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This README describes how to train and run an animal "species" classifier. "Species" is in quotes, because the classifier can be trained to identify animals at arbitrary levels within the biological taxonomy of animals.

This guide is written for internal use at Microsoft AI for Earth. Certain services, such as MegaDB and various private repos are only accessible interally within Microsoft. However, this guide may still be of interest to more technical users of the AI for Earth Camera Trap services.

The classifiers trained with this pipeline are intended to be used in conjunction with MegaDetector, i.e., we use MegaDetector to find animals and crop them out, and we train/run our classifiers on those crops.



Install Anaconda or miniconda3. Then create the conda environment using the following command:

conda env update -f environment-classifier.yml --prune

Activate this conda environment:

conda activate cameratraps-classifier

Verify that CUDA is available (assumes that the current working directory is the CameraTraps repo root):

python sandbox/

If CUDA isn't available but should be (i.e., you have an NVIDIA GPU and recent drivers), in at least one driver/GPU environment, the following fixed this issue:

pip uninstall torch torchvision
conda install pytorch=1.10.1 torchvision=0.11.2 -c pytorch

If you are on Linux, you may also get some speedup by installing the accimage package for acclerated image loading. Because this is Linux-only and optional, we have commented it out of the environment file, but you can install it with:

conda install -c conda-forge accimage

The image-loading code in this folder is set up to work with or without accimage.

Directory Structure

The classifier pipeline assumes the following directories:

classifier-training/            # Azure container mounted locally
    mdcache/                    # cached MegaDetector outputs
    megadb_mislabeled/          # known mislabeled images in MegaDB
    megaclassifier/             # files relevant to MegaClassifier

images/                         # (optional) local directory to save full-size images
    datasetX/                   # images are organized by dataset

crops/                          # local directory to save cropped images
    datasetX/                   # images are organized by dataset

CameraTraps/                    # this git repo
        BASE_LOGDIR/            # classification dataset and splits
            LOGDIR/             # logs and checkpoints from a single training run

camera-traps-private/           # internal taxonomy git repo
    camera_trap_taxonomy_mapping.csv  # THE taxonomy CSV file

Environment Variables

The following environment variables are useful to have in .bashrc:

# Python development
export PYTHONPATH="/path/to/repos/CameraTraps:/path/to/repos/ai4eutils"

# accessing MegaDB

# running Batch API
export BATCH_DETECTION_API_URL="http://[INTERNAL_USE]/v3/camera-trap/detection-batch"
export CLASSIFICATION_BLOB_CONTAINER="classifier-training"

Mypy Type Checking

Invoke mypy from main CameraTraps repo directory. To type check all files in the classifications folder, run

mypy -p classification

To type check a specific script (e.g., in the classifications folder, run

mypy -p classification.train_classifier


MegaClassifier is an image classifier. MegaClassifier v0.1 is based on an EfficientNet architecture, implemented in PyTorch. It supports 169 categories*, where each category is either a single biological taxon or a group of related taxa. See the megaclassifier_label_spec.ipynb notebook for more details on the categories. The taxonomy used is based on the 2020_09 revision of the taxonomy CSV.

The training dataset, splits, and parameters used for v0.1 can be found in classifier-training/megaclassifier/v0.1_training. There are two variants of MegaClassifier v0.1. Their average top-1 accuracy (recall) and average top-3 accuracy on the test set across all 169 categories are shown in this table:

model name architecture avg top-1 acc avg top-3 acc
v0.1_efficientnet-b1 EfficientNet-B1 80.973% 91.540%
v0.1_efficientnet-b3 EfficientNet-B3 82.755% 92.615%

*Unfortunately, there are some duplicated taxa. Ideally, these should be corrected in the next revision of the taxonomy CSV. The known list of duplicates includes:

  • domestic dogs: sometimes tagged as species "Canis familiaris" and other times tagged as subspecies "Canis lupus familiaris" (see Wikipedia)
  • zebras: usually tagged as a species under the genus "equus" but occasionally tagged under the genus "zebra" (see Wikipedia and GBIF)

Run a trained classifier on new images

This section explains how to run MegaClassifier on new images. To run MegaClassifier on images already in MegaDB, see the Evaluate classifier section below.

1. Run MegaDetector

Run MegaDetector on the new images to get an output JSON file in the format of the Batch API. MegaDetector can be run either locally or via the Batch API.

Basic instructions for running MegaDetector locally

Note: these instructions have not been updated to refer to MegaDetector v5. You probably want to use MDv5, so if it's not clear how to adapt these instructions to MDv5, email us. General instructions for running MegaDetector (any version) are here.

But, the short version...

We assume that the images are in a local folder /path/to/images. Use AzCopy if necessary to download the images from Azure Blob Storage.

From the CameraTraps repo folder, run the following.

