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File metadata and controls

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Pitaya uses Viper to control its configuration. Below we describe the configuration variables split by topic. We judge the default values are good for most cases, but might need to be changed for some use cases.

Service Discovery

These configuration values configure service discovery for the default etcd service discovery module.
They only need to be set if the application runs in cluster mode.
Configuration Default value Type Description 5s time.Time Dial timeout value passed to the service discovery etcd client localhost:2379 string List of comma separated etcd endpoints   string Username to connect to etcd   string Password to connect to etcd 60s time.Time Hearbeat interval for the etcd lease 60s time.Duration Timeout for etcd lease 15 int Maximum number of attempts to etcd grant lease 5s time.Duration Interval between each grant lease attempt 5s time.Duration Timeout for etcd's revoke function false bool Whether etcd heartbeats should be logged in debug mode pitaya/ string Prefix used to avoid collisions with different pitaya applications, servers must have the same prefix to be able to see each other 120s time.Duration Interval between server syncs performed by the service discovery module 10ms time.Duration Time to wait to shutdown after deregistering from service discovery nil []string A list of server types that should be ignored by the service discovery 10 int The number of goroutines that should be used while getting server information on etcd initialization

RPC Service

The configurations only need to be set if the RPC Service is enabled with the given type.

Configuration Default value Type Description
pitaya.buffer.cluster.rpc.server.nats.messages 75 int Size of the buffer that for the nats RPC server accepts before starting to drop incoming messages
pitaya.buffer.cluster.rpc.server.nats.push 100 int Size of the buffer that the nats RPC server creates for push messages
pitaya.cluster.rpc.client.grpc.dialtimeout 5s time.Time Timeout for the gRPC client to establish the connection
pitaya.cluster.rpc.client.grpc.lazyconnection false bool Whether the gRPC client should use a lazy connection, that is, connect only when a request is made to that server
pitaya.cluster.rpc.client.grpc.requesttimeout 5s time.Time Request timeout for RPC calls with the gRPC client
pitaya.cluster.rpc.client.nats.connect nats://localhost:4222 string Nats address for the client
pitaya.cluster.rpc.client.nats.connectiontimeout 5s time.Duration Timeout for the nats client to establish the connection
pitaya.cluster.rpc.client.nats.requesttimeout 5s time.Time Request timeout for RPC calls with the nats client
pitaya.cluster.rpc.client.nats.maxreconnectionretries 15 int Maximum number of retries to reconnect to nats for the client
pitaya.cluster.rpc.server.nats.connect nats://localhost:4222 string Nats address for the server
pitaya.cluster.rpc.server.nats.connectiontimeout 5s time.Duration Timeout for the nats server to establish the connection
pitaya.cluster.rpc.server.nats.maxreconnectionretries 15 int Maximum number of retries to reconnect to nats for the server
pitaya.cluster.rpc.server.grpc.port 3434 int The port that the gRPC server listens to
pitaya.concurrency.remote.service 30 int Number of goroutines processing messages at the remote service for the nats RPC service
pitaya.worker.redis.url localhost:6379 string Redis url pitaya workers use to register jobs
pitaya.worker.redis.pool 10 string Number of connections to keep with Redis
pitaya.worker.redis.password "" string Redis password to connect to pitaya workers redis
pitaya.worker.concurrency 1 int Number of workers to execute job
pitaya.worker.namespace "" string Worker namespace, can be used to differ stacks in a blue-green deployment
pitaya.worker.retry.enabled true bool If true, retry job if errored for max times
pitaya.worker.retry.max 5 int Max number of job retries
pitaya.worker.retry.exponential 2 int Retry job after backoff of nRetry**2
pitaya.worker.retry.minDelay 0 int Min time to wait on backoff to retry job
pitaya.worker.retry.maxDelay 10 int Max time to wait on backoff to retry job
pitaya.worker.retry.maxRandom 10 int Random time to wait during backoff


Configuration Default value Type Description
pitaya.handler.messages.compression true bool Whether messages between client and server should be compressed
pitaya.heartbeat.interval 30s time.Time Keepalive heartbeat interval for the client connection
pitaya.conn.ratelimiting.interval 1s time.Duration Window of time to count requests
pitaya.conn.ratelimiting.limit 20 int Max number of requests allowed in a interval
pitaya.conn.ratelimiting.forcedisable false bool If true, ignores rate limiting even when added with WithWrappers

