原书名《Software Architecture Patterns》 ,软件架构模式pdf下载,中文版下载地址。
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Getting Started
We know that writing quality software is hard and complex: It is not only about satisfying requirements, also should be robust, maintainable, testable, and flexible enough to adapt to growth and change. This is where “the clean architecture” comes up and could be a good approach for using when developing any software application. The idea is simple: clean architecture stands for a group of practices that produce systems that are:
这个思路很简单:简洁架构 意味着产品系统中遵循一系列的习惯原则:
该书总共五章,译员可以领其中一章或者多个章节,截止日期 2015/4/19,感谢大家的参与。可参考资料 : 软件架构模式读书笔记 。
翻译章节 | 译员信息 |
第一章 分层架构 | BillionWang |
第二章 事件驱动架构 | chaossss |
第三章 微内核架构 | Mr.Simple |
第四章 微服务架构 | dupengwei |
第五章 基于空间的架构 | allenlsy |