This is an app that allows user to recruit a well-balanced team of superheroes. The superheros also must be able to be added into a super hero group called superhero-squad hence the name Hero-Squad.
Users can add a Hero Squad.
Users can add a Hero.
Users can view squads and Heros created.
A couple of things to get you started:
- Ensure you have Java installed
A simple way to install Java is using sdkman.
Simply follow the instructions to have sdkman installed and install java:
sdk install java
Gradle is used as the build tool and can be installed with sdkman:
sdk install gradle
{follow the below instructions for set up.}
You will need Internet connection.
You need to get into the Hero-Squad Repository.
From there you can access the Hero-Squad.
Clone the project.
get into project folder (cd into project).
If you have all the Pre-requisites you can run the application.
gradle run
Java - source language.
Gradle for dependency management and running tasks.
Cascading Style Sheets.
Apache Velocity Engine.
Mobile number: (+254) 798731203
Email Address: [email protected]
github-username: zecollokaris