numba_mathutils Public
recode of various blender mathutils functions
E_numbers Public
an attempt to make a comprehensive list of E numbers, for personal use only.
MIT License UpdatedJul 10, 2020 -
imgui Public
Forked from ocornut/imguiDear ImGui: Bloat-free Immediate Mode Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
C++ MIT License UpdatedJun 24, 2020 -
BlenderSciViz Public
Preliminary code for plotting data in Blender. (not blender 2.8... yet)
docs_easing_node Public
client side rendering of easing doc graphs in svg and brython
JavaScript GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMay 2, 2020 -
numpy_spatial Public
useful functions and wrappers for 2d/3d spatial work in numpy (this is not a claim of superiority..)
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 24, 2020 -
PyCkTrk Public
combining Python and ChucK audio language into a tracker. (experimental)
weblog Public
storing my thoughts and bookmarks about code related content
Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 11, 2018 -
SuperCollider3 tutorial code
small_csv_onetouch_parser Public
personal use
PDef-Tracker Public
Tracker implementation for Supercollider 3.x
2D_Booleans_polygon Public
direct lift of http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~jarek/graphics/papers/04PolygonBooleansMargalit.pdf wondering if the code works. This is the only way to test it.
python_puzzles Public
brain teasers for topology and list modifying.
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMay 25, 2017 -
sublimetext_productivity Public
a small collection of plugins I find useful
pybuzz_calisthenics Public
me exploring pybuzz.
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedAug 7, 2016 -
supa3 Public
super collider 3 snippets and projects. I am going to learn this stuff properly.
pyBLOK Public
small python scripting lib to generate BLOK patches. (unofficial)
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJun 19, 2016 -
mesh_tinyCAD_CHP Public
Chamfer plus (first extend non intersecting edges, then trigger fillet / chamfer )
io_import_mesh_afm_ascii Public
AFM importer
BlenderLSystem3D Public
as it says on the tin.
mesh_tinyCAD_PERP Public
implements the 3 vertex perpendicular edge tool