.. module:: friends
.. function:: friends(server_url, *, user_id=None, screen_name=None, count=20, username='', password='', oauth={}) Returns IDs of users the auntenticated or specified user is following (otherwise known as their "friends"). :param str server_url: |server_url| :param int user_id: |user_id| :param str screen_name: |screen_name| :param int count: |user_count| :param str username: |username| :param str password: |password| :param dict oauth: |oauth| :rtype: list :return: a list of user IDs
.. function:: followers(server_url, *, user_id=None, screen_name=None, count=20, username='', password='', oauth={}) Returns IDs of users the auntenticated or specified user is followed by. :param str server_url: |server_url| :param int user_id: |user_id| :param str screen_name: |screen_name| :param int count: |user_count| :param str username: |username| :param str password: |password| :param dict oauth: |oauth| :rtype: list :return: a list of user IDs