Randomly generated constraint based tile maps. This package uses the Wave Function Collapse algorithm as described by Oskar Stålberg.\
The wave function collapse algorithm is a recursive algorithm that picks a random tile for a slot on the output image and removes impossible neighbors until only a single possibility remains. The algorithm is covered in more detail below.
This package is designed for use in games and as such it is faster than the original wfc implementation. If you need a generic algorithm, then please check out the golang fork of the original work.
You'll need a set of tiles, also referred to as modules
. These will
need to be designed to fit together. The tiles should have matching
colors along edges that should appear next to each other in the final
output. Other than that, no manual setup or description files are needed.
You should reference the example folder when making a tile set.
Any number of tiles can be used as input, but the recommendation is to start with a small set until you're comfortable with the constraint system.
You can create alternate tiles, meaning tiles with the same sets of colors along all four edges. The probability for each alternate tile is the same. If you'd like to increase/lower the probability of a particular tile, simply duplicate the image reference when calling the initialize method.
Unlike the original WFC implementation, no manual setup or description files are needed.
The wave function requires some kind of adjacency mapping in order to remove impossible tiles. By default, this package uses the color values along the edges to build constraints.
This package ships with an adjacency constraint implementation that scans three colors along each edge of each input tile. These colors are turned into a hash that represents that edge. Any other tiles that have the same hash value in the opposite direction are considered possible adjacencies automatically.
It is possible that the wave can collapse into a state that has a contradiction. For example, sky beneath the ground. If a contradiction is found, the algorithm re-tries until the maximum number of attempts is reached.
When exporting an image, if you see a red tile, you've got a contradiction. If you keep seeing these, your tileset likely has an issue.
Here are some example outputs for a 8 x 8 grid.
You'll need to load a set of tiles (images) into an array. A convenience function is provided by this package but you can use any method you'd like.
// Load the input tile images (any order and count is fine)
var input_images []image.Image
input_images, err = wfc.LoadImageFolder(tileset_folder)
if err != nil {
Next, initialize a wave function with the desired output size (in units of tiles). For example, lets say that you want your output image to be 32 x 8 tiles, you'd pass in the following.
// Setup the initialized state. The output image will be 32 x 8 tiles.
wave := wfc.New(input_images, 32, 8)
Finally, collapse the wave into a single state (if possible).
// Collapse the wave function (make up to 100 attempts, and use a random seed of 42)
err = wave.Collapse(100, 42)
if err != nil {
Optionally, you can export the collapsed wave to an image.
// Lets generate an image
output_image := wave.ExportImage()
wfc.SaveImage("wave.png", output_image)
Or, you can review the results manually to do custom rendering in your game.
for _, slot := range wave.PossibilitySpace {
if len(slot.Superposition) == 1 {
// successfully collapsed slot
if len(slot.Superposition) == 0 {
// contradiction
import "github.com/zfedoran/go-wfc/pkg/wfc"
func collapseWave(tileset_folder, output_image string) {
// This is just a `[]image.Image`, you can use whatever loader function you'd like
images, err := wfc.LoadImageFolder(tileset_folder)
if err != nil {
// The random seed to use when collapsing the wave
// (given the same seed number, the Collapse() fn would generate the same state every time)
seed := int(time.Now().UnixNano())
// Setup the initialized state
wave := wfc.New(images, 32, 8)
// Collapse the wave function (make up to 100 attempts)
err = wave.Collapse(100, seed)
if err != nil {
// don't panic here, we want to generate the image anyway
fmt.Printf("unable to generate: %v", err)
// Lets generate an image
output := wave.ExportImage()
wfc.SaveImage(output_image, output)
fmt.Printf("Image saved to: %s\n", output_image)
Complete source can be found here: example/main.go
If you'd like to customize or change this logic, you are able to pass in a custom constraint function.
wave.NewWithCustomConstraints(tiles, width, height,
func(img image.Image, d Direction) ConstraintId {
The algorithm is covered in detail here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bcZb-SsnrA&t=350s
- A set of input image tiles (or modules) are loaded into memory.
- A wave function is defined with the desired output width and height (in units of tiles).
- The wave function is initialized such that each output tile (or slot) is in a superposition of all provided input tiles.
- A random slot is selected and collapsed into a random input tile.
- Each of the neighboring slots is now evaluated to verify if there are any input tiles that can fit next to the collapsed tile. Any impossible tiles (or modules) are removed.
- If the state of any of the neighboring tiles was changed in step 5), then recurse into it's neighbors to remove impossible tiles.
- If there are no possible tiles left at any point, a contradiction has been found and we need to go back to step 3) and try again.
- Once no more changes are left to propagate, go to step 4) and recurse until all slots are collapsed to a single state.
The awesome artwork in this repository was done by @makionfire. If you need help designing a tile set, I highly recommend reaching out to her. A huge shout-out to @makionfire
for letting me use this tileset.
The artwork itself does not fall under the MIT licence.
The licence for the source code in this package is MIT. Meaning, do whatever you'd like but we'd love a shoutout. The goal is to get more folks to build games with golang.
If you like this work and want to buy me or the artist a coffee or beer, you're free to do so by sending to some SOL to 🍺💵.sol