> entityList = articleDao.queryListComplex4(queryMap);
pageUtil = new PageUtil(entityList,countTotal, queryMap.getPageLimit(), queryMap.getCurrPage());
} else {
pageUtil = new PageUtil(null, countTotal, queryMap.getPageLimit(), queryMap.getCurrPage());
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
log.info("查询耗时: {}", (end - start));
return ApiResult.success(pageUtil);
Mapper 文件代码片段:
<!-- 文章表结果集resultMap 2-->
<resultMap type="com.ljq.demo.springboot.entity.ArticleEntity" id="articleMap2">
<result property="id" column="id"/>
<result property="title" column="title"/>
<result property="content" column="content"/>
<collection property="tagList" javaType="java.util.List" ofType="com.ljq.demo.springboot.entity.ArticleTagEntity" >
<id property="id" column="at_id" />
<result property="tagName" column="at_tag_name" />
<!-- 文章表-基础字段 -->
<sql id="article_base_field">
<!-- 文章表-列表字段 -->
<sql id="article_list_field">
<include refid="article_base_field" />
at.`id` at_id,
at.`tag_name` at_tag_name
<!-- 统计查询数量-4 S -->
<select id="countComplex4" parameterType="java.util.Map" resultType="int">
FROM article a
WHERE 1 = 1
<if test="title != null and '' != title">
AND a.title LIKE CONCAT(CONCAT("%", #{title}), "%")
<!-- 统计查询数量-4 E -->
<!-- 查询列表-4 S -->
<select id="queryListComplex4" parameterType="java.util.Map" resultMap="articleMap2">
<include refid="article_list_field" />
SELECT item_a.*
FROM `article` item_a
<if test="title != null and '' != title">
AND item_a.title LIKE CONCAT(CONCAT("%", #{title}), "%")
<when test="properties != null and direction.trim() != ''">
item_a.${properties} ${direction}
item_a.id DESC
<when test="offset != null and pageLimit != null">
LIMIT #{offset}, #{pageLimit}
LIMIT 0, 5
) a
LEFT JOIN `article_to_tag` att ON att.article_id = a.id
LEFT JOIN `article_tag` at ON at.id = att.tag_id
GROUP BY a.id,at.id
<when test="properties != null and direction.trim() != ''">
a.${properties} ${direction}
a.id DESC
<!-- 查询列表-4 E -->
2019-11-28 14:58:17 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.dao.article.ArticleDao.queryListPage_COUNTBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ==> Preparing: SELECT count(0) FROM (SELECT a.`id`, a.`title`, a.`content` FROM article a LEFT JOIN `article_to_tag` att ON att.article_id = a.id LEFT JOIN `article_tag` at ON at.id = att.tag_id WHERE 1 = 1 GROUP BY a.id) table_count
2019-11-28 14:58:17 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.dao.article.ArticleDao.queryListPage_COUNTBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ==> Parameters:
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.dao.article.ArticleDao.queryListPage_COUNTBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| <== Total: 1
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.dao.article.ArticleDao.queryListPageBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ==> Preparing: SELECT a.`id`, a.`title`, a.`content` FROM article a LEFT JOIN `article_to_tag` att ON att.article_id = a.id LEFT JOIN `article_tag` at ON at.id = att.tag_id WHERE 1 = 1 GROUP BY a.id order by id desc LIMIT ?, ?
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.dao.article.ArticleDao.queryListPageBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ==> Parameters: 990(Integer), 10(Integer)
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Preparing: SELECT at.`id`, at.`tag_name` FROM `article_to_tag` att LEFT JOIN `article_tag` at ON at.id = att.tag_id LEFT JOIN `article` a ON a.id = att.article_id WHERE a.id = ?
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Parameters: 999018(Long)
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| <==== Total: 2
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Preparing: SELECT at.`id`, at.`tag_name` FROM `article_to_tag` att LEFT JOIN `article_tag` at ON at.id = att.tag_id LEFT JOIN `article` a ON a.id = att.article_id WHERE a.id = ?
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Parameters: 999017(Long)
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| <==== Total: 2
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Preparing: SELECT at.`id`, at.`tag_name` FROM `article_to_tag` att LEFT JOIN `article_tag` at ON at.id = att.tag_id LEFT JOIN `article` a ON a.id = att.article_id WHERE a.id = ?
