- 🔭 I’m currently working on Project microservitization
- 🌱 I’m currently learning K8s,docker and Linux
- 💬 Ask me about CSharp, docker, Micro service and Python
- 📫 How to reach me:
[email protected]
on Gmail 😏 - ⚡ Fun fact: Big Fan of the ⚡ emoji
📊 Weekly development breakdown
Python 9 hrs 23 mins ████████████████ 63.95
Markdown 2 hrs 4 mins ███ 14.12
Go 1 hr 26 mins ██ 9.86
YAML 34 mins █ 3.96
JavaScript 20 mins 2.28
title 甘特图
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
section 项目微服务
CSharp:done,a1,2020-07-07, 8h
GithubStudy:active,a2,after a1,2h