# Download the MegaDetector model file
wget -O md_v4.1.0.pb

# install TensorFlow v1 and other dependences
conda env update -f environment-detector.yml --prune
conda activate cameratraps-detector

# run MegaDetector
python detection/ md_v4.1.0.pb /path/to/images detections.json --recursive --output_relative_filenames

For more details, consult the MegaDetector README.

Instructions for running MegaDetector via Batch API

See api/batch_processing/data_preparation/

2. Crop images

Run to crop the bounding boxes according to the detections JSON. Pass in an Azure Blob Storage container URL if the images are not stored locally. The crops are saved to /path/to/crops. Unless you have a good reason not to, use the --square-crops flag, which crops the tightest square enclosing each bounding box (which may have an arbitrary aspect ratio).

python \
    detections.json \
    /path/to/crops \
    --images-dir /path/to/images \
    --container-url "" \
    --threshold 0.8 \
    --save-full-images --square-crops \
    --threads 50 \
    --logdir "."

3. Run classifier

Load the TorchScript-compiled model file for the classifier. A normal PyTorch checkpoint (e.g., with a state_dict) will not work here. For example, MegaClassifier's compiled model file can be found at classifier-training/megaclassifier/

The following script will output a CSV file (optionally gzipped) whose columns are:

  • path: path to image crop, relative to the cropped images directory
  • category names: one column per classifier output category. The values are the confidence of the classifier on each category.

On a GPU, this should run at ~200 crops per second.

python \
    /path/to/classifier-training/megaclassifier/ \
    /path/to/crops \
    classifier_output.csv.gz \
    --detections-json detections.json \
    --classifier-categories /path/to/classifier-training/megaclassifier/v0.1_index_to_name.json \
    --image-size 300 --batch-size 64 --num-workers 8

4. (Optional) Map MegaClassifier categories to desired categories

MegaClassifier outputs 100+ categories, but we usually don't care about all of them. Instead, we can group the classifier labels into desired "target" categories. This process involves 3 sub-steps:

  • Specify the target categories that we care about.
  • Build a mapping from desired target categories to MegaClassifier labels.
  • Aggregate probabilities from the classifier's outputs according to the mapping.

Specify the target categories that we care about.

Use the label specification syntax to specify the taxa and/or dataset classes that constitute each target category. If using the CSV format, convert it to the JSON specification syntax using python

Build a mapping from desired target categories to MegaClassifier labels.

Run the script with the target label specification JSON to create a mapping from target categories to MegaClassifier labels. The output file is another JSON file representing a dictionary whose keys are target categories and whose values are lists of MegaClassifier labels. MegaClassifier labels who are not explicitly assigned a target are assigned to a target named "other". Each MegaClassifier label is assigned to exactly one target category.

python \
    target_label_spec.json \
    /path/to/classifier-training/megaclassifier/v0.1_label_spec.json \
    /path/to/camera-traps-private/camera_trap_taxonomy_mapping.csv \
    --output target_to_classifier_labels.json \
    --classifier-label-index /path/to/classifier-training/megaclassifier/v0.1_index_to_name.json

Aggregate probabilities from the classifier's outputs according to the mapping.

Using the mapping, create a new version of the classifier output CSV with probabilities summed within each target category. Also output a new "index-to-name" JSON file which identifies the sequential order of the target categories.

python \
    classifier_output.csv.gz \
    --target-mapping target_to_classifier_labels.json \
    --output-csv classifier_output_remapped.csv.gz \
    --output-label-index label_index_remapped.json

5. Merge classification results with detection JSON

Finally, merge the classification results CSV with the original detection JSON file. Use the --threshold argument to exclude predicted categories from the JSON file if their confidence is below a certain threshold. The output JSON file path is specified by the --output-json argument. If desired, this file can then be opened in Timelapse (requires v2. or greater).

python \
    classifier_output_remapped.csv.gz \
    label_index_remapped.json \
    --output-json detections_with_classifications.json \
    --classifier-name megaclassifier_v0.1_efficientnet-b3 \
    --threshold 0.05 \
    --detection-json detections.json

Typical training pipeline

Before doing any model training, create a directory under CameraTraps/classification/ for tracking all of our generated files. We refer to this directory with the variable $BASE_LOGDIR.

1. Select classification labels for training

Create a classification label specification JSON file (usually named label_spec.json). This file defines the labels that our classifier will be trained to distinguish, as well as the original dataset labels and/or biological taxa that will map to each classification label. See the required format here.

For MegaClassifier, see megaclassifier_label_spec.ipynb to see how the label specification JSON file is generated.

For bespoke classifiers, it is likely easier to write a CSV file instead of manually writing the JSON file. We then translate to JSON using The CSV syntax can be found here.