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Parameters: 999016(Long)
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| <==== Total: 2
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Preparing: SELECT at.`id`, at.`tag_name` FROM `article_to_tag` att LEFT JOIN `article_tag` at ON at.id = att.tag_id LEFT JOIN `article` a ON a.id = att.article_id WHERE a.id = ?
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Parameters: 999015(Long)
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| <==== Total: 2
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Preparing: SELECT at.`id`, at.`tag_name` FROM `article_to_tag` att LEFT JOIN `article_tag` at ON at.id = att.tag_id LEFT JOIN `article` a ON a.id = att.article_id WHERE a.id = ?
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Parameters: 999014(Long)
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| <==== Total: 2
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Preparing: SELECT at.`id`, at.`tag_name` FROM `article_to_tag` att LEFT JOIN `article_tag` at ON at.id = att.tag_id LEFT JOIN `article` a ON a.id = att.article_id WHERE a.id = ?
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Parameters: 999013(Long)
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| <==== Total: 2
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Preparing: SELECT at.`id`, at.`tag_name` FROM `article_to_tag` att LEFT JOIN `article_tag` at ON at.id = att.tag_id LEFT JOIN `article` a ON a.id = att.article_id WHERE a.id = ?
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Parameters: 999012(Long)
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| <==== Total: 2
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Preparing: SELECT at.`id`, at.`tag_name` FROM `article_to_tag` att LEFT JOIN `article_tag` at ON at.id = att.tag_id LEFT JOIN `article` a ON a.id = att.article_id WHERE a.id = ?
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Parameters: 999011(Long)
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| <==== Total: 2
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Preparing: SELECT at.`id`, at.`tag_name` FROM `article_to_tag` att LEFT JOIN `article_tag` at ON at.id = att.tag_id LEFT JOIN `article` a ON a.id = att.article_id WHERE a.id = ?
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Parameters: 999010(Long)
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| <==== Total: 2
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Preparing: SELECT at.`id`, at.`tag_name` FROM `article_to_tag` att LEFT JOIN `article_tag` at ON at.id = att.tag_id LEFT JOIN `article` a ON a.id = att.article_id WHERE a.id = ?
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Parameters: 999009(Long)
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| <==== Total: 2
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.s.dao.article.ArticleDao.queryListPageBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| <== Total: 10
2019-11-28 14:58:27 | INFO | http-nio-8088-exec-3 | c.l.d.springboot.service.impl.ArticleServiceImplArticleServiceImpl.java 49| 查询耗时: 10074
加上统计总条数的查询的话,共执行 N+2
经过多次查询,平均耗时在 8-10
2019-11-28 15:07:26 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.d.article.ArticleDao.queryListPage2_COUNTBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ==> Preparing: SELECT count(0) FROM (SELECT a.`id`, a.`title`, a.`content` FROM article a LEFT JOIN `article_to_tag` att ON att.article_id = a.id WHERE 1 = 1 GROUP BY a.id) table_count
2019-11-28 15:07:26 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.d.article.ArticleDao.queryListPage2_COUNTBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ==> Parameters:
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | Eureka-PeerNodesUpdater | com.netflix.discovery.endpoint.EndpointUtilsEndpointUtils.java 198| The availability zone for the given region us-east-1 are [defaultZone]
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | WARN | Eureka-PeerNodesUpdater | com.netflix.eureka.cluster.PeerEurekaNodesPeerEurekaNodes.java 156| The replica size seems to be empty. Check the route 53 DNS Registry
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.d.article.ArticleDao.queryListPage2_COUNTBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| <== Total: 1
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.dao.article.ArticleDao.queryListPage2BaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ==> Preparing: SELECT a.`id`, a.`title`, a.`content` FROM article a LEFT JOIN `article_to_tag` att ON att.article_id = a.id WHERE 1 = 1 GROUP BY a.id order by id desc LIMIT ?, ?
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.dao.article.ArticleDao.queryListPage2BaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ==> Parameters: 1990(Integer), 10(Integer)
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Preparing: SELECT at.`id`, at.`tag_name` FROM `article_to_tag` att LEFT JOIN `article_tag` at ON at.id = att.tag_id LEFT JOIN `article` a ON a.id = att.article_id WHERE a.id = ?
