is a microblogging site built on top of the ostatus protocol.
If you'd like to contribute, here's some details:
- Here's the stack: ruby/sinatra/mongodb
- Here's the code
- Here's the Issues list
- Please fork the project and make a pull request -- Pull requests will not be merged without tests/documentation --- We use minitest/capybara for tests --- We use docco (rocc) for documentation --- If you think it doesn't need a test, make your case, I'm just saying.
First off: you will need MongoDB ( They have a quickstart guide for getting it installed and running.
Then do the same as above:
$ cd
Copy the config file; if you have actual Twitter API keys, you can add yours, but this file just needs to exist for the server to work.
$ cp config.yml.sample config.yml
Then update your gemset:
$ gem install bundler && bundle install
Start the server with rackup:
$ rackup
Bam! Visit http://localhost:9292/ in your browser, and you'll be good.
For performance reasons, we're currently compressing our stylesheets and javascripts, as well as embedding what images we can. To compile Coffeescript (.coffee) or Sassy CSS (.scss) files for the site to use, use the following rake task:
rake assets:compile
If you need help with this, then you're not ready to run one. Eventually, we plan on making this super easy, but until we feel that it's ready, we're keeping the instructions 'secret.' Sorry!