Metrics Reporting

Configuration Default value Type Description
pitaya.metrics.statsd.enabled false bool Whether statsd reporting should be enabled localhost:9125 string Address of the statsd server to send the metrics to
pitaya.metrics.statsd.prefix pitaya. string Prefix of the metrics reported to statsd
pitaya.metrics.statsd.rate 1 int Statsd metrics rate
pitaya.metrics.prometheus.enabled false bool Whether prometheus reporting should be enabled
pitaya.metrics.prometheus.port 9090 int Port to expose prometheus metrics
pitaya.metrics.constTags map[string]string{} map[string]string Constant tags to be added to reported metrics
pitaya.metrics.additionalTags map[string]string{} map[string]string Additional tags to reported metrics, the map is from tag to default value
pitaya.metrics.periodicMetrics.period 15s string Period that system metrics will be reported
pitaya.metrics.custom.counters []map[string]interface{} []map[string]interface Custom metrics counter
pitaya.metrics.custom.counters[].Subsystem "" string Custom counter subsystem name
pitaya.metrics.custom.counters[].Name "" string Custom counter name, must not be empty
pitaya.metrics.custom.counters[].Help "" string Custom counter help which explain what is the metric, must not be empty
pitaya.metrics.custom.counters[].Labels []string{} []string Custom counter labels the metric will carry
pitaya.metrics.custom.gauges []map[string]interface{} []map[string]interface Custom metrics gauge
pitaya.metrics.custom.gauges[].Subsystem "" string Custom gauge subsystem name
pitaya.metrics.custom.gauges[].Name "" string Custom gauge name, must not be empty
pitaya.metrics.custom.gauges[].Help "" string Custom gauge help which explain what is the metric, must not be empty
pitaya.metrics.custom.gauges[].Labels []string{} []string Custom gauge labels the metric will carry
pitaya.metrics.custom.summaries []map[string]interface{} []map[string]interface Custom metrics summary
pitaya.metrics.custom.summaries[].Subsystem "" string Custom summary subsystem name
pitaya.metrics.custom.summaries[].Name "" string Custom summary name, must not be empty
pitaya.metrics.custom.summaries[].Help "" string Custom summary help which explain what is the metric, must not be empty
pitaya.metrics.custom.summaries[].Labels []string{} []string Custom summary labels the metric will carry
pitaya.metrics.custom.summaries[].Objectives map[float64]float64 map[float64]float64{0.5: 0.05, 0.9: 0.01, 0.99: 0.001} Custom summary objectives with quantiles


Configuration Default value Type Description
pitaya.buffer.agent.messages 100 int Buffer size for received client messages for each agent
pitaya.buffer.handler.localprocess 20 int Buffer size for messages received by the handler and processed locally
pitaya.buffer.handler.remoteprocess 20 int Buffer size for messages received by the handler and forwarded to remote servers
pitaya.concurrency.handler.dispatch 25 int Number of goroutines processing messages at the handler service


These configurations are only used if the modules are created. It is recommended to use Binding Storage module with gRPC RPC service to be able to use all RPC service features.

Configuration Default value Type Description
pitaya.session.unique true bool Whether Pitaya should enforce unique sessions for the clients, enabling the unique sessions module
pitaya.modules.bindingstorage.etcd.endpoints localhost:2379 string Comma separated list of etcd endpoints to be used by the binding storage module, should be the same as the service discovery etcd
pitaya.modules.bindingstorage.etcd.prefix pitaya/ string Prefix used for etcd, should be the same as the service discovery
pitaya.modules.bindingstorage.etcd.dialtimeout 5s time.Time Timeout to establish the etcd connection
pitaya.modules.bindingstorage.etcd.leasettl 1h time.Time Duration of the etcd lease before automatic renewal

Default Pipelines

These configurations control if the default pipelines should be enabled or not

Configuration Default value Type Description
pitaya.defaultpipelines.structvalidation.enabled false bool Whether Pitaya should enable the default struct validator for handler arguments


These configurations are used for group services implementations.

Configuration Default value Type Description
pitaya.groups.etcd.endpoints localhost:2379 string Comma separated list of etcd endpoints to be used by the groups etcd service
pitaya.groups.etcd.prefix pitaya/ string Prefix used for every group key in etcd
pitaya.groups.etcd.dialtimeout 5s time.Time Timeout to establish the etcd group connection
pitaya.groups.etcd.transactiontimeout 5s time.Duration Timeout to finish group request to Etcd
pitaya.groups.memory.tickduration 30s time.Duration Duration time of tick that will check if should delete group or not