2. Query MegaDB for labeled images

In, we validate the classification labels specification JSON file. It checks that the specified taxa are included in the master taxonomy CSV file, which specifies the biological taxonomy for every dataset label in MegaDB. The script then queries MegaDB to list all images that match the classification labels specification, and optionally verifies that each image is only assigned a single classification label.

There are some known mislabeled images in MegaDB. These mistakes are currently tracked as CSV files (1 per dataset) in classifier-training/megadb_mislabeled. Use the --mislabeled-images argument to provide the path to these CSVs, so it can ignore or correct the mislabeled images after it queries MegaDB.

The output of is another JSON file (queried_images.json) that maps image names to a dictionary of properties. The "label" key of each entry is a list of strings. For now, this list should only include a single string. However, we are using a list to provide flexibility for allowing multi-label multi-class classification in the future.

    "caltech/cct_images/59f79901-23d2-11e8-a6a3-ec086b02610b.jpg": {
        "dataset": "caltech",
        "location": 13,
        "class": "mountain_lion",  // class from dataset in MegaDB
        "bbox": [{"category": "animal",
                  "bbox": [0, 0.347, 0.237, 0.257]}],
        "label": ["cat"]  // labels to use in classifier
    "caltech/cct_images/59f5fe2b-23d2-11e8-a6a3-ec086b02610b.jpg": {
        "dataset": "caltech",
        "location": 13,
        "class": "mountain_lion",  // class from dataset in MegaDB
        "label": ["cat"]  // labels to use in classifier

Example usage of

python \
    $BASE_LOGDIR/label_spec.json \
    /path/to/camera-traps-private/camera_trap_taxonomy_mapping.csv \
    --output-dir $BASE_LOGDIR \
    --json-indent 1 \
    --mislabeled-images /path/to/classifier-training/megab_mislabeled

3. For images without ground-truth bounding boxes, generate bounding boxes using MegaDetector

While some labeled images in MegaDB already have ground-truth bounding boxes, other images do not. For the labeled images without bounding box annotations, we run MegaDetector to get bounding boxes. MegaDetector can be run either locally or via the Batch Detection API.

This step consists of 3 sub-steps:

  1. Run MegaDetector (either locally or via Batch API) on the queried images.
  2. Cache MegaDetector results on the images to JSON files in classifier-training/mdcache.
  3. Download and crop the images to be used for training the classifier.
To run MegaDetector locally

This option is only recommended if you meet all of the following criteria:

  • there are not too many images (<1 million)
  • all of your image files are from a single dataset in a single Azure container
  • none of the images already have cached MegaDetector results

Download all of the images to /path/to/images/name_of_dataset. Then, follow the instructions from the MegaDetector README to run MegaDetector. Finally, cache the detection results. The commands should be roughly as follows, assuming your terminal is in the CameraTraps/ folder:

# Download the MegaDetector model file
wget -O md_v4.1.0.pb

# install TensorFlow v1 and other dependences
conda env update -f environment-detector.yml --prune
conda activate cameratraps-detector

# run MegaDetector
python detection/ \
    md_v4.1.0.pb \
    /path/to/images/name_of_dataset \
    classification/$BASE_LOGDIR/detections.json \
    --recursive --output_relative_filenames

# cache the detections
python \
    classification/$BASE_LOGDIR/detections.json \
    --format detections \
    --dataset name_of_dataset \
    --detector-output-cache-dir "/path/to/classifier-training/mdcache" --detector-version "4.1"
To use the MegaDetector Batch Detection API

We use the script. In theory, we can do everything we need in a single invocation. The script groups the queried images by dataset and then submits 1 "task" to the Batch Detection API for each dataset. It knows to wait for each task to finish running, before starting to download and crop the images based on bounding boxes. Because of the resume file, in theory it should be OK to cancel the script once the tasks are all submitted, then re-run the script later with the exact same arguments to fetch the results and begin the downloading and cropping.

python \
    $BASE_LOGDIR/queried_images.json \
    --detector-output-cache-dir /path/to/classifier-training/mdcache --detector-version 4.1 \
    --run-detector --resume-file $BASE_LOGDIR/resume.json \
    --cropped-images-dir /path/to/crops --square-crops --threshold 0.9 \
    --save-full-images --images-dir /path/to/images --threads 50

However, because the Batch Detection API sometimes returns incorrect responses, in practice we may need to call multiple times. It is important to understand the 2 different "modes" of the script.

