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Building on GNU/Linux

This guide explains how to compile Starviewer 0.13 from scratch on a Debian GNU/Linux 8.2 amd64. (With 4GiB of RAM)

This guide avoids splattering files everywhere of your system, the only system wide changes will be a few 'apt-get install libsomething-dev'. We promise it :)

Installation can be made system wide, but optionally we show how to compile using a local directory in your home. On the example this directory is located on '~/uroot'.

'~/uroot' is just a prefix, if you replace it by '/' and run it as root then it will become a system wide setup.

Getting started: the quick way

  1. Use the script '' located at (starviewer/sdk/scripts/linux) to do the explained steps automatically. Remember to install Qt on the proper location (the script will tell you).

  2. To customize the default paths edit 'sdk/config/'

  3. Install dependencies if necessary (see 'system dependencies') section.

  4. Once the SDK is compiled it will build Starviewer, however you may want to set up the QtCreator IDE. Then copy the environment variables and follow the instructions of the section 'Setting up QtCreator'.

  5. Run Starviewer.

Running Starviewer

Unless you have compiled and installed the SDK system-wide, Starviewer binary will be unable to find your compiled SDK libraries.

You must run the binary with the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable set.

For the sake of convenience, on the compiled binary folder 'starviewer/bin/' create a file named with the following contents:

DIR=$(readlink -f $(dirname $BASH_SOURCE))
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/uroot/usr/local/lib:~/uroot/usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:~/uroot/usr/local/lib/Qt5.4.1/5.4/gcc_64/lib/ $DIR/starviewer "$@"

Then make this file executable

chmod u+x


System dependencies

Can be installed with your package manager.

apt-get install cmake build-essential
apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev libxt-dev
apt-get install freeglut3 freeglut3-dev
apt-get install libsqlite3-0 libsqlite3-dev
apt-get install libssl1.0.0 libssl-dev
apt-get install libwrap0 libwrap0-dev
apt-get install libpng12-0 libpng12-dev
apt-get install libtiff5 libtiff5-dev
apt-get install libxml2 libxml2-dev
apt-get install libgstreamer0.10-0 libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-0

SDK libraries

  • Qt 5.4.1
  • dcmtk-3.6.1_20120515
  • extra-cmake-modules-1.3.0
  • gdcm-2.4.4
  • InsightToolkit-4.7.1
  • threadweaver-5.3.0
  • VTK-6.1.0

Download sources and save them in '~/uroot/downloads'.

Direct download links

With SHA256 sums.








Building the SDK

Libraries directory

  1. Run the Qt setup and set the installation path to '~/uroot/usr/local/lib/Qt5.4.1/'.

  2. Extract the downloaded library sources on (discarding Qt): '~/uroot/usr/local/src/'

  3. Move 'extra-cmake-modules-1.3.0' folder inside 'threadweaver-5.3.0 directory'.


Edit the 'starviewer/sdk/scripts/linux/config/'

  • DOWNLOAD_PREFIX=~/uroot/downloads

    Where downloads the libraries

  • SDK_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/uroot/usr/local

    Where to install the SDK libraries once compiled


    Only used to tell the user where to install Qt on

  • QTDIR=$SDK_INSTALL_PREFIX/lib/Qt5.4.1/5.4/gcc_64

    If you use a local Qt installaton, the path where it is installed


    Starviewer source code location


    Location of SDK sources to build

  • PATCHES_ROOT=$SCRIPTS_ROOT/../../patches

    Location of the pathes to apply on SDK libraries


    Because SDK libraries binares are not on a standard location. This environment variable has to be set when starting starviewer binary or when you compile it. (if not the linker will fail).


    Use it to configure a compiler prefix, the typical use case is using this with distcc in order to speed-up compilation time.


    Configuration to enable c++11 support on cmake.


    Use it if you want to compile the SDK with a different compiler like clang.


    If you need a more verbose output with the compiler calls uncomment it.


    How many compile jobs can be run simultaneously, this ought to be the number of cpu's your computer has.

Building the SDK

Run the following script: 'starviewer/sdk/scripts/linux/'

Saving the environment variables

If the above script ends up successfully, the environment variables used will be outputted.

It is strongly recommended to copy them on a .txt file for future use.


