The Advocacy and Outreach SIG aims to grow the community in an innovative way. We discuss advocacy, outreach, events, social media promotion, and attract new people to join KubeSphere community.
- Pengfei Zhou (@FeynmanZhou), Lead
- Rick (@linuxsuren), Lead
- Shaowen Chen (@shaowenchen), Member
- Honglei (@shenhonglei), Member
- webup (@webup), Member
- faweizhao26 (@faweizhao26), Member
- Attracting new individual and company contributors
- Coordinating community outreach events: meetups, Hacktoberfest, GSoC, etc.
- Community Evangelism (KubeSphere Ambassadors, etc.)
- Help porposals landing
Our SIG coordinates KubeSphere promotion in social media and other channels, including but not limited to Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn, Bilibili. If you would like to share any content about KubeSphere on these platforms, please contact us and we will try to help.
The regular meeting is TBD.