  1. Call the Batch Detection API, and cache the results.
    • To run this mode: set the --run-detector flag
    • To skip this mode: omit the flag
  2. Using ground truth and cached detections, crop the images.
    • To run this mode: set --cropped-images-dir /path/to/crops
    • To skip this mode: omit --cropped-images-dir

Thus, we will first call the Batch Detection API. This saves a resume.json file that contains all of the task IDs. Because the Batch Detection API does not always respond with the correct task status, the only real way to verify if a task has finished running is to check the async-api-* Azure Storage container and see if the 3 output files are there.

python \
    $BASE_LOGDIR/queried_images.json \
    --detector-output-cache-dir /path/to/classifier-training/mdcache --detector-version 4.1 \
    --run-detector --resume-file $BASE_LOGDIR/resume.json

When a task finishes running, manually create a JSON file for each task according to the Batch Detection API response format. Save the JSON file to $BASE_LOGDIR/batchapi_response/dataset.json. Then, use to cache these results:

python \
    $BASE_LOGDIR/batchapi_response/dataset.json \
    --dataset dataset \
    --detector-output-cache-dir /path/to/classifier-training/mdcache --detector-version 4.1

Once we have detection results (whether from running MegaDetector locally or via the Batch Detection API), the following command crops the images based on the ground truth and detected bounding boxes.

  • If the full images are already locally available (e.g., if MegaDetector was run locally), provide their location via --images-dir argument.
  • If the full images are not locally available (e.g., if using the Batch Detection API), the script will download the images from Azure Blob Storage before cropping them. In this case, if the --save-full-images flag is set, the full images are saved to the --images-dir folder. If --save-full-images is not set, then the full images are discarded after cropping.

On a VM, expect this download and cropping step to run at ~60 images per second (~5 hours for 1 million images). Unless you have a good reason not to, use the --square-crops flag, which crops the tightest square enclosing each bounding box (which may have an arbitrary aspect ratio). Because images are resized to a square during training, using square crops guarantees that the model does not see a distorted aspect ratio of the animal.

python \
    $BASE_LOGDIR/queried_images.json \
    --detector-output-cache-dir /path/to/classifier-training/mdcache --detector-version 4.1 \
    --cropped-images-dir /path/to/crops --square-crops --threshold 0.9 \
    --save-full-images --images-dir /path/to/images --threads 50

4. Create classification dataset and split image crops into train/val/test sets by location

Preparing a classification dataset for training involves two steps.

  1. Create a CSV file (classification_ds.csv) representing our classification dataset, where each row in this CSV represents a single training example, which is an image crop with its label. Along with this CSV file, we also create a label_index.json JSON file which defines a integer ordering over the string classification label names.
  2. Split the training examples into 3 sets (train, val, and test) based on the geographic location where the images were taken. The split is specified by a JSON file (splits.json).

Both of these steps are handled by, and each step is explained in more detail below.

Creating the classification dataset CSV

The classification dataset CSV has the columns listed below. Only image crops in /path/to/crops from images listed in the queried_images.json file are included in the classification dataset CSV. For now, the 'label' column is a single value. However, we support a comma-separated list of labels to provide flexibility for allowing multi-label multi-class classification in the future.

  • 'path': str, path to image crop
  • 'dataset': str, name of dataset that image is from
  • 'location': str, location that image was taken, as saved in MegaDB, or "unknown_location" if no location is provided in MegaDB
  • 'dataset_class': str, original class assigned to image, as saved in MegaDB
  • 'confidence': float, confidence that this crop is of an actual animal, 1.0 if the crop is a "ground truth bounding box" (i.e., from MegaDB), <= 1.0 if the bounding box was detected by MegaDetector
  • 'label': str, comma-separated list of label(s) assigned to this crop for classification

The command to create the CSV is shown below. Three arguments merit explanation:

  • The --threshold argument filters out crops whose detection confidence is below a given threshold. Note, however, that if during the cropping step you only cropped bounding boxes above a detection confidence of 0.9, specifying a threshold of 0.8 here will have the same effect as specifying a threshold of 0.9. This script will not magically go back and crop the bounding boxes with a detection confidence between 0.8 and 0.9.
  • The --min-locs argument filters out crops whose label appears in fewer than some number of locations. This is useful for targeting a minimum diversity of locations. Because we split images into train/val/test based on location, at the bare minimum you should consider setting --min-locs 3. Otherwise, the label will be entirely excluded from at least one of the 3 splits.
  • The --match-test argument is useful for trying a new training dataset, but using an existing test set. This argument takes two values: --match-test CLASSIFICATION_CSV SPLITS_JSON. After creating the classification dataset (ignoring this argument), the script will append all crops from the given CLASSIFICATION_CSV whose "location" appears in the test set from SPLITS_JSON.

