run the following commands to get basic files. about the dictionaries, most of the linux distributions seems updated versions, you may want to use those.
;; building. emacs -batch -q -l install.el -f make-sdic –with-lispdir=$(pwd) –with-dictdir=$(pwd) \ –infodir=$(pwd)
cat EIJI-126.TXT RYAKU126.TXT | nkf -w8| perl contrib/eijirou.perl –compat > eijirou126.sdic cat WAEI-126.TXT | nkf -w8| perl contrib/eijirou.perl –compat > waei-126.sdic
;;; sdic-mode 用の設定
(setq load-path (cons "/home/yagnesh/git/sdic/" load-path ))
(require 'sdic)
(autoload 'sdic-describe-word "sdic" "英単語の意味を調べる" t nil)
(autoload 'sdic-describe-word-at-point "sdic" "カーソルの位置の英単語の意味を調べる" t nil)
(global-set-key "\C-cw" 'sdic-describe-word)
(global-set-key "\C-cW" 'sdic-describe-word-at-point)
(setq sdic-eiwa-dictionary-list '((sdicf-client "/home/yagnesh/git/sdic/gene.sdic")))
(setq sdic-waei-dictionary-list '((sdicf-client "/home/yagnesh/git/sdic/edict.sdic")))
(setq sdic-default-coding-system 'utf-8-unix)
Ejirou dictionaries are huge but non-free., if have them you can use them as sdic. To make eijirou dictionaries into sdic format. follow the instructions.
sudo apt-get install nkf
- copy the files from the folder
- convert them in sdic file format using the script pdic1line2sdic.rb
EDIT better use perl script in contrib/
nkf -S -e EIJI-126.TXT RYAKU126.TXT | contrib/eijirou.perl > eiji-126.sdic
nkf -S -e WAEI-126.TXT | contrib/eijirou.perl > waeiji-126.sdic
(setq sdic-eiwa-dictionary-list
'((sdicf-client "/home/yagnesh/git/sdic/gene.sdic")
(sdicf-client "/home/yagnesh/git/sdic/eiji-126.sdic")))
(setq sdic-waei-dictionary-list
'((sdicf-client "/home/yagnesh/git/sdic/edict.sdic")
(sdicf-client "/home/yagnesh/git/sdic/waeiji-126.sdic"
(add-keys-to-headword t))))