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Parameters: 998018(Long)
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| <==== Total: 2
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Preparing: SELECT at.`id`, at.`tag_name` FROM `article_to_tag` att LEFT JOIN `article_tag` at ON at.id = att.tag_id LEFT JOIN `article` a ON a.id = att.article_id WHERE a.id = ?
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Parameters: 998017(Long)
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| <==== Total: 2
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Preparing: SELECT at.`id`, at.`tag_name` FROM `article_to_tag` att LEFT JOIN `article_tag` at ON at.id = att.tag_id LEFT JOIN `article` a ON a.id = att.article_id WHERE a.id = ?
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Parameters: 998016(Long)
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| <==== Total: 2
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Preparing: SELECT at.`id`, at.`tag_name` FROM `article_to_tag` att LEFT JOIN `article_tag` at ON at.id = att.tag_id LEFT JOIN `article` a ON a.id = att.article_id WHERE a.id = ?
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Parameters: 998015(Long)
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| <==== Total: 2
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Preparing: SELECT at.`id`, at.`tag_name` FROM `article_to_tag` att LEFT JOIN `article_tag` at ON at.id = att.tag_id LEFT JOIN `article` a ON a.id = att.article_id WHERE a.id = ?
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Parameters: 998014(Long)
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| <==== Total: 2
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Preparing: SELECT at.`id`, at.`tag_name` FROM `article_to_tag` att LEFT JOIN `article_tag` at ON at.id = att.tag_id LEFT JOIN `article` a ON a.id = att.article_id WHERE a.id = ?
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Parameters: 998013(Long)
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| <==== Total: 2
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Preparing: SELECT at.`id`, at.`tag_name` FROM `article_to_tag` att LEFT JOIN `article_tag` at ON at.id = att.tag_id LEFT JOIN `article` a ON a.id = att.article_id WHERE a.id = ?
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Parameters: 998012(Long)
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| <==== Total: 2
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Preparing: SELECT at.`id`, at.`tag_name` FROM `article_to_tag` att LEFT JOIN `article_tag` at ON at.id = att.tag_id LEFT JOIN `article` a ON a.id = att.article_id WHERE a.id = ?
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Parameters: 998011(Long)
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| <==== Total: 2
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Preparing: SELECT at.`id`, at.`tag_name` FROM `article_to_tag` att LEFT JOIN `article_tag` at ON at.id = att.tag_id LEFT JOIN `article` a ON a.id = att.article_id WHERE a.id = ?
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Parameters: 998010(Long)
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| <==== Total: 2
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Preparing: SELECT at.`id`, at.`tag_name` FROM `article_to_tag` att LEFT JOIN `article_tag` at ON at.id = att.tag_id LEFT JOIN `article` a ON a.id = att.article_id WHERE a.id = ?
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ====> Parameters: 998009(Long)
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.d.a.ArticleTagDao.queryTagsByArticleIdBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| <==== Total: 2
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.s.dao.article.ArticleDao.queryListPage2BaseJdbcLogger.java 159| <== Total: 10
2019-11-28 15:07:33 | INFO | http-nio-8088-exec-6 | c.l.d.springboot.service.impl.ArticleServiceImplArticleServiceImpl.java 68| 查询耗时: 7242
与 Mybatis PageHelper 主表关联查询一样,包括统计总条数的查询,共执行 N+2
经过多次测试,平均耗时在 6-8