The script also creates a label_index.json file, which maps integers to label names. The keys are string representations of Python integers (JSON requires keys to be strings), numbered from 0 to num_labels-1. The values are the label names (strings).

python \
    --mode csv \
    --queried-images-json $BASE_LOGDIR/queried_images.json \
    --cropped-images-dir /path/to/crops \
    --detector-output-cache-dir /path/to/classifier-training/mdcache --detector-version 4.1 \
    --threshold 0.9 \
    --min-locs 20

Splitting training examples by geographic location

We split training examples by geographic location in order to test the classifier's ability to generalize to unseen locations. Otherwise, the classifier might "memorize" the distribution of known species at each location. This second step assumes that a classification dataset CSV (classification_ds.csv) already exists and creates a splits.json file. This splits.json file maps each split ['train', 'val', 'test'] to a list of length-2 lists, where each inner list is [<dataset>, <location>]. In other words, each "geographic location" is identified by a (dataset, dataset-location) pair.

Several arguments merit explanation:

  • --val-frac and --test-frac: These arguments specify roughly the fraction of all crops that should be put into the val and test sets, respectively. How this is done depends on the --method argument, explained below. Note that --match-test and --test-frac are mutually exclusive arguments, and --test-frac is treated as 0 if it is not given. The size of the train set is 1 - val_frac - test_frac.
  • --method: There are two heuristics to choose from which determine how the splits are made:
    • The random heuristic tries 10,000 different combinations of assigning approximately --val-frac and --test-frac locations to the val and test sets, with the remaining going to the train set. It then scores each of these combinations on how far each label's distribution of image crops and locations are from the desired train/val/test split. The combination with the lowest score (lower is better) is selected.
    • The smallest_first heuristic sorts the labels from fewest to most examples, and then sorts the locations for each label from fewest to most examples. Locations are added in order to the test, val, then train sets until each split meets the desired split size.
  • --label-spec: This argument is useful for prioritizing certain datasets over others for inclusion in the test set, based on the given label specification JSON file. This argument requires --method=smallest_first.
  • The --match-test argument is useful for trying a new training dataset, but using an existing test set. This argument takes two values: --match-test CLASSIFICATION_CSV SPLITS_JSON. This will simply copy the test set from SPLITS_JSON.
python \
    --mode splits \
    --val-frac 0.2 --test-frac 0.2 \
    --method random

Combining both steps in one command

python \
    --mode csv splits \
    --queried-images-json $BASE_LOGDIR/queried_images.json \
    --cropped-images-dir /path/to/crops \
    --detector-output-cache-dir /path/to/classifier-training/mdcache --detector-version 4.1 \
    --threshold 0.9 \
    --min-locs 20 \
    --val-frac 0.2 --test-frac 0.2 \
    --method random

5. (Optional) Manually inspect dataset

Copy the inspect_dataset.ipynb notebook into $BASE_LOGDIR. Open a Jupyter lab or notebook instance, and run the notebook. This notebook:

  • Samples some images from each label and displays them. Verify that these images are reasonable.
  • Prints out the distribution of images and locations across the train, val, and test splits, and highlights the labels that have "extreme" distributions. Verify that these deviations are acceptable.

6. Train classifier

Use the script to train a classifier in PyTorch based on either a Resnet (torchvision) or EfficientNet (lukemelas) architecture. The script runs the model on the val split after every training epoch, and if the val split achieves a new highest accuracy, it saves the model weights from that epoch and also runs the model on the test split. If the model does not improve the val accuracy for 8 epochs, the model stops training. Finally, the best-performing model (based on val accuracy) is evaluated on all three splits (see the next section).

The script assumes that the $BASE_LOGDIR directory has 3 files: 1) classification dataset CSV, 2) label index JSON, and 3) splits JSON.

Most command-line options are self-explanatory. However, several merit explanation:

  • --pretrained: Without this argument, the model is trained from scratch. If this argument is used as a flag (without a value), then the model uses pre-trained weights from an ImageNet-trained model. This argument can also take a path to a normal model checkpoint (not a TorchScript-compiled checkpoint) as well. This is useful, for example, to use MegaClassifier's weights as the starting point for a bespoke classifier.
  • --label-weighted: Instead of a simple random shuffle, this flag causes training examples to be selected through a weighted sampling procedure. Examples are weighted inversely proportional to number of examples in each label. In other words, all labels get sampled with equal frequency. This effectively balances the dataset. We found that weighted sampling was more effective than weighting each example's loss because the weights varied dramatically between labels (e.g., often exceeding 100x between the smallest and largest labels). If using a weighted loss, certain batches would have an extremely large loss and gradient, which was detrimental to training.
  • --weight-by-detection-conf: If used as a flag, this argument weights each example by its detection confidence. This argument optionally takes a path to a compressed numpy archive (.npz) file containing the isotonic regression interpolation coordinates for calibrating the detection confidence.
  • --log-extreme-examples: This flag specifies the number of true-positive (tp), false-positive (fp), and false-negative (fn) examples of each label to log in TensorBoard during each epoch of training. This flag is very helpful for identifying what images the classifier is struggling with during training. However, it is recommended to turn this flag OFF when training MegaClassifier because its RAM usage is linearly proportional to the number of classes (and MegaClassifier has a lot of classes).
  • --finetune: If used as a flag, this argument will only adjust the final fully-connected layer of the model. This argument optionally takes an integer, which specifies the number of epochs for fine-tuning the final layer before enabling all layers to be trained. I found that empirically there was no observable benefit to fine-tuning the final layer first before training all layers, so usually there should be no reason to use this argument.
python \
    /path/to/crops \
    --model-name efficientnet-b3 --pretrained \
    --label-weighted --weight-by-detection-conf /path/to/classifier-training/mdv4_1_isotonic_calibration.npz \
    --epochs 50 --batch-size 160 --lr 0.0001 \
    --logdir $BASE_LOGDIR --log-extreme-examples 3

