The usage of mysql_cli in the tutorial is similar to that of the official client. It is an asynchronous MySQL client with an interactive command line interface.
To start the program, run the command: ./mysql_cli <URL>
After startup, you can directly enter MySQL command in the terminal to interact with db, or enter quit
or Ctrl-C
to exit.
fill in the username and the password for the MySQL database;
the default port number is 3306;
dbname is the name of the database to be used. It is recommended to provide a dbname if SQL statements only operates on one database;
If you have upstream selection requirements for MySQL, please see upstream documents.
character_set indicates a character set used for the client, with the same meaning of --default-character-set in official client. The default value is utf8. For details, please see official MySQL documents character-set.html.
character_set_results indicates a character set for client, connection and results. If you wants to use
in SQL statements, please set it here.
Sample MySQL URL:
mysql://root:[email protected]
You can use WFTaskFactory to create a MySQL task. The usage of creating interface and callback functions are similar to other tasks in workflow:
using mysql_callback_t = std::function<void (WFMySQLTask *)>;
WFMySQLTask *create_mysql_task(const std::string& url, int retry_max, mysql_callback_t callback);
void set_query(const std::string& query);
You can call set_query() on the request to write SQL statements after creating a WFMySQLTask.
If set_query() had NOT been called before the task started, the user might get WFT_ERR_MYSQL_QUERY_NOT_SET in callback.
Other functions, including callback, series and user_data are used in a way similar to other tasks in workflow.
The following codes show some general usage:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
WFMySQLTask *task = WFTaskFactory::create_mysql_task(url, RETRY_MAX, mysql_callback);
task->get_req()->set_query("SHOW TABLES;");
Currently the supported command is COM_QUERY, which can cover the basic requirements for adding, deleting, modifying and querying data, creating and deleting databases, creating and deleting tables, prepare, using stored procedures and using transactions.
Because the program doesn't support the selection of databases (USE command) in our interactive commands, if there are cross-database operations in SQL statements, you can specify the database and table with db_name.table_name.
Multiple commands can be joined together and then passed to WFMySQLTask with set_query()
. Generally speaking, multiple statements can get all the results back at one time. However, as the packet return method in the MySQL protocol is not compatible with question and answer communication under some provisions, please read the following cautions before you add the SQL statements in set_query()
Any other command can be spliced together and then passed to WFMySQLTask with set_query()
For example:
req->set_query("SELECT * FROM table1; CALL procedure1(); INSERT INTO table3 (id) VALUES (1);");
Similar to other tasks in workflow, you can use task->get_resp() to get MySQLResponse, and you can use MySQLResultCursor to traverse the result set, the infomation of each column of the result set (MySQLField), each row and each MySQLCell. For details on the interfaces, please see MySQLResult.h.
One request will get one response, which is a 3-dimensional structure.
- one response consists of one or more result sets;
- one result set consists of one ore more rows;
- one row consists of one or more fields, or data cells;
To get all the data, the specific steps should be:
checking the task state (state at communication): you can check whether the task is successfully executed by checking whether task->get_state() is equal to WFT_STATE_SUCCESS;
determining the type of the reply packet (state at parsing the return packet): call resp->get_packet_type() to check the type of the last SQL query return packet. The common types include:
- MYSQL_PACKET_OK: non-result-set requests: parsed successfully;
- MYSQL_PACKET_EOF: result-set requests: parsed successfully;
- MYSQL_PACKET_ERROR: requests: failed;
- checking the result set state (state at reading the result sets): you can use MySQLResultCursor to read the content in the result set. Because the data returned by a MySQL server contains multiple result sets, the cursor will automatically point to the reading position of the first result set at first. cursor->get_cursor_status() returns the following states:
- MYSQL_STATUS_GET_RESULT: the data are available to read;
- MYSQL_STATUS_END: the last record of the current result set has been read;
- MYSQL_STATUS_EOF: all result-sets are fetched;
- MYSQL_STATUS_OK: the reply packet is a non-result-set packet, so you do not need to read data through the result set interface;
- MYSQL_STATUS_ERROR: parsing error;
- reading each field of the columns:
int get_field_count() const;
const MySQLField *fetch_field();
const MySQLField *const *fetch_fields() const;
- reading each line: you can use cursor->fetch_row() to read by row until the return value is false, in which the offset within the cursor that points to the row in the current result set will be moved:
int get_rows_count() const;
bool fetch_row(std::vector<MySQLCell>& row_arr);
bool fetch_row(std::map<std::string, MySQLCell>& row_map);
bool fetch_row(std::unordered_map<std::string, MySQLCell>& row_map);
bool fetch_row_nocopy(const void **data, size_t *len, int *data_type);
- taking out all the rows in the current result set directly: you can use cursor->fetch_all() to read all rows, and the cursor that is used to record the rows internally will be moved directly to the end; The cursor state changes to MYSQL_STATUS_END:
bool fetch_all(std::vector<std::vector<MySQLCell>>& rows);
returning to the head of the current result set: if it is necessary to read this result set again, you can use cursor->rewind() to return to the head of the current result set, and then read it via the operations in Step 5 or Step 6;
getting the next result set: because the data packet returned by MySQL server may contains multiple result sets (for example, each select statement gets a result set; or the multiple result sets returned by calling a procedure). Therefore, you can use cursor->next_result_set() to jump to the next result set. If the return value is false, it means that all result sets have been taken.
returning to the first result set: use cursor->first_result_set() to return to the heads of all result sets, and then you can repeat the operations from Step 3.
getting the data of each column (MySQLCell): the row read in Step 5 is composed of multiple columns, and the result of each column is one MySQLCell. It mainly uses the following interfaces:
int get_data_type();
returns MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, and etc. For the details, please see mysql_types.h.bool is_TYPE() const;
. The TYPE is int, string or ulonglong. It is used to check the data type.TYPE as_TYPE() const;
Same as the above. It reads the data from MySQLCell in a certain type.void get_cell_nocopy(const void **data, size_t *len, int *data_type) const;
nocopy interface.
