Copy the .js file to your 'www' folder
Create a package com.phonegap.plugins
Copy the .java file into this package
Update your res/xml/plugins.xml file with the following line:
<plugin name="DatePickerPlugin" value="com.phonegap.plugins.DatePickerPlugin"/>
Add the JavaScript file to your HTML page where you want to use the DatePicker:
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="datePickerPlugin.js"></script>
Add a class="nativedatepicker" to your element for which you want the native datepicker
Add the following jQuery fragment to handle the click on these input elements:
$('.nativedatepicker').focus(function(event) {
var currentField = $(this);
var myNewDate = Date.parse(currentField.val()) || new Date();
// Same handling for iPhone and Android
date : myNewDate,
mode : 'date', // date or time or blank for both
allowOldDates : true
}, function(returnDate) {
var newDate = new Date(returnDate);
// This fixes the problem you mention at the bottom of this script with it not working a second/third time around, because it is in focus.
$('.nativetimepicker').focus(function(event) {
var currentField = $(this);
var time = currentField.val();
var myNewTime = new Date();
myNewTime.setHours(time.substr(0, 2));
myNewTime.setMinutes(time.substr(3, 2));
// Same handling for iPhone and Android
date : myNewTime,
mode : 'time', // date or time or blank for both
allowOldDates : true
}, function(returnDate) {
// returnDate is generated by .toLocaleString() in Java so it will be relative to the current time zone
var newDate = new Date(returnDate);
It is recommended to prefil these input fields and make these fields read only with a standard date format, preferably with three letter month so it can always be parsed.
You may need to convert the result of date.parse() back to an object to get the picker to work a second or third time around. If so, try inserting this code after the myNewDate declaration:
myNewDate = new Date (myNewDate);