The following hyperparameters for MegaClassifier seem to work well for both EfficientNet-B1 and EfficientNet-B3 (PyTorch implementation):

  • no initial finetuning
  • --pretrained
  • EfficientNet-B1: --batch-size 192 (on 2 GPUs), EfficientNet-B3: --batch-size 160 (on 4 GPUs)
  • --label-weighted
  • --epochs 50: test-set accuracy will likely plateau before the full 50 epochs
  • --weight-by-detection-conf /path/to/mdv4_1_isotonic_calibration.npz
  • --lr 3e-5
  • --weight-decay 1e-6: values between 1e-5 and 1e-6 are generally OK

During training, logs are written to TensorBoard at the end of each epoch. View the logs by running the following command. Setting --samples_per_plugin to a large number (e.g., 10,000) prevents TensorBoard from omitting images. However, this may incur high RAM usage.

tensorboard --logdir $BASE_LOGDIR --bind_all --samples_per_plugin images=10000

Note about TensorFlow implementation

There is a script in this directory which attempts to mimic the PyTorch training script, but using TensorFlow v2 instead. The reason I tried to do a TensorFlow implementation is because TensorFlow v2.3 introduced an official Keras EfficientNet implementation, whereas the PyTorch EfficientNet was a third-party implementation. However, the TensorFlow implementation proved difficult to implement well, and several features from the PyTorch version are different or remain lacking in the TensorFlow version:

  • Training on multiple GPUs is not supported. PyTorch natively supports this by wrapping a model in torch.nn.DataParallel. TensorFlow also supports this when using However, I wrote my own training loop in TensorFlow to match the PyTorch version instead of using Adopting would likely require a completely different implementation from the PyTorch code and involve subclassing tf.keras.Model to define a new model.train_step() method. For now, the TensorFlow code is limited to a single GPU, which means using extremely small batch sizes.
  • --label-weighted uses weighted loss instead of weighted data sampling. Weighted data sampling can be implemented in TensorFlow, but it is much more verbose than the equivalent PyTorch code. See the TensorFlow tutorial on oversampling the minority class.
  • initializing the model from a checkpoint, e.g., --pretrained /path/to/checkpoint

Consequently, I recommend against using the TensorFlow training code until these issues are resolved.

7. Evaluate classifier

After training a model, we evaluate its performance using Technically, this step is actually already run by the model training code (, so usually you do not need to run on your own. However, there are two situations where you would want to run this step manually:

  • if the training code somehow runs into an error during model evaluation, or
  • if you want to evaluate a model (e.g., MegaClassifier) on a different dataset than the model was trained on. See section below on comparing the performance of MegaClassifier vs. a bespoke classifier.

During training, we already output some basic overall statistics about model performance, but during evaluation, we generate a more picture of model performance, captured in the following output files:

  1. outputs_{split}.csv: one file per split, contains columns:

    • 'path': str, path to cropped image
    • 'label': str
    • 'weight': float
    • [label names]: float, confidence in each label
  2. overall_metrics.csv, contains columns:

    • 'split': str
    • 'loss': float, mean per-example loss over entire epoch
    • 'acc_top{k}': float, accuracy@k over the entire epoch
    • 'loss_weighted' and 'acc_weighted_top{k}': float, weighted versions
  3. confusion_matrices.npz: keys are splits (['train', 'val', 'test']), values are np.ndarray confusion matrices

  4. label_stats.csv: per-label statistics, columns are ['split', 'label', 'precision', 'recall']

The script takes 2 main inputs: a params.json file created during model training, and a path to a model checkpoint.

  • params.json: Passing in a params.json file simplifies the number of arguments you need to pass to, although there are many parameters which can be overridden via command-line arguments (run --help to see which parameters can be overridden).
  • checkpoint file: This can be either a normal checkpoint or a TorchScript-compiled checkpoint. If the checkpoint is a normal checkpoint, the script will compile a TorchScript checkpoint and save it to the same place as the normal checkpoint, except with a _compiled suffix added to the filename.

