Login and Register as Patient
Login as Doctor (Only admin can register new doctors / edit them)
Search Doctors - Search doctors by area, speciality, cost and time slot (Login is not required to do this task)
Book Appointment - * Book Appointment with doctors if time-slot is empty [10 minute time slot] * Once the appointment is booked, fetch time-slot data to database and send notification to that doctor (Notification format: "Username" booked an appointment with you at "time-slot")
Payment- Ask patient the payment method once patient selects the time-slot (Card, Bkash whatever doesn't mean shit will be just a fucking window or something idk idc) IMPORTANT: 90% of the payment will be sent to Doctor, 10% to the Admin
Cancel appointment - Patient can cancel appointment after booking them (NO cashback [fuck 'em]; and notification regarding cancellation will be sent to that doctor)
Login as Doctor (Profile features)
- Notification Bar: Notifies the patient and their appointment schedule
- Payment Bar: The total amount of payment and option to cash out (Card, Bkash whatever doesn't mean shit blah blah)
- Appointment Table: Total history of appointments
Login as Patient (Profile features)
- Edit profile name
- Book/Cancel Appointment
- Rate the doctor once appointment is done (out of 5)