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Solutions in C++ & Python 3 for LeetCode problems. New problems will be continuously added.

To compile a C++ solution run:

gcc -Wall path/to/the.cpp -o main -lc++ -std=c++11

Note: For LinkedLists and Trees add parse_input.cpp like this:

gcc -Wall path/to/the.cpp path/to/parse_input.cpp -o main -lc++ -std=c++11

For Python 3 just do:

python3 path/to/

And follow the prompts.

Table of contents

  • Arrays
Problem Solution Time complexity Space complexity
48. Rotate Image cpp py O(N2) O(1)
53. Maximum Subarray cpp py O(N) O(1)
55. Jump Game cpp py O(N) O(1)
283. Move Zeroes cpp py O(N) O(1)
  • Linked Lists
Problem Solution Time complexity Space complexity
2. Add Two Numbers cpp py O(M + N) O(max(M, N))
19. Remove Nth Node From End of List cpp py O(N) O(1)
21. Merge Two Sorted Lists cpp py O(N + M) O(1)
206. Reverse Linked List cpp py O(N) O(1)
  • Math
Problem Solution Time complexity Space complexity
509. Fibonacci Number cpp py O(N) O(1)
1414. Find the Minimum Number of Fibonacci Numbers Whose Sum Is K cpp py O(logk) O(1)
  • Sorting
Problem Solution Time complexity Space complexity
75. Sort Colors cpp py O(N), one pass O(1)
179. Largest Number cpp py O(SNlogN)* O(SN)*

*S = logEL - average number of digits in an element of the array

  • Strings
Problem Solution Time complexity Space complexity
20. Valid Parentheses cpp py O(N) O(N)
299. Bulls and Cows cpp py O(N) O(1)
438. Find All Anagrams in a String cpp py O(P + S) O(1)
771. Jewels and Stones cpp py O(J + S) O(J)
921. Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid cpp py O(N) O(1)
  • Trees
Problem Solution Time complexity Space complexity
94. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal cpp py O(N) O(logN)
102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal cpp py O(N) O(N)
104. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree cpp py O(N) DFS: O(logN) | BFS: O(N)
111. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree cpp py O(N) DFS: O(logN) | BFS: O(N)
199. Binary Tree Right Side View cpp py O(N) O(logN)