2019-11-28 15:13:26 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-10 | c.l.d.s.dao.article.ArticleDao.countComplexBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ==> Preparing: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(a.id)) FROM article a LEFT JOIN `article_to_tag` att ON att.article_id = a.id LEFT JOIN `article_tag` at ON at.id = att.tag_id WHERE 1 = 1
2019-11-28 15:13:26 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-10 | c.l.d.s.dao.article.ArticleDao.countComplexBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ==> Parameters:
2019-11-28 15:13:29 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-10 | c.l.d.s.dao.article.ArticleDao.countComplexBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| <== Total: 1
2019-11-28 15:13:29 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-10 | c.l.d.s.dao.article.ArticleDao.queryListComplexBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ==> Preparing: SELECT a.`id`, a.`title`, a.`content` , at.`id` at_id, at.`tag_name` at_tag_name FROM ( SELECT item_a.* FROM `article` item_a LEFT JOIN `article_to_tag` item_att ON item_att.article_id = item_a.id LEFT JOIN `article_tag` item_at ON item_at.id = item_att.tag_id GROUP BY item_a.id ORDER BY item_a.id desc LIMIT 0, 5 ) a LEFT JOIN `article_to_tag` att ON att.article_id = a.id LEFT JOIN `article_tag` at ON at.id = att.tag_id GROUP BY a.id,at.id ORDER BY a.id desc
2019-11-28 15:13:29 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-10 | c.l.d.s.dao.article.ArticleDao.queryListComplexBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ==> Parameters:
2019-11-28 15:13:29 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-10 | c.l.d.s.dao.article.ArticleDao.queryListComplexBaseJdbcLogger.java 159| <== Total: 9
2019-11-28 15:13:29 | INFO | http-nio-8088-exec-10 | c.l.d.springboot.service.impl.ArticleServiceImplArticleServiceImpl.java 92| 查询耗时: 3334
SQL 条数:
2 条,一条统计总条数,一天查询列表
平均耗时在 3-5
2019-11-28 15:17:14 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-7 | c.l.d.s.dao.article.ArticleDao.countComplex4BaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ==> Preparing: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(a.id)) FROM article a WHERE 1 = 1
2019-11-28 15:17:14 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-7 | c.l.d.s.dao.article.ArticleDao.countComplex4BaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ==> Parameters:
2019-11-28 15:17:14 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-7 | c.l.d.s.dao.article.ArticleDao.countComplex4BaseJdbcLogger.java 159| <== Total: 1
2019-11-28 15:17:14 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-7 | c.l.d.s.dao.article.ArticleDao.queryListComplex4BaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ==> Preparing: SELECT a.`id`, a.`title`, a.`content` , at.`id` at_id, at.`tag_name` at_tag_name FROM ( SELECT item_a.* FROM `article` item_a ORDER BY item_a.id desc LIMIT 0, 5 ) a LEFT JOIN `article_to_tag` att ON att.article_id = a.id LEFT JOIN `article_tag` at ON at.id = att.tag_id GROUP BY a.id,at.id ORDER BY a.id desc
2019-11-28 15:17:14 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-7 | c.l.d.s.dao.article.ArticleDao.queryListComplex4BaseJdbcLogger.java 159| ==> Parameters:
2019-11-28 15:17:14 | DEBUG | http-nio-8088-exec-7 | c.l.d.s.dao.article.ArticleDao.queryListComplex4BaseJdbcLogger.java 159| <== Total: 9
2019-11-28 15:17:14 | INFO | http-nio-8088-exec-7 | c.l.d.springboot.service.impl.ArticleServiceImplArticleServiceImpl.java 116| 查询耗时: 834
SQL 条数:
2 条,一条统计总条数,一天查询列表
平均耗时在 500ms - 3s 区间
Mybatis PageHelper 分页插件使用方便,可大大减少人工代码量;手动编写子查询代码较为复杂,难度较大,但是掌握这一知识后也可熟练使用
使用 Mybatis PageHelper 耗时较长,手动编写子查询代码,耗时较短,Mybatis PageHelper 分页插件的查询时长几乎是子查询的两倍;在不涉及将关联表的字段作为查询条件的情况下,查询速度有显著提升(不建议将关联表的字段作为分页查询的条件,如果需要将关联信息都查询出来,可以使用搜索引擎)
少量数据(低于百万条)可使用 Mybatis PageHelper 分页插件,减轻编码工作量,大量数据(超过百万条),可使用子查询的方式优化性能;最好不要将关联表的字段作为分页查询的条件;如需将主表和关联表中包含某一信息的数据都查出来,可以使用搜索引擎
commit feb8bce5f201794919ae4c50fa3a83f7a3edc7b6
Author: flying9001 <[email protected]>
Date: Thu Nov 28 10:56:19 2019 +0800
git reset --soft feb8bce5f201794919ae4c50fa3a83f7a3edc7b6