- Knoxville, TN
- https://www.instagram.com/yngtodd/
Benchmarks Public
Forked from ECP-CANDLE/BenchmarksECP-CANDLE Benchmarks
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 7, 2020 -
GPim Public
Forked from ziatdinovmax/GPimGaussian processes and Bayesian optimization for images and hyperspectral data
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 19, 2020 -
cookiecutter-pypackage Public
Forked from briggySmalls/cookiecutter-pypackageCookiecutter template for a Python package.
DeepSpeed Public
Forked from microsoft/DeepSpeedDeepSpeed is a deep learning optimization library that makes distributed training easy, efficient, and effective.
Python MIT License UpdatedSep 22, 2020 -
ffn_tf Public
Forked from google/ffnFlood-Filling Networks for instance segmentation in 3d volumes.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 21, 2020 -
pytorch-cpp Public
Forked from prabhuomkar/pytorch-cppC++ Implementation of PyTorch Tutorials for Everyone
C++ MIT License UpdatedSep 8, 2020 -
gradcon-anomaly Public
Forked from olivesgatech/gradcon-anomalyCode for ECCV 2020 paper "Backpropagated Gradient Representations for Anomaly Detection"
Python UpdatedAug 19, 2020 -
Pilot.jl Public
Pilot library for NLP convolutional nets in Julia
Julia BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJul 11, 2020 -
omscs-notes Public
Forked from m4ttsch/omscs-notesOMSCS Notes is powered by Vue, Gridsome, and Firebase.
Vue MIT License UpdatedMay 23, 2020 -
foundation Public
design study for c cookiecutter template
C++ BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedMay 2, 2020 -
chat Public
Data parallelism study for natural language processing.
Python Other UpdatedApr 24, 2020 -
NeighborhoodRegistry.jl Public
My personal development registry for Julia packages
UpdatedApr 20, 2020 -
conway Public
Rust + WASM version of Conway's Game of Life
Rust Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 6, 2020 -
latex-snippets Public
Forked from gillescastel/latex-snippetsVim + LaTeX snippets setup
Vim Snippet MIT License UpdatedMar 30, 2020 -
lol-gbz_3dparts Public
Forked from eltoozero/lol-gbz_3dpartsA single origin set of inspired designs in SCAD to complete your Gameboy Zero project.
OpenSCAD UpdatedMar 5, 2020