title | description | nav | keywords |
Cache |
This doc describes cache integration. |
4.07 |
cache |
Jotai provides primitive functions to optimize re-renders. It's designed to hold only "current" atom values, and it doesn't cache older values.
Caching is sometimes useful. For example, if an async atom triggers network requests, we may want to cache the responses.
jotai-cache is a third-party library to help such use cases.
yarn add jotai-cache
atomWithCache(read, options): Atom
creates a new read-only atom with cache.
read: read function to define the read-only atom.
options (optional): an object of options to customize the behavior of the atom
size (optional): maximum size of cache items.
shouldRemove (optional): a function to check if cache items should be removed.
areEqual (optional): a function to compare atom values.
import { atom, useAtom } from 'jotai'
import { atomWithCache } from 'jotai-cache'
const idAtom = atom(1)
const normalAtom = atom(async (get) => {
const id = get(idAtom)
const response = await fetch(`https://reqres.in/api/users/${id}?delay=1`)
return response.json()
const cachedAtom = atomWithCache(async (get) => {
const id = get(idAtom)
const response = await fetch(`https://reqres.in/api/users/${id}?delay=1`)
return response.json()
const NormalUser = () => {
const [{ data }] = useAtom(normalAtom)
return (
<h1>User (normal atom)</h1>
<li>ID: {data.id}</li>
<li>First name: {data.first_name}</li>
<li>Last name: {data.last_name}</li>
const CachedUser = () => {
const [{ data }] = useAtom(cachedAtom)
return (
<h1>User (cached atom)</h1>
<li>ID: {data.id}</li>
<li>First name: {data.first_name}</li>
<li>Last name: {data.last_name}</li>
const App = () => {
const [id, setId] = useAtom(idAtom)
return (
ID: {id}{' '}
<button type="button" onClick={() => setId((c) => c - 1)}>
</button>{' '}
<button type="button" onClick={() => setId((c) => c + 1)}>
<hr />
<Suspense fallback="Loading...">
<CachedUser />
<hr />
<Suspense fallback="Loading...">
<NormalUser />