JARVIS is an AI based conversational dialog interface built in Python. It can be used to create Natural language conversation scenarios with zero coding effort.The simple web UI makes it very easy to create and train your conversations. Jarvis's API can be used to integrate with any channel of your choice such as Messenger,Slack etc. This is a very basic project so you can satrt building on it.It may contain lots of bugs,please free to contribute via pull requests.
Please visit my website to see my personal chatbot in action
- add your dev/production configurations in config.py
class Production(Config):
# MongoDB Database Details
DB_HOST = "mongodb://"
# Web Server details
class Development(Config):
DEBUG = True
- Then use pip to install all required python packages
pip install -r requirments.txt
- Run setup script for setting up some default intents
$ python setup.py
That's it.
will be added soon.
will be added soon
- Development
$ python run.py
- Production
$ APPLICATION_ENV="Production" gunicorn -k gevent --bind run:app
Navigate to http://localhost:8080
See python CRfSuite
- Write Unit Tests
- Improve intent classification accuracy
- Add parameter types
- Migrate UI to React JS
Free Software, Hell Yeah!