Note that the classifier evaluation code uses the "accimage" backend for image transformations instead of the "Pillow" or "Pillow-SIMD" backend used during training. The accimage backend empirically improves data loading speed by about 20-50% over Pillow and Pillow-SIMD. However, accimage runs into occasional unpredictable errors every once in a while, so it is impractical for training. For evaluation, it has worked quite well though.

There tends to be a small difference in the val and test accuracies between training and evaluation. This might be due to the differences between Pillow and accimage, although I haven't rigorously tested it to be sure.

python \
    $BASE_LOGDIR/$LOGDIR/params.json \
    --output-dir $BASE_LOGDIR/$LOGDIR \
    --splits train val test \
    --batch-size 256

Compare MegaClassifier performance vs. bespoke classifier

We can also use compare the performance of MegaClassifier vs. a bespoke classifier. First, generate a mapping from MegaClassifier categories to the bespoke classifier's categories using If the bespoke classifier's label specification JSON file was defined using taxa, then you may be able to directly use that JSON file. However, if the label specification was defined using dataset-specific classes, you should consider writing a broader label specification using taxa. See the instructions from Map MegaClassifier categories to desired categories.

Next, run, passing in the MegaClassifier compiled checkpoint as well as the new category mapping and MegaClassifier's own label index JSON file.

The following script shows example commands. It assumes that the bespoke classifier's log directory is $BASE_LOGDIR.

python \
    $BASE_LOGDIR/label_spec.json \
    /path/to/classifier-training/megaclassifier/v0.1_label_spec.json \
    /path/to/camera-traps-private/camera_trap_taxonomy_mapping.csv \
    -o run_idfg4/megaclassifier/target_to_megaclassifier_labels.json \
    --classifier-label-index /path/to/classifier-training/megaclassifier/v0.1_index_to_name.json

 python \
    $BASE_LOGDIR/$LOGDIR/params.json \
    /path/to/classifier-training/megaclassifier/ \
    --output-dir $BASE_LOGDIR/megaclassifier \
    --splits test \
    --target-mapping $BASE_LOGDIR/megaclassifier/target_to_megaclassifier_labels.json \
    --label-index /path/to/classifier-training/megaclassifier/v0.1_index_to_name.json \
    --model-name efficientnet-b3 --batch-size 256 --num-workers 12

8. Analyze classification results

Copy the analyze_classifier_results.ipynb notebook into $BASE_LOGDIR/$LOGDIR. Open a Jupyter lab or notebook instance, and run the notebook. This notebook:

  • Plots the confusion matrix for each split.
  • Prints out the precision / recall values for each label.
  • Plots classifier's calibration curve for each label.
  • For a given label, plots images from that label, grouped by their predicted class.

9. Export classification results as JSON

Once we have the output_{split}.csv.gz files, we can export our classification results in the Batch Detection API JSON format. The following command generates such a JSON file for the images from the test set, including only classification probabilities greater than 0.1, and also including the true label:

python \
    $BASE_LOGDIR/$LOGDIR/outputs_test.csv.gz \
    $BASE_LOGDIR/label_index.json \
    --output-json $BASE_LOGDIR/$LOGDIR/outputs_test.json \
    --classifier-name "myclassifier" \
    --threshold 0.1 \
    --queried-images-json $BASE_LOGDIR/queried_images.json \
    --detector-output-cache-dir /path/to/classifier-training/mdcache --detector-version "4.1" \
    --label last

10. (Optional) Identify potentially mislabeled images

We can now use our trained classifier to identify potentially mislabeled images by looking at the model's false positives. A "mislabeled candidate" is defined as an image meeting both of the following criteria:

  • according to the ground-truth label, the model made an incorrect prediction
  • the model's prediction confidence exceeds its confidence for the ground-truth label by some minimum confidence.

At this point, we should have the following folder structure:

    queried_images.json           # generated in step (2)
    label_index.json              # generated in step (4)
    LOGDIR/                       # generated in step (6)
        outputs_{split}.csv.json  # generated in step (7)

We generate a JSON file that can be loaded into Timelapse to help us review mislabeled candidates. We again use However, instead of outputting raw classification probabilities, we output the margin of error by passing the --relative-conf flag.

python \
    $BASE_LOGDIR/$LOGDIR/outputs_test.csv.gz \
    $BASE_LOGDIR/label_index.json \
    --output-json $BASE_LOGDIR/$LOGDIR/outputs_json_test_set_relative_conf.json \
    --classifier-name "myclassifier" \
    --queried-images-json $BASE_LOGDIR/queried_images.json \
    --detector-output-cache-dir /path/to/classifier-training/mdcache --detector-version "4.1" \

If the images are not already on the Timelapse machine, and we don't want to download the entire dataset onto the Timelapse machine, we can instead choose to only download the mislabeled candidate images. We use the script to generate the lists of images to download, one file per split and dataset: $LOGDIR/mislabeled_candidates_{split}_{dataset}.txt. It is recommended to set a high margin >=0.95 in order to restrict ourselves to only the most-likely mislabeled candidates. Then, use either AzCopy or data_management/megadb/ to do the actual downloading.

