The library for web and native user interfaces.
Short code snippets for all your development needs
Expressive middleware for node.js using ES2017 async functions
Reorderable drag-and-drop lists for modern browsers and touch devices. No jQuery or framework required.
🔥 A highly scalable, offline-first foundation with the best developer experience and a focus on performance and best practices.
A set of best practices for JavaScript projects
node.js command-line interfaces made easy
A tiny (124 bytes), secure, URL-friendly, unique string ID generator for JavaScript
Parse Server for Node.js / Express
🥚 Born to build better enterprise frameworks and apps with Node.js & Koa
A CLI dashboard for webpack dev server
A free book that talks about design patterns/techniques used while developing with React.
Create React Native apps that run on iOS, Android, and web
🏆 Swiper component for @vuejs
A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp using express, react, redux, webpack, and react-transform
🍉 Reactive & asynchronous database for powerful React and React Native apps ⚡️
Get started with React, Redux, and React-Router.
A cron-like and not-cron-like job scheduler for Node.
A HTML5 video player with a parser that saves traffic
CasperJS is no longer actively maintained. Navigation scripting and testing utility for PhantomJS and SlimerJS
An NLP library for building bots, with entity extraction, sentiment analysis, automatic language identify, and so more
A React component for swipeable views. ❄️
🚀 A React Native boilerplate app to get you up and running very, very quickly 🚀