The following parameter sets are available directly through the installation. They are convenient for testing. They are listed in the directory :battmofile:`ParameterSets<ParameterData/ParameterSets>`.
Authors | Year | Reference | Directory |
Chen et al | 2020 | :cite:`Chen2020DevelopmentModels` | :battmofile:`Chen2020<ParameterData/ParameterSets/Chen2020>` |
Safari et al | 2009 | :cite:`Safari_2009` | :battmofile:`Safari2009<ParameterData/ParameterSets/Safari2009>` |
Lin et al | 2015 | :cite:`LIN2015633` | :battmofile:`Lin2015<ParameterData/ParameterSets/Lin2015>` |
Otherwise, separate input json files corresponding to different part of a battery model are included in the directory :battmofile:`ParameterData`. They are organised in sub directories, whose name describe the type of data they correspond to