- Indonesia (+62)
- https://www.showwcase.com/zerofinding
- @zerofinding
The Most Complete React UI Component Library
The Google Drive/OneDrive/etc alternative using Telegram API
🍵 Drop-in semantic styling library in pure CSS. Highly customizable and perfect for simple websites and prototyping web apps!
Star-Admin-2- Free-Bootstrap-Admin-Template
A lightweight, progressive, high-IQ CSS framework.
Website cek kelulusan siswa dengan fitur cetak skl dan import excel data siswa , pengaturan waktu dibuka dan ditutup pengumuman, terdapat Countdown Timer
Admin Lte React (Ts,Vite, Redux, PWA)
Bekasidev.org Official landing page. Members can Fork and Pull Request to edit or add content to this repository.
Free Valentine Day Script. use for learn.
A homemade, education purpose PoolSuite FM clone for Android.
laravel 9 websocket realtime CRUD data without pusher
hai saya baru saja membuat Simple Login Template
Praticar HTML5 e CSS3 diariamente a partir de um repositĂłrio de desafios que foram criados aqui no Github com o nome #30diasDeCSS
This repository contains some challenges from Frontend Mentors
Contoh cara menggunakan Excalibur pada Mini SSG Zen + Petite Vue