Final project of Geometric Learning Course - Technion 048865
This project was implemented by PyTorch. Models are traind on ModelNet40 dataset. A parser is use for the train and eval input (insturction below). Some new lifting enhancmented are suggested as part of this project, including: use of point normals, use 3 order moments and use of points curvature. Two basic models are available:
- PointNet cls
- Momenet cls
to train the desired model. Use
to test a trained model.
Available models:
- Basic PointNet classification network [1]momenet_cls
- Basic Momenet classification network [2]momenet_with_normals
- Momenet classification network using normals as well.
Parameter Name | Description | Possible values |
model |
used model type | pointnet_cls \ momenet_cls \ momenet_with_normals |
test_name |
save name for logs | string |
log_dir |
path to log dir | string |
num_point |
Num of point in point cloud | [256/512/1024/2048] [default: 1024] |
max_epoch |
Number of epochs | int |
batch_size |
train batch size | int [default: 32] |
use_knn |
Use Knn | 0- False 1 - True |
moment_order |
Maximal moment order | 1 / 2 / 3 |
use_lifting |
Use curvature lifting | 0- False 1 - True |
python --max_epoch 100 --model "momenet_with_normals" --use_knn 1 --test_name "TstName" --use_lifting 1 --moment_order 3
You can choose one of the pretrained models saved as .pth
Parameter Name | Description | Possible values |
model |
used model type | pointnet_cls \ momenet_cls \ momenet_with_normals |
test_name |
save name for logs | string |
log_dir |
path to log dir | string |
num_point |
Num of point in point cloud | [256/512/1024/2048] [default: 1024] |
use_knn |
Use Knn | 0- False 1 - True |
moment_order |
Maximal moment order | 1 / 2 / 3 |
use_lifting |
Use curvature lifting | 0- False 1 - True |
model_path |
Path to a .pth file |
string |
python --model_path "weights/momenet_3Order.pth" --model "momenet_cls"
All saved models can be found in log
[1] Qi, Charles R and Su, Hao and Mo, Kaichun and Guibas, Leonidas, "Pointnet: Deep learning on point sets for 3d classification and segmentation".Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, p652--660,2017.
[2] Joseph-Rivlin, Mor and Zvirin, Alon and Kimmel, Ron, "Momen (e) t: Flavor the moments in learning to classify shapes",Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops,2019