Solutions in C++ & Python 3 for LeetCode problems. New problems will be continuously added.
To compile a C++ solution run:
gcc -Wall path/to/the.cpp -o main -lc++ -std=c++11
Note: For LinkedLists and Trees add parse_input.cpp
like this:
gcc -Wall path/to/the.cpp path/to/parse_input.cpp -o main -lc++ -std=c++11
For Python 3 just do:
python3 path/to/
And follow the prompts.
- Arrays
Problem | Solution | Time complexity | Space complexity |
48. Rotate Image | cpp py | O(N2) | O(1) |
53. Maximum Subarray | cpp py | O(N) | O(1) |
55. Jump Game | cpp py | O(N) | O(1) |
283. Move Zeroes | cpp py | O(N) | O(1) |
- Linked Lists
Problem | Solution | Time complexity | Space complexity |
2. Add Two Numbers | cpp py | O(M + N) | O(max(M, N)) |
19. Remove Nth Node From End of List | cpp py | O(N) | O(1) |
21. Merge Two Sorted Lists | cpp py | O(N + M) | O(1) |
206. Reverse Linked List | cpp py | O(N) | O(1) |
- Math
Problem | Solution | Time complexity | Space complexity |
509. Fibonacci Number | cpp py | O(N) | O(1) |
1414. Find the Minimum Number of Fibonacci Numbers Whose Sum Is K | cpp py | O(logk) | O(1) |
- Sorting
Problem | Solution | Time complexity | Space complexity |
75. Sort Colors | cpp py | O(N), one pass | O(1) |
179. Largest Number | cpp py | O(SNlogN)* | O(SN)* |
*S = logEL - average number of digits in an element of the array
- Strings
Problem | Solution | Time complexity | Space complexity |
20. Valid Parentheses | cpp py | O(N) | O(N) |
299. Bulls and Cows | cpp py | O(N) | O(1) |
438. Find All Anagrams in a String | cpp py | O(P + S) | O(1) |
771. Jewels and Stones | cpp py | O(J + S) | O(J) |
921. Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid | cpp py | O(N) | O(1) |
- Trees
Problem | Solution | Time complexity | Space complexity |
94. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal | cpp py | O(N) | O(logN) |
102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal | cpp py | O(N) | O(N) |
104. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree | cpp py | O(N) | DFS: O(logN) | BFS: O(N) |
111. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree | cpp py | O(N) | DFS: O(logN) | BFS: O(N) |
199. Binary Tree Right Side View | cpp py | O(N) | O(logN) |