The whole example is shown below:
void task_callback(WFMySQLTask *task)
// step-1. Check the status of the task
if (task->get_state() != WFT_STATE_SUCCESS)
fprintf(stderr, "task error = %d\n", task->get_error());
MySQLResultCursor cursor(task->get_resp());
bool test_first_result_set_flag = false;
bool test_rewind_flag = false;
// step-3. Check the status of the result set
if (cursor.get_cursor_status() == MYSQL_STATUS_GET_RESULT)
do {
fprintf(stderr, "cursor_status=%d field_count=%u rows_count=%u ",
cursor.get_cursor_status(), cursor.get_field_count(), cursor.get_rows_count());
// step-4. Read each fields. This is a nocopy api
const MySQLField *const *fields = cursor.fetch_fields();
for (int i = 0; i < cursor.get_field_count(); i++)
fprintf(stderr, "db=%s table=%s name[%s] type[%s]\n",
fields[i]->get_db().c_str(), fields[i]->get_table().c_str(),
fields[i]->get_name().c_str(), datatype2str(fields[i]->get_data_type()));
// step-6. Read all the rows. You may use while (cursor.fetch_row(map/vector)) to get each rows accoding to step-5.
std::vector<std::vector<MySQLCell>> rows;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < rows.size(); j++)
// step-10. Read each cell
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rows[j].size(); i++)
fprintf(stderr, "[%s][%s]", fields[i]->get_name().c_str(),
// step-10. Check the type wih is_string()and transform the type with as_string()
if (rows[j][i].is_string())
std::string res = rows[j][i].as_string();
fprintf(stderr, "[%s]\n", res.c_str());
} else if (rows[j][i].is_int()) {
fprintf(stderr, "[%d]\n", rows[j][i].as_int());
} // else if ...
// step-8. Get the next result set
} while (cursor.next_result_set());
if (test_first_result_set_flag == false)
test_first_result_set_flag = true;
// step-9. Go back to the first result set
goto begin;
if (test_rewind_flag == false)
test_rewind_flag = true;
// step-7. Go back to the first of the current result set
goto begin;
// step-2. Check other status of reply packet
else if (resp->get_packet_type() == MYSQL_PACKET_OK)
fprintf(stderr, "OK. %llu rows affected. %d warnings. insert_id=%llu.\n",
fprintf(stderr, "Abnormal packet_type=%d\n", resp->get_packet_type());
Since it is a highly concurrent asynchronous client, this means that the client may have more than one connection to the server. As both MySQL transactions and preparation are stateful, in order to ensure that one transaction or preparation ocupies one connection exclusively, you can use our encapsulated secondary factory WFMySQLConnection to create a task. Each WFMySQLConnection guarantees that one connection is occupied exclusively. For the details, please see WFMySQLConnection.h.
When creating a WFMySQLConnection, you need to pass in globally unique id, and the subsequent calls on this WFMySQLConnection will use this id to find the corresponding unique connection.
When initializing a WFMySQLConnection, you need to pass a URL, and then you do not need to set the URL for the task created on this connection.
class WFMySQLConnection
WFMySQLConnection(int id);
int init(const std::string& url);
With create_query_task(), you can create a task by writing an SQL request and a callback function. The task is garuanteed to be sent on this connection.
Sometimes you need to close this connection manually. Because when you stop using it, this connection will be kept until MySQL server time out. During this period, if you use the same id and url to create a WFMySQLConnection, you may reuse the connection.
Therefore, we suggest that if you do not want to reuse the connection, you should use create_disconnect_task() to create a task and manually close the connection.
class WFMySQLConnection
WFMySQLTask *create_query_task(const std::string& query,
mysql_callback_t callback);
WFMySQLTask *create_disconnect_task(mysql_callback_t callback);
WFMySQLConnection is equivalent to a secondary factory. In the framework, we arrange that the life cycle of any factory object does not need to be maintained until the task ends. The following code is completely legal:
WFMySQLConnection *conn = new WFMySQLConnection(1234);
auto *task = conn->create_query_task("SELECT * from table", my_callback);
delete conn;
If you have started BEGIN
but have not COMMIT
during the transaction and the connection has been interrupted during the transaction, the connection will be automatically reconnected internally by the framework, and you will get ECONNRESET error in the next task request. In this case, the transaction statements those have not been COMMIT
would be expired and you may need to send them again.
You can also use the WFMySQLConnection for PREPARE. And you can easily use it to defend against SQL injection. If the connection is reconnected, you also get an ECONNRESET error.
WFMySQLConnection conn(1);
conn.init("mysql://[email protected]/test");
// test transaction
const char *query = "BEGIN;";
WFMySQLTask *t1 = conn.create_query_task(query, task_callback);
query = "SELECT * FROM check_tiny FOR UPDATE;";
WFMySQLTask *t2 = conn.create_query_task(query, task_callback);
query = "INSERT INTO check_tiny VALUES (8);";
WFMySQLTask *t3 = conn.create_query_task(query, task_callback);
query = "COMMIT;";
WFMySQLTask *t4 = conn.create_query_task(query, task_callback);
WFMySQLTask *t5 = conn.create_disconnect_task(task_callback);
((*t1) > t2 > t3 > t4 > t5).start();