SDK_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/user/uroot/usr/local LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/user/uroot/usr/local/lib:/home/user/uroot/usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/home/user/uroot/usr/local/lib/Qt5.4.1/5.4/gcc_64/lib/ QTDIR=/home/user/uroot/usr/local/lib/Qt5.4.1/5.4/gcc_64 DCMTKLIBDIR=/home/user/uroot/usr/local/lib DCMTKINCLUDEDIR=/home/user/uroot/usr/local/include/dcmtk VTKLIBDIR=/home/user/uroot/usr/local/lib VTKINCLUDEDIR=/home/user/uroot/usr/local/include/vtk-6.1 GDCMLIBDIR=/home/user/uroot/usr/local/lib GDCMINCLUDEDIR=/home/user/uroot/usr/local/include/gdcm-2.4 ITKLIBDIR=/home/user/uroot/usr/local/lib ITKINCLUDEDIR=/home/user/uroot/usr/local/include/ITK-4.7 THREADWEAVERLIBDIR=/home/user/uroot/usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu THREADWEAVERINCLUDEDIR=/home/user/uroot/usr/local/include/KF5

Building Starviewer

In this contained installation we use several environment variables to configure the paths of the libraries and include files. During the build of the SDK the build script outputted a list of environment variables, which are read by the Starviewer .pro files.

If you paste the variables into the console, then you can just run QMake on Starviewer source directory and compilation will begin.

Most important variables are:


    Has to be set during linking and when running Starviewer binary, because library binares are not in a system path, we must tell where are they.


    Path to the custom Qt installation prefix.


    Used on defaultdirectories.pri and is used to tell where are the library binaries and include files.

The project main file is located in 'starviewer/'

If you want to customize where the SDK libraries are placed or use the system ones edit 'starviewer/starviewer/src/defaultdirectories.pri'

Step by step build

  1. Export this environment variables. You should have copied them on your clipboard.

    export SDK_INSTALL_PREFIX='replace with value outputted by sdk build script'
    export LD_LIBRARY_PAYH='replace with value outputted by sdk build script'
    export QTDIR='replace with value outputted by sdk build script'
  2. Run QMake on Starviewer directory (do not use the absolute path $QTDIR if you want to use the Qt libraries installed on your system).

    $QTDIR/bin/qmake -r -spec linux-g++

    In case you want to use a different compiler, then run:

    $QTDIR/bin/qmake -r -spec linux-clang 'QMAKE_CXX=clang++' 'QMAKE_CC=clang'

    In case you want to use a different complier with distcc, then run:

    $QTDIR/bin/qmake -r -spec linux-clang 'QMAKE_CXX=distcc clang++' 'QMAKE_CC=distcc clang'

  3. Compile

    make -j4
  4. Make a launch script on 'starviewer/starviewer/bin/' with:

    DIR=$(readlink -f $(dirname $BASH_SOURCE))

    Replace [PUT YOUR LD PATH HERE] with the real LD path, outputted by the build script, you should have it in your clipboard.

  5. Run

  6. Enjoy :D

Setting up QtCreator

  1. Open the starviewer project (

  2. Tools > Options > Build & run > Qt Versions

    Check that the local Qt installation is autodetected, if not add it manually.

  3. Tools > Options > Build & run > Kits

    Add the kit for the installed Qt version if it's not autodetected.

  4. Switch to 'Projects' section (Ctrl+5).

  5. Add kit > Desktop Qt 5.4.1 GCC 64bit

  6. Disable 'shadow build'

  7. Build Steps > Make > Make arguments

    Add -j4 to increase the compilation speed.

  8. Build environment > Batch edit...

    Paste the variables you were told to copy after building the SDK.

    You must at least have SDK_INSTALL_PREFIX and LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Optionally you can skip the others, as they are not currently used.

  9. Build the project (Ctrl+B)

  10. Run Starviewer (Ctrl+R)


SDK compilation failure

  • If an SDK library fails to compile, re-run the or script again without deleting or cleaning the SDK building directories.

  • Check that you have the system libraries installed (apt-get install...)

  • Check that you do not have paths with spaces.

Starviewer compilation failure

  • I get errors with missing translations. Run this on your project directory.

    find  -name '*.pro' -exec lrelease {} \;