The library for web and native user interfaces.
Resumes generated using the GitHub informations
⚡ Serverless Framework – Effortlessly build apps that auto-scale, incur zero costs when idle, and require minimal maintenance using AWS Lambda and other managed cloud services.
✂️ Modern copy to clipboard. No Flash. Just 3kb gzipped 📋
🌲 Evergreen React UI Framework by Segment
Tweak React components in real time. (Deprecated: use Fast Refresh instead.)
Monkey testing library for web apps and Node.js
A toolchain for React component styling.
⚡ Web Debugging Proxy based on Chrome DevTools Network panel.
A react renderer for blessed.
Generate docx, pptx, and xlsx from templates (Word, Powerpoint and Excel documents), from Node.js or the browser. Demo: #docx #office #generator #templating #rep…
webpack-react-redux-babel-autoprefixer-hmr-postcss-css-modules-rucksack-boilerplate (unmaintained, I don't use it anymore)
📐 Sublime Text color scheme ready for next generation JavaScript syntax
Automagically generate tests from errors
StarHackIt: React/Native/Node fullstack starter kit with authentication and authorisation, data backed by SQL, the infrastructure deployed with GruCloud
(DEPRECATED) Minimal starter with hot module replacement (HMR) for rapid development.
Optimistically apply actions that can be later commited or reverted.
Advanced genetic and evolutionary algorithm library written in Javascript
[not maintained] Seed project for React apps using ES6 & webpack.
Replaces `console.warn` with less-vague name
A console app demo using React for rendering, animation, and hot reloading
Render React components in the Play Framework with JDK8's JavaScript engine
super-request is a supertest inspired HTTP assertion tester.