Using data_management/megadb/ is the recommended and faster way of downloading images. It expects a file list with the format <dataset_name>/<blob_name>, so we have to pass the --include-dataset-in-filename flag to

    --margin 0.95 --splits test --include-dataset-in-filename

python ../data_management/megadb/ txt \
    $BASE_LOGDIR/$LOGDIR/mislabeled_candidates_{split}_{dataset}.json \
    /save/images/to/here \
    --threads 50

Until AzCopy improves its performance for its undocumented --list-of-files option, its performance is generally much slower. However, we can use it as follows:

    --margin 0.95 --splits test

azcopy cp "http://<url_of_container>?<sas_token>" "/save/files/here" \
    --list-of-files "mislabeled_candidates_{split}_{dataset}.txt"

Load the images into Timelapse with a template that includes a Flag named "mislabeled" and a Note named "correct_class". Load the JSON classifications file, and enable the image recognition controls. There are two methods for effectively identifying potential false positives. Whenever you identify a mislabeled image, check the "mislabeled" checkbox. If you know its correct class, type it into the "correct_class" text field.

  1. If you downloaded images using, then select images with "label: elk", for example. This should show all images that are labeled "elk" but predicted as a different class with a margin of error of at least 0.95. Look through the selected images, and any image that is not actually of an elk is therefore mislabeled.

  2. If you already had all the images downloaded, then select images with "elk", but set the confidence threshold to >=0.95. This will show all images that the classifier incorrectly predicted as "elk" by a margin of error of at least 0.95. Look through the selected images, and any image that is actually an elk is therefore mislabeled.

When you are done identifying mislabeled images, export the Timelapse database to a CSV file mislabeled_images.csv. We can now update our list of known mislabeled images with this CSV:

python /path/to/classifier-training /path/to/mislabeled_images.csv

Miscellaneous Scripts

  • many scripts in the training pipeline produce log files which list images that either failed during detection, failed to download, or failed to crop. This script analyzes the log files to separate out the images into 5 categories:
    • 'good': no obvious issues
    • 'nonexistant': image file does not exist in Azure Blob Storage
    • 'non_image': file is not a recognized image file (based on file extension)
    • 'truncated': file is truncated but can only be opened by Pillow by setting PIL.ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES = True
    • 'bad': file exists, but cannot be opened even when setting PIL.ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES = True
  • Given JSON file such as the queried_images.json file output from, generates one text file {dataset}_images.txt for every dataset included. The text file can then be passed to azcopy using the undocumented --list-of-files argument to be downloaded. However, until AzCopy fixes its performance issues with the --list-of-files argument, this is not a recommended method for downloading image files from Azure. Instead, consider using the data_management/megadb/ script instead.

Label Specification Syntax



# select a specific row from the master taxonomy CSV

# select all animals in a taxon from a particular dataset

# select all animals in a taxon across all datasets

# exclude certain rows or taxa

# set a limit on the number of images to sample for this class

# when sampling images, prioritize certain datasets over others
# is they Python syntax for List[List[str]], i.e., a list of lists of strings
<label>,prioritize,"[['<dataset_name1>', '<dataset_name2>'], ['<dataset_name3>']]"

A CSV label specification file can be converted to the JSON label specification syntax via the Python script


    // name of classification label
    "cervid": {

        // select animals to include based on hierarchical taxonomy,
        // optionally restricting to a subset of datasets
        "taxa": [
                "level": "family",
                "name": "cervidae",
                "datasets": ["idfg", "idfg_swwlf_2019"]
                // include all datasets if no "datasets" key given

        // select animals to include based on dataset labels
        "dataset_labels": {
            "idfg": ["deer", "elk", "prong"],
            "idfg_swwlf_2019": ["elk", "muledeer", "whitetaileddeer"]

        "max_count": 50000,  // only include up to this many images (not crops)

        // prioritize images from certain datasets over others,
        // only used if "max_count" is given
        "prioritize": [
            ["idfg_swwlf_2019"],  // give 1st priority to images from this list of datasets
            ["idfg"]  // give 2nd priority to images from this list of datasets
            // give remaining priority to images from all other datasets


    // name of another classification label
    "bird": {
        "taxa": [
                "level": "class",
                "name": "aves"
        "dataset_labels": {
            "idfg_swwlf_2019": ["bird"]

        // exclude animals using the same format
        "exclude": {
            // same format as "taxa" above
            "taxa": [
                    "level": "genus",
                    "name": "meleagris"

            // same format as "dataset_labels" above
            "dataset_labels": {
                "idfg_swwlf_2019": ["turkey"]