Re-write of Injection for Xcode in (mostly) Swift
Wechat-like image picker. Support select photos, videos, gif and livePhoto. Support edit image and crop video. 微信样式的图片选择器,支持预览/相册内拍照及录视频、拖拽/滑动选择,编辑图片/视频,支持多语言国际化等功能;
基于Swift 4.0的MVVM框架,仿照Moya对Alamofire进行更轻量级的封装,网络请求返回实体或者实体数组,结构更清晰
swfit整合项目, 项目里面有整个swift应用框架, (alamofire + moya )网络请求框架 + Swiftyjson + HandyJson的实际应用, DSBridge原生与H5交互的用法, 反射知识的使用, WCDB数据库的封装使用, WebRTC音视频直播demo, socket的使用, socket协议的封装使用等等知识点. 希望对大家有用
FSPagerView is an elegant Screen Slide Library. It is extremely helpful for making Banner View、Product Show、Welcome/Guide Pages、Screen/ViewController Sliders.
⌨️ KeyboardLayoutGuide, back from when it didn't exist.
Image Picker Controller for iOS written in Swift 4 & 5.
Drop Down Menu for iOS With Search And Other Awesome Customisation
✨ Awesome Dropdown menu for iOS with Swift 5.0
Dropdown menu for NavigationController in Swift, also support Dropup Menu
AudioPlayer is a simple class for playing audio in iOS, macOS and tvOS apps.
A UIView subclass that allows the user to draw on it.
A Swift Popup Module help you popup your custom view easily. Support three way to popup, Drawer, Dialog and BottomSheet.
🔍 Awesome fully customize search view like Pinterest written in Swift 5.0 + Realm support!
A Full functional UINavigationBar framework for making bar transition more natural! You don't need to call any UINavigationBar api, implementing YPNavigationBarConfigureStyle protocol for your view…
🔥 Lightweight, simple, and easy-to-use UINavigationBar library.
An easy-to-use video player based on swift language
Create walkthroughs and guided tours (coach marks) in a simple way, with Swift.
A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.