+++ title = "CoreDNS-1.2.4 Release" description = "CoreDNS-1.2.4 Release Notes." tags = ["Release", "1.2.4", "Notes"] release = "1.2.4" date = "2018-10-17T20:01:29+01:00" author = "coredns" +++
We are pleased to announce the release of CoreDNS-1.2.4!
Remember we said the 1.2.3 release was a big release and took quite a while? Well, we've fixed that glitch; as 1.2.4 is here now.
CoreDNS v1.2.3's kubernetes plugin DOES NOT WORK IN KUBERNETES and our testing that didn't catch that regression, nor the Kubernetes scale testing which doesn't really exercise the whole API.
- cache use zero of the minimal negative TTL (if no suitable TTL was found in the packet).
- kubernetes fix a grave bug that made plugin unusable in Kubernetes.
Chris O'Haver, Miek Gieben.
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