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File metadata and controls

308 lines (269 loc) · 7.5 KB


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A tiny middleware of RESTful API for koa.

  • Dependence on koa-ovenware(koa-router).
  • Support both JSON and XML format.
  • Support customize response fields.
  • Support global authentication.
  • Add OPTIONS route for access control(CORS) automatically
  • Write a controller and get all route pattern you want.
  • Compatible with other middlewares including view renders.


npm install surface --save

Simple Usage


var surface = require('surface');



####Controller file Default path of controllers: ./lib/controllers/

in index.js:

exports.index = function *() {
  this.body = 'hello koa';

Checkout the examples.

####Response body Request the root of the app, for example: http://localhost:3000/, will be:

#####in JSON

  "request": "/",
  "code": 200,
  "message": "OK",
  "data": "hello koa"

#####in XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <data>hello koa</data>


####Action Mapping

route           http method    function of ctrl
:resource       get            index
:resource       post           create
:resource/:id   get            get
:resource/:id   put            update
:resource/:id   del            del

All routes can be customized by setting, see Default values; and also can be changed by controller api singly, see APIs - Routes.

####Resource Resource name will be the file name of the controller, if there is no alias set for the controller, see APIs - Alias.



this.wrap // since 0.6.0

options.totally // since 0.6.0


surface(app[, options])

options see Default values ####Options.authenticate To register a global authentication function. ####Options.deny To set a function to handle the failing authentication.

authenticate and deny have to be Generator Function.

suface(app, {
   * Global authentication
   * @return {Boolean}
  authenticate: function *() {
    // do something and return true for authenticated, false for denied.
    // this === ctx
  deny: function *() {
    // this.body...
    // this === ctx
  authenticatePattern: /^\/api/i // default to the same as prefixPattern

####Controller APIs #####Alias Set alias for the controller.

exports.alias = 'name_you_want';

#####Routes Set routes for the controller.

exports.routes = {
  entry: {
    method: 'get',
    path: '/index'

#####Register route directly To register route pattern directly, see koa-router.

app.register('http method', 'name of this route', 'route url pattern', callback);

#####Skip Set true to not format by surface.

ctx.skip_surface = true;

#####Model Get model object.

 * get model object by given controller file name
 * @param   {String}   modelName   optional, undefined for the model has
 *                                 the the same name as this controller
 * @return  {Object}               model object

for exmample:

exports.get = function *() {
  this.model('abc'); // this === ctx
// or
exports.todo = function() {
  this.model(); // this === exports

#####Ctrl Get controller object.

 * get ctrl object by given controller file name
 * @param   {String}   ctrlName   optional, undefined for self
 * @return  {Object}              ctrl object

for exmample:

exports.get = function *() {
  this.ctrl(); // this === ctx
  // => return this exports
// or
exports.todo = function() {
  this.ctrl('abc'); // this === exports

#####Format Get the specifying format

  • by query parameter
  • by header Accept
  • by default setting via options.format

parmeter > Accept > options

Global configuration

####Default values

  root: './lib',        // root dir
  ctrl: 'controllers',  // controllers dir
  model: 'models'       // model dir
  format: 'json',       // format by default
  prefix: false,        // true,  only format the route match the prefixPattern;
                        // false, format all routes;
                        // String / RegExp, as the prefix of ALL routes.
                        // When `prefix` is a string / regexp and `options.prefixPattern` is not given, options.prefixPattern =  `new RegExp(prefix)` / `prefix`.
  prefixPattern: /^\/api\/v?\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}){0,2}/i,
                        // Only format the route match this pattern. Default to (not setting prefix and prefixPattern by `options`):
                        // /api/v1.1.1/**
                        // /api/0.0.1/**
                        // /api/1/**
  nosniff: true,        // X-Content-Type-Options
                        // see
  options: 'Accept,Content-Type',
                        // false, not add OPTIONS routes for crossing domain requests automatically;
                        // String, to set Access-Control-Allow-Headers;
                        // see
  origin: '*',          // false, not add Access-Control-Allow-Origin header automatically;
                        // String, as value of Access-Control-Allow-Origin for all routes;
  authenticate: false,
  fields: {
    path: 'request',    // request url
    status: 'code',     // http status code
    message: 'msg',     // http status message
    data: 'data'        // real data
  aliases: {
    'index': ''
  routes: {
    'index': {
      method: 'get',
      path: ''
    'create': {
      method: 'post',
      path: ''
    'get': {
      method: 'get',
      path: '/:id'
    'update': {
      method: 'put',
      path: '/:id'
    'del': {
      method: 'delete',
      path: '/